Adventure:A Jaz of all Trades (DM:Luinnar Judge: H.M.Gimlord).


First Post
GM: All allies gain +3 to hit for one turn from Dorn. Only works once

I'll say anything underwater is heavily obscured. No sharks.. yet at least.

vampire vs werewolf, the battle of eternity! Count TenSixEx says. if you expect me to have a lawful good pony form, you are sadly mistaken.


shut up! he shouts banging his hand on his head.

i do have this form though! he says, and with a loud -clank- his faceplate slides down several inches to reveal several rows of sharp fangs. He then grabs Cur ExSixTen by the scruff of the neck and clamps his jaws down on him.

mmm...wet dog...
he says, pulling away and wiping oil off his face plate.

Get off me you freak! Hasting yells, flailing at Quagmire but only doing minor damage with his parrying dagger.

Fire....Fire from figures! Dorm Wellington chuckles, firing three bolts of fire at Jax and Dorn, hitting them and searing their skin, but missing Cur ExSixTen.

! The Goblyn yells, biting on Cur ExSixTen with his teeth and shaking him hard.

I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die!
Cousin Dak yells.

Oh shut up will you! Sardna says, wounds closing from the dark magic emanating from the Glugyug. She heals Dak with the powerof Mars and shoots a bolt of Dark energy at Cur ExSixTen.

Um, OK.... I'll, um, use, this ancient Kobold battle technique! Cousin Dak says, taking a scorpion out of his pocket and tying it to a stick. he dangles it in from of Cur ExSixTen and manages to get in a sting.
[sblock=ancient kobold battle technique]


Count TenSixEx:
Move: R16

Minor:Warforge's resolve, Count makes a save and gains 15 THP.
saved vs AC penality

Standard: Taste of life vs Cur ExSixTen (Free spending 15 TP to add +15 to damage), 41 vs AC, 35 damage and Count gains 20 THP.
Free: Blood Drinker: the attack does an extra 2 damage (37 damage total) and the Count heals a surge worth of HP.

Minor: Cruel Taunt burst 5 vs Quagmire.

Standard: Rapier vs Quagmire 26 vs AC miss

Minor: Low slash 29 vs AC 17 damage.

saved vs ongoing

Dorm the Destroyer:
Standard: Searing Ray, three attacks
Note: Dorm ignores all resistance from being a pyromancer.
Jax: 35 vs ref hit for 18 fire damage and healing surge value is halved (save ends)
Dorn: crit hit for 24 fire damage and healing surge value is halved (save ends)
Cur ExSixTen: miss


Standard:Lion's Roar vs CurExSixTen, 39 vs AC, 35 damage and Sardna spends a surge.
Free: Feast: Cur ExSixTen is grabbed (escape or save ends)

Cur ExSixTen Reaction:Reactive Surge + Amulet of Life: Sir Exsixten spends two healing surges, gaining 10THP+66HP

save succeded

Cousin Dak:
Move: Stand
Standard: Scorpion vs Cur ExSixTen
35 vs AC 26 poison damage and Cur ExSixTen is slowed EONT

failed both saves

Free:Mar's blessing on Dak, he heals 40 HP.

Move:Crawl up to P14

Minor:Sustain deep shroud

Standard: Lance of Dark Faith vs Cur ExSIxTen 34 vs ref 22 necrotic damage and Count TenExSix Gains +2 to the next attack against Cur ExSIxTen

saved vs ongoing damage

Hastings Wellington, Male Tiefling,
HP172/282; Bloodied 141,
AC 29; Fortitude 26; Reflex 30; Will 29

Saving Throws
+2; Action Points 0

Dorm (The Destroyer) Wellington, Male Mul

HP 166; Bloodied 83
AC 29; Fortitude 25; Reflex 27; Will 26

Count TenSixEx, Male Warforged
HP 20+189/189; Bloodied 95, Count TenExSix Gains +2 to the next attack against Cur ExSIxTen, concealment
AC 32; Fortitude 32; Reflex 24; Will 24
Resistant: 10 Necrotic
Variability: 10 Radiant

Sardna, Female Firesoul Genasi, concealment, -2 to AC EONT Jaz.
HP 67/143; Bloodied 72
AC 31-2; Fortitude 26; Reflex 27; Will 29
Aura 2: thick, writhing shadows surround Sardna. She and any other allys within the aura gain concealment. In addition, enemies that enter or start their turns within the aura take 5 necrotic damage, and enemies (including flying ones) also treat the area within the aura as difficult terrain. Sardna can sustain the aura as a minor action. However, the effect ends if she uses shadow jaunt or moves more than half her speed on her turn.

