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[Adventure] A Call for Lovers (DM: jbear Judge:Lord Sessadore)

Nemesis Destiny

"I assure you, this is no dream, Juliana. This is real," the vistani says, and pinches Juliana lightly, but firmly - just a nip - before continuing, "but things are very strange here..."

Sabynha glanced around at this point, eyeing the little creatures, as if to lend emphasis to her statement. In reality, she was trying to avoid looking at the thing she felt was truly strange: Juliana's odd appearance. The young bard was not quite sure why this woman's appearance was so out of sorts, or what this all meant. This whole place was just confusing and disorienting, to the point where she wasn't even sure that it *wasn't* a dream, but one they were all trapped in.

OOC: Does the name Caerwyn mean anything to my character? Is there some reason why Juliana would appear partially to be, and think she is, someone else?
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Juliana starts at the pinch and glares at Sabynha. "Ow! Well if its not a dream what is it? And where am I?"

The wee fellows all swarm around Sabynha and begin pinching her as well with giggling glee.

"Tell us a joke or we'll pinch your skin and pull your cloak!"

OOC: You have never heard of Caerwyn before. The only image you have seen of Juliana is in Orlando's locket. She had green eyes and brown hair.

The wee gnome-creatures pinching and pulling you might know more ;)

Nemesis Destiny

"I belief zis is the faerie realm," Sabynha managed to say as she swatted playfully at little gnome hands.

"If you want a joke, then a joke it will be,
but then, my friends, you must do as you say,
it's answers we want, so answers it shall be,
speak true little ones, or this game I will not play."

Sabynha spoke as best she could in rhyme, stalling the little fellows, while she tried to think of a joke that they would find funny.[sblock=Sabynha's thoughts]Sabynha thinks that, especially after the last little display, that the little ones have a childish and crass sense of humour, and she will try to come up with a joke to match (and so will I). Her audience reading; Insight 1d20+10=20. Not bad. Now, to find a joke...[/sblock]

"I belief zis is the faerie realm," Sabynha managed to say as she swatted playfully at little gnome hands.

"If you want a joke, then a joke it will be,
but then, my friends, you must do as you say,
it's answers we want, so answers it shall be,
speak true little ones, or this game I will not play."

Sabynha spoke as best she could in rhyme, stalling the little fellows, while she tried to think of a joke that they would find funny.[sblock=Sabynha's thoughts]Sabynha thinks that, especially after the last little display, that the little ones have a childish and crass sense of humour, and she will try to come up with a joke to match (and so will I). Her audience reading; Insight 1d20+10=20. Not bad. Now, to find a joke...[/sblock]
Gray also caught on to the crass nature of the little gnomes sense of humor, and decided to try his own hand at telling a joke. He may not have the experience of entertaining others like Sabynha, but he had a certain stage presence anyway.

"A joke you want, yes? Okay. I heard this one from my master once..." he starts, clearing his throat and stepping forward.

"Here's a clean joke: A boy took a bath. Here's a dirty joke: A boy took a bath with bubbles..." he pauses for just a moment to see if he got a reaction from the gnomes of hey... that's not dirty... "Here's the dirty part... Bubbles is the girl next door..."

He stopped there, trying to gauge if he got a positive reaction from the little bearded ones.


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Indeed Sabynha believes that the crasser the joke the better considering how entertained they were by the expulsion of gas.

They immediately stop pinching her when she begins to rhyme with an "Ooooohhhhh" of excitement. The all sit suddenly and neatly on their bottoms paying her absolute attention. Which is when Gray surprisingly steps up to the plate.

They titter at his first joke, and they do indeed exclaim in a chorus of disappointment that bath with bubbles is not a dirty joke...

GM: Make a bluff check to see how hard they laugh: Sabynha has given you a +2 bonus for the insight check and a +2 bonus for the wee rhyme that got their attention. The two part joke earns you another +2 for a total of +6 to your Bluff roll. Good luck!

Edit: Just seen your Bluff modifier (+11); no roll necessary!!

When the punch lines hits Gray's audience burst in fits of hysterics. There is much guffawing, knee and back slapping and whispering under breaths behind chubby hands. When they control themselves at last Fiddlesticks clears his throat once more and says:

"Reflections you ask? An answer for your troubles for the dirty jest about Bubbles. Caerwyn's mind is part of Juliana's, and Porpherio's mind is part of Orlando's. Soryth pulled that trick, but how she did it, nobody knows."
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Gray smiles at the reception to his joke and thinks huh... I didn't think it was all that funny when Master told it to me... but everyone is different I guess...

Hearing that this Soryth person somehow altered or combined multiple people into what was once Julianna's and Orlando's forms, it made sense, now, why Julianna had two different colored eyes. Gray's head tilts to the side, and he wore a curious expression, while looking at Wat and Rain.

"Could some kind of magic have cause this? Or worse...some kind of curse?"

Nemesis Destiny

"I might be even more confused than before," Sabynha was elated at progress, but still wanted more information, and so continued with the rhyming, "I will tell you some jokes, if you tell me more."


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The wee fellow who seems to have designated himself as Master Rhymer and spokesperson for his folk, leaps upon Fiddlesticks' head and strikes another regal and important looking pose.

"Another question you ask? Knickknack, put the pretty lady to task!"

Another short bearded fellow scampers forth with a toothy grin. "Not a joke my lady, not a chance! To know of Soryth you must dance!"

With that he breaks into a wild jig with much thigh slapping, clapping and stamping of feet with the odd acrobatic flip thrown in all in a perfect rhythm. Landing on his knees with open arms he is met with wild cheering and applause from the other midgets. He bows and awaits looking from Sabynha to Rain, unsure which will take up the challenge.

Voidrunner's Codex

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