DDAL DMG Guidance new as Nov 12

No. Everyone said you didn't need to get rid of your old 5e collection because they would work with the new books with some minor adjustments. Anyone with half a brain knew you weren't going to be able to run a 2014 wild shape on a 2024 druid, that feats, backgrounds and subclasses would need some conversion and that the new PHB would overwrite the old one. People whose agenda was to de-legitimize it to being an incompatible 6e kept trying to find the smallest corner cases to prove that it's a new game, WotC are liars and 5e is dead.

The reasonable stance still remains: if an option has not been revised in the new books, the old book version is usable with a little work. You can still use shadow sorcery or play a tabaxi or take the gunner feat. You can still run Curse of Strahd or Wild Beyond the Witchlight and you can still play in Strixhaven or Eberron.

But please, continue to remind everyone that since warlocks get their abilities at 3rd level instead of first, we're clearly playing 6e and must burn all our 5e books to prove it.
That wasn't what I said, and that wasn't what others said to me, repeatedly, mockingly, and insultingly.. Just as you have been mocking and insulting here, too. It seems quite a few things "never change."

Better be careful with that "half a brain" comment. There are several posters you've just directly insulted, based on their past posts here on ENWorld.

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That wasn't what I said, and that wasn't what others said to me, repeatedly, mockingly, and insultingly.. Just as you have been mocking and insulting here, too. It seems quite a few things "never change."

Better be careful with that "half a brain" comment. There are several posters you've just directly insulted, based on their past posts here on ENWorld.
I've been hearing this song and dance since the One D&D announcement. Every playtest packet, every promo article and video, all of them descended into legal arguments about what the definition of "is" is. Two years, and I'm tired of it. You know well what they meant by backwards compatible, to argue otherwise is to play dumb at this point. And every time they discuss how the rules are moving from the 14 version to the 24, all people who already said they aren't buying it come out of the woodwork and say "I tHoUgHt It WaSn'T a NeW eDiTiOn!"

It's tired, it's old, and I'm done with it.

I've been hearing this song and dance since the One D&D announcement. Every playtest packet, every promo article and video, all of them descended into legal arguments about what the definition of "is" is. Two years, and I'm tired of it. You know well what they meant by backwards compatible, to argue otherwise is to play dumb at this point. And every time they discuss how the rules are moving from the 14 version to the 24, all people who already said they aren't buying it come out of the woodwork and say "I tHoUgHt It WaSn'T a NeW eDiTiOn!"

It's tired, it's old, and I'm done with it.
And every time something came out, you had the exact opposite, where folks would defend to the death that it wasn't any different at all and anyone who ever said even a single peep about it was clearly just a disingenuous jerk with an agenda.

I have always said--from the very beginning--that "2024 D&D" was going to be the most comparable to 3.5e: a revision, an update, something that broke in some places and preserved continuity in others. Something that would allow folks to use their adventures, but probably not their characters without modification. That it would require a conversion document for player-facing content, and that "2014 D&D" player-facing content would be deprecated and replaced.

I have never, ever said anything other than this, except in the very earliest stages where we didn't really know what it meant, and I said as much.

There's a very good reason the only name I refer to it by without quotation marks is 5.5e.

Mod note:
@Remathilis and @EzekielRaiden

The two of you seem to need a break. Do you want to take it yourselves, or would it be easier for you if it is imposed upon you?

Seeing as cutting this squabbling, and thereby sending a message to other squabblers will probably make our lives easier, I'm totally on board. Say, a week away from the site? Would that help you?

If not, please stop.

No, I have not. I don't see how that's relevant to what I said. I was told, repeatedly, on this forum, that "2024 D&D" was going to be pure mix & match, no difficulties, no wrinkles, with nothing more than a "where do you get your stats from?" difference between the two. That it was somehow offensive to suggest that "One D&D" could even be considered a revision.

People don't say this anymore.
What people said this?

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