DDAL DMG Guidance new as Nov 12

From an AL player point of view, have your Bastion map ready (apparently a requirement) and your Bastion Facility Order/Orders selected in advance.

The Best Bastion options (value wise) are the ones that require basically zero DM adjudication. “I’m going to Trade/Craft/Empower/Harvest” all just require the DM to nod, literally.

Avoid “Maintain” at all costs as that is where the DM has to roll dice and bad stuff happens.

From the DM side, if you (the Player) don’t have your map or know how Bastions work, I’m going to direct you to review the rules and then get back to me next session, having already done my duty to show you the available information. (Since from the Players side Bastions are optional)

If everyone goes in eyes wide open, things are efficient. (I’m writing up a cheat sheet I can just point to for our local players) and players have some interesting options for their downtime.
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Which will also increase the AL dm burnout. When I ran AL at conventions I was already pushing the limits, and I was a super dedicated uber AL dm.
NGL, from my perspective all Organized Play seems practically designed to burn out DMs, from a "a system is what it does" analysis.

Also it looks like there will be a channel on discord for AL players to take bastion turns or get help with doing them.

I think this will fail in the long term. Session time is precious already and folks will be prone to skip it at session time then eventually skip it altogether.
This was my take as well. The few times I’ve tried AL we used pretty much all the time for the adventure, and it seems that doing 5 players worth of bastion turns would take a chunk of change

Just got a question about this. A player noted on an AL post in our local D&D group that they thought Greyhawk was opened for AL. I guessed they were thinking of the DMSGuild opening up Greyhawk.

I noted the distinction in a follow up comment.
The guidance says "not currently" and that more info is coming later...

I noticed the last update to AL rules for players and DMs was back in March. There was some snippets about the new books and such, but no new player guide 15.

I have no interest in resuming my AL tables under these rules. There is the bastions already noted, the shredder for everything including the nailed down stuff present in the most recent set of l rules I cared to download, & the cherry on top being Ddb's recent tweet blaming PC death on em accident without mentioning player choices.

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1, 4, and 6 are all the same reason (As a DM you don't like Bastions). 2, 3, and 5 are all the same reason (they're a time suck). You're basically saying "I don't like them as a DM, and it's a time suck."

Which OK, I get that. But why would you encourage others to boycott it?
Because occasionally boycotts work?

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