Cousin Dak, Male Kobold, concealment, 10 ongoing (save ends), -1 to AC (save ends)
HP 50/150; Bloodied 75
AC 31-1; Fortitude 26; Reflex 27; Will 29

Glugyug, Male Goblyn, marked EONT, concealment
HP 106/171; Bloodied 86
AC 30; Fortitude 29; Reflex 26; Will 28

Cur ExSixTen:67/116, werewolf form (+2 power bonus to speed,+2 power bonus to damage, 6 regenerate when not bloodied), grabbed by Glugyug(escape or save ends), slowed EONT

Dorn: 69/93, Dorn's square and all adjacent are heavily obscured, melee and ranged attacks from more than one square away take a -5, and adjacent melee and ranged take -2, 10 ongoing fire damage (save ends), +3 to hit against EONT, flight EONT,healing surge value halved (save ends)

Jax:31/88, healing surge value is halved (save ends)


Quagmire: 34/82,

Uncle Jaz: 79/91

[sblock=Uncle Jaz (updated with more to hit and extra backstab usage)]
Uncle Jaz (Male Kobold Thief) Level 13 Elite Skirmisher Small
HP 91; Bloodied 46
27; Fortitude 25; Reflex 29; Will 24
Saving Throws
+2; Action Points 1
+17 Perception +19

Sneak Attack

Enemies granting combat advantage to Jaz take an extra 3d6 damage once per round.

Masterful Action

When spending an AP with an attack power and with combat advantage against the target, Jaz can use his sneak attack against the target regardless of if he used it this turn.

Standard Actions:
(Note: Jaz does not have to reload his crossbow).
RBA: Custom Made Hand Crossbow • At-Will
Ranged 5; +22 vs. AC
1d8 + 8.

Standard Actions:
MBA: Dagger
Melee 1; +18 vs. AC

Move Actions:
Technical Trick • At-Will

Jaz moves up to his speed and does not draw OA. Every enemy within 5 squares grants combat advantage to him.

Trapmaker's Trick • At-Will

No movement. Every enemy within 5 squares grants combat advantage to Jaz. The next basic attack Jaz makes this round also causes the enemy to take a -2 to defenses until the end of Jaz's next turn.

Coward's Trick • At-Will

No movement. Every enemy within 5 squares grants combat advantage to Jaz. The next basic attack Jaz makes this round also causes the enemy to take a -2 to hit until the end of Jaz's next turn.

Minor Actions

R Sneak in the Attack • Encounter
Ranged 5 Until the start of Jaz's next turn the first ally's attack with CA that hits the target deals an extra 3d6 damage to the targeted enemy.

Shifty • At-Will

Jaz shifts 1 square.

Free Actions:

Backstab • Encounter

Jaz gains an extra +3 power bonus to hit and the enemy takes an extra 2d6 damage if it hits.
Special: Jaz can use this twice per encounter.

Triggered Actions:

It's a Trap! • Encounter

An enemy hits Jaz with a melee attack.
Effect (Immediate Reaction):
Jaz shifts 5 squares and makes an RBA against the target.

Acrobatics +20, Athletics +12, Dungeoneering +12, Insight +12, Stealth +20, Streetwise +12, Thievery +20

unaligned Languages: Common, Draconic
The barrels, cannons, boxes etc. are difficult terrain.

The party is currently on the upper level, they can go down the stairs or just off the bannister to reach the lower level. Climbing up to the upper level without using the stairs requires a DC 18 athletics check.

Characters can be pushed off in the water but get a save. You can use ropes on the ship to climb back up out of the water, this requires no check but takes a full move action.

The round wooden things is the mast, You can pass through but not end your turn in the square.

Underwater is heavily obscured and it does not effect Quagmire. No sharks yet at least.


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Jax wipes the sand from his face and quickly surveys the battle from the upper deck. The direct approach is blocked by Sir Exsixten's mirror image, but it seems there might be a way to get in from the rear. Settling on that course, Jax runs down the stairs toward Dorm the Destroyer, but he hangs a left at the last moment and slams into Dak. His cousin is knocked to the ground, his head slamming hard onto the oak deck and rendering him senseless. Jax has just enough time to retreat back to the other side of the ship to evade a counterattack from the genasi.

Uncle Jaz, seeing Jax's approach still open, follows the exact same path and positions himself near Dorm. He turns and fires off a crossbow bolt at Sardna, but the cloud of darkness is too overbearing, and the missile narrowly whizzes past her face.

[sblock=Jax actions / stats]Jax
The kobolds did not use Dorn's bonus last round, so they'll use it now.

Move: Walk to P17.

