Adv: The God Forge (judge renau1g)


First Post
Ts'iri looks around and sees most of the wolves are dead. Seeing one pretty far off she hops into the air and her third eye pops open and glares at the wolf, causing it to glow a silvery color. As she lands, she holds out her dagger and a dark bolt flies out but she catches the outcropping with it.

Move Action: Telekinetic Leap to K12
Minor Action: Curse wolf
Standard Action: Eldritch Blast on last Wolf

1d20+8=14, 1d10+5=15, 1d6=2

Total miss, gained concealment from Shadow Walk.

Forgot +1 for higher ground but it didn't matter. I should be happy though. That 6 on the d20 is the highest d20 I've rolled in days. :hmm:




Round 3

19 - Mri'Thas - @I8 - 26/38 +7 thp - Acted
19 - Soldier - @J6 - 57/57 - +5 to AC TE(Montroya's)NT - Acted
22 - Jams - @J9 - +5 to AC TE(Montroya's)NT - Acted
19 - Enemies - AC 19, R 17, W 16 - Acted
Dire Wolf 5 - @F9/G10 - 33/67 hp - Bloodied
16 - Kama'zer - @H8 - 39/51 -
13 - Montroya - @I12 - 36/36 - Acted
12 - Jarel-Karn - @L12 - 50/50 - Acted
8 - Callen - @K9 - 45/45 - Acted
8 - Ts'iri - @F7 - 40/51 + 9 thp -Acted

Round 4

19 - Mri'Thas - Acted
19 - Soldier - Acted

[sblock=Reading the Map]Brown circles are tree trunks. These Block LoS/LoE and can be used as cover.

The green line separates elevation. Attacking from a higher elevation grants you a +1 to the attack roll.

Grey is an outcropping of rocks. All grey squares count as difficult terrain. You cannot move from a grass square to a rock square over an elevation line, without making an athletics check. You cannot move from a rocks square to a grass square over an elevation line without making an acrobatics check. You cannot make melee attacks without reach, between a grass square and a rock square, that is separated by the elevation line.

Squares containing carcasses of dire wolves count as difficult terrain.[/sblock]


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First Post
Kama'zer suddenly grabs hold of the great wolf by the jowls and pushes him back. She then takes a step back and urges her allies to finish the job.

Jams takes a shot at the wolf but his aim seems way off. This give the wolf the opportunity to quickly turn and it clears 100 feet with great speed.

[sblock=ooc]Autpong Kama'zer. Opening shove. 17 vs Refelx. Push the wolf back. Then shift to G7.

Jarel-karn can shift 3 squares.

Jams got a 1

The wolf double runs for 20 squares. Encounter complete.[/sblock]


Out of Initiative Initiative!

Final Stats

19 - Mri'Thas - @I8 - 26/38 +7 thp -
19 - Soldier - @J6 - 57/57 -
22 - Jams - @J9 -
19 - Enemies - AC 19, R 17, W 16 - Acted
Dire Wolf 5 - @?? - 33/67 hp - Bloodied
16 - Kama'zer - @G7 - 39/51 -
13 - Montroya - @I12 - 36/36 -
12 - Jarel-Karn - @L12 - 50/50 -
8 - Callen - @K9 - 45/45 -
8 - Ts'iri - @F7 - 40/51 + 9 thp -


First Post
The deva shakes his head, and rubs his temple. Grabbing some of the black and white fur at his feet, he picks it up quizzically, and mutters, "That isn't wolf fur..."


First Post
"They looked like wolf to me... pretty large wolf, but still wolf. Wplf that size, are they usually found in this region?" asks Jarel-karn to the others.

Voda Vosa

First Post
Mri'Thas looks at the fallen creatures. "They are surely strange...But I might share some light about them" States Mri'Thas before going on a detailed description of these creatures.

Nature: 30


First Post
[sblock=Nature 15] Wolves are quite common to this region, and dire wolves are not too uncommon either. They do generally range in small packs.[/sblock]

[sblock=Nature 22]The pelts of the wolf seem fine if a bit large. The tactics employed are relatively in line with packs of dire wolves, though they definantly seemed intelligent.[/sblock]

[sblock=30]The ability to shift size do not match up with any natural strain of wolf, though you have heard of certain extraordinary breeds that have been arcanely altered which may be the case here.[/sblock]

Voda Vosa

First Post
Mri'Thas reveals all the information he has:

Wolves are quite common to this region, and dire wolves are not too uncommon either. They do generally range in small packs.
The pelts of the wolf seem fine if a bit large. The tactics employed are relatively in line with packs of dire wolves, though they definantly seemed intelligent.
The ability to shift size do not match up with any natural strain of wolf, though you have heard of certain extraordinary breeds that have been arcanely altered which may be the case here.


First Post
"Shall we skin these bodies of their pelts and then burn them or shall we just burn them?" the warforged asks

OOC: Soldier spends 0 surges as he didn't take any damage in that last combat.

Voda Vosa

First Post
"Why do you wish to do that? They are already dead. Skin them if you wish, perhaps we could get some profit out of them, although I'm not carrying any." Mri'thas says coldly.

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