Standard: Charge to P15! Jax has CA against Dak because of Sir Exsixten's being-adjacent thingy. MBA vs Dak hits Reflex 35 for 42 cold damage and 5 cold vulnerability TENT Jax. (1d20+19+1+3+3=37; 1d4+14+2+2=22; 3d8+4=20)

AP-Standard: (Even though Jax charged, an AP is a free action). Piercing Strike vs Dak hits Reflex 27 for 36 cold damage. I'll choose for this to knock him out, not kill him. I guess that's risky since there are healers around, but he is family after all. (1d20+20+3+3=29; 1d4+15+2+2+5=26; 3d8+4=10)
--Warlord bonus: regain 13 hp and make a save vs healing value penalty at +5, which succeeds with a 19.) (1d20+5=19
--Warlord bonus: shift to R19.

Uncle Jaz
Move: Technical Trick to O17.

Standard: RBA vs Sardna misses AC 29 due to concealment. (1d20+22+2+3=29)

PC:Jax (Dekana) - L4W Wiki- Male Kobold, 13 Rogue / Daggermaster
Passive Perception: 23, Passive Insight: 22
AC:26, Fort:22, Reflex:26, Will:19, Resist 5 cold, 5 necrotic, Speed:7
HP:44/89, Bloodied:44, Surge Value:22, Surges left:7/9
Initiative +14
Action Points: 0 (encounter)


MBA: +19 vs Reflex, 1d4+14; or with CA, +22 vs Reflex, 1d4+16 + 3d8+4 (1/turn)
RBA: +20 vs Reflex, 1d4+11; or with CA, +23 vs Reflex, 1d4+13 + 3d8+4 (1/turn)
Frost Dagger, Piercing Strike, Riposte Strike, Shifty
Combat Tumbleset, Critical Opportunity, Feytouched, Imperiling Strike, Low Slash, Perfect Feint, Royal Scamper, Running Slash, Second Wind, Sneak in the Attack, Stunning Strike
Battlemaster's Dagger, Bloodbath, Frost Dagger, Knockout, Meditation of the Blade, Press the Advantage, Raven Cloak, Royal Blood

Combat notes: +2 damage with CA; +2 damage with cold; 18-20 crit range (except basic attacks); on crit, make MBA with offhand (not cold damage)


First Post
Andras fires a shot at Sardna, but the arrow glances off her armor and clips Dorm. He tries to follow that up with a second arrow, but the mul barely steps out of the way in time.

Standard: Staggering Shot vs Sardna. Misses.
Free: Rebounding Longbow RBA vs Dorm. Hits AC 31 for 15 damage.
Move: Move to U18.
Action Point: Lady Luck Smiles vs Dorm. [expletive deleted]! Missed by 1. Well, I still gain 11 thp from my paragon path.
Minor: Inspiring Word on Exsixten, healing surge + 12.

Not my best turn, no.[/sblock]

[sblock=Andras's mini-stats]Andras genasi Warlord/Captain of Fortune 12
Initiative: +18 | Passive perception: 26 | Passive Insight: 26
AC: 27 | For: 29 | Ref: 26 | Will: 25
HP: 81/81+11 | Bloodied: 40 | Surge value: 20 | Surges: 9/9
Resist: 10 Fire
Speed: 6 | Languages: Allarian, Primordial
AP: 0 | Second Wind: not used
Melee Basic Attack: +17 vs AC, 1d10+7 damage
Ranged Basic Attack: +18 vs AC, 1d10+10 damage
Powers: Paint the Bulls-Eye, Direct the Strike
Powerful Warning, Staggering Shot, On My Mark, Lady Luck Smiles, Disciplined Counter
Relentless Wounding, Create Opportunity, Coordinated Assault
Firedeath, Inspiring Word (1/2), Shake It Off, Reorient the Axis, Unintended Feint, Favored Fortune
Rebounding Longbow, Boots of the Fencing Master, Feytouched Armor, Boar Tusk Helm, Legacy Undying

Skirmishing Presence:
When an ally who can see Andras spends an Action Point to make an attack, that ally can shift five squares before or after the attack.


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Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated

So annoying is Cur Exsixten's cascading, recursive abortion script that everyone nearby just wants to hit him. Not that that's unusual.

OOC: Edit: added Andras' heal.

Sir Exsixten is in Q15 at 10+113/116hp in Hybrid form(+2 damage, speed, regen 6 while not bloodied).
Sardna, Dak, Glugyug, and Hastings are marked.

[sblock=Actions]Before Turn: Heal Surge+12 to 112.
Start of Turn: Take 5 damage regen 6 to 113.
Minor: Daring Shout: Sardna, Dak, Glugyag, and Tensixex are marked TenT. Sir Exsixten gains 9 THP.
Move: Escape from Glugyug: 1d20+12+2(Hybrid)=16, fail.
Standard: Brash Strike vs Sardna: 1d20+19-2(concealment): 28 AC, miss by 1.

Immediate Actions(in order of priority):
*If Sir Exsixten is bloodiedReactive Surge + Amulet of Life: Sir Exsixten spends two healing surges, gaining 10THP+66HP
*If a marked enemy adjacent to Sir Exsixten shifts or makes an attack that doesn't include himCombat Challenge: MBA against that enemy
*If an enemy hits an ally within 2 squares of Sir Exsixten with a melee attack→Guardian's Charge: Sir Exsixten and the ally shift to each other's squares, Sir Exsixten becomes the target of the attack, and then makes an MBA against the attacker.
*If hit by an adjacent enemy→Strikebacks: Sir Exsixten makes an MBA against that enemy.

[sblock=Sir Exsixten's Statblock] Sir Exsixten, Male Warforged Fighter/Dreadnaught 11
Passive Perception: 19, Passive Insight: 19
AC: 28, Fort:27, Reflex:22, Will:22 -- Speed:5
HP:10+113/116, Bloodied:58, Surge Value:33, Surges left:8/14
Initiative +6, Action Points: 1

: Crushing Surge, Brash Strike, Combat Challenge, Unfailing Resources, Hack and Hew, Sweeping Blow, Come and Get It, Inexorable Advance, Guardian's Charge, Daring Shout, Warforged Resolve, Reactive Surge, Second Wind, Comeback Strike, Victorious Surge, Rain of Steel, Boundless Endurance
Items: Potion of Healing, Potion of Resistance x 1, Madstone x 3, Strikebacks, Amulet of Life, Dwarven Thrower, Dwarven Armor, Diamond Cincture, Werewolf Boon
MBA/RBA: +17(+20 OA) vs. AC, 1d12+10 damage and enemy movement is stopped and Sir Exsixten gains 5 temporary hitpoints.
Notes: *Enemies hit take cumulative -1 to AC(save ends) *Gain 5 THP when enemy fails save *Gain 10 THP on healing surge. *Reroll the first 1 on damage rolls *+2 damage with THP *Gain DR10 TsnT on AP *Gain 5+Healing Surges spent THP on short rest *Adjacent enemy grants CA if ally also adjacent to enemy[/sblock][/sblock]
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Quagmire lashes out at Hastings again, inflicting a minor wound. He grins, exposing rows of massive sharp teeth as he magically heals his wounds, returning to almost full strength.

[sblock=actions]Standard: rousing assault vs. Hastings: 32 vs. AC hits for 14 dmg, and Quagmire heals +5 with any healing powers used until end of next turn. Hastings takes -1 to AC (save ends). I didn't apply any penalties or bonuses to that for fighting under water, such as CA or concealment. It still hits even with concealment, and doesn't need CA, but it would be convenient to have it clarified just how this underwater combat in shark form works. :)
Free: use gauntlets of ogre power; 5 more damage.
Minor: inspiring word on self. heals 41 and I gain +2 to attack rolls and +5 to damage rolls until end of my next turn, but if I miss with my first attack, I grant CA.
Move: Hmm, not sure I have anything useful to do with this. Was I able to grab him with bite attack last round? I'm guessing not, in which case no move. If I was able to grab him... and still heal myself with a mouthful of tiefling... then I'll try to drag him deeper.

[sblock=Quagmire]Quagmire Weaselcrust- Male Hobgoblin Warlord/Battlelord of Kord 12
Passive Perception: 15, Passive Insight: 15
AC:28, Fort:26, Reflex:23, Will:26 -- Speed:5
HP:75/82, Bloodied:41, Surge Value:20, Surges left:7/9
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: not used
MBA +18 vs. AC, 1d8+7 damage
Rousing Assault, Commander's strike, Body of the Shark, Throwing shield
Inspiring Word x3 [x][ ][ ], Hammer and Anvil, Hobgoblin resilience, Inspired Belligerence, Warlord's Strike, War of Attrition, Tactical Orders, Tempest of Triumph,
Bastion of Defense, Stand the Fallen, Stand Tough, Knock Them Down, Blood-tested Inspiration, Soul of the Shark, Dwarven Chainmail, Gauntlets of Ogre Power, Throwing Shield, Diamond Cincture

  • Soul of the shark: +4 power bonus to damage, +1 power bonus to attack, +2 to intimidate, bite attack +16 vs AC for 1d12+7, and swim speed 5.
  • rousing assault hit: +5 hp healed with healing powers until end of my next turn
  • inspiring word: +2 to hit and +5 damage until EONT, but if I miss I grant CA until EONT.

  • When I spend an AP, I can make a basic attack as a free action, and Allies who can see and hear me gain +1 to attack and damage rolls until start of my next turn.
  • Allies within 10 who can see and hear Quagmire gain +2 initiative
  • Allies who spend an AP within sight of me regain 13 HP and can make a saving throw at +5
  • When I hit an enemy with withering longsword, they take a cumulative -1 to AC (save ends)

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