Planescape Adventure Atlas: The Mortuary, on DnDBeyond and a WotC video.

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I have no issue with it not being in the main product. It makes sense to me to put that in a separate product and I like the idea that you can get each faction individually.
Amusingly, this almost feels like a "Direct to DVD/VHS!" release - either not enough space in the book or not big enough to stand as it's own printed copy.

During 3E, Dragon Magazine was constantly filled with articles that expanded, added or discussed the book releases for the month - sort of an ad/extra content thing. In some ways it was good, but started to feel like the broad content the old magazine was disappearing to be replaced with target content that was aimed at upping book sales.

I don't mind getting more content, if it isn't something that feels was stripped out of the book to make more money as DLC-style content. Getting additional details on each faction would be excellent, and putting a small cost on the writer's work seems fair. But honestly, wasn't this sort of stuff dropped as a free PDF with or shortly after the book came out (even as recently as Spelljammer Academy for 5E, various PDFs for 3E) ? How times have changed.


New Publisher
Amusingly, this almost feels like a "Direct to DVD/VHS!" release - either not enough space in the book or not big enough to stand as it's own printed copy.

During 3E, Dragon Magazine was constantly filled with articles that expanded, added or discussed the book releases for the month - sort of an ad/extra content thing. In some ways it was good, but started to feel like the broad content the old magazine was disappearing to be replaced with target content that was aimed at upping book sales.

I don't mind getting more content, if it isn't something that feels was stripped out of the book to make more money as DLC-style content. Getting additional details on each faction would be excellent, and putting a small cost on the writer's work seems fair. But honestly, wasn't this sort of stuff dropped as a free PDF with or shortly after the book came out (even as recently as Spelljammer Academy for 5E, various PDFs for 3E) ? How times have changed.
Not this much detail for free, no.

I agree, this is just like Dragon magazine content. Not in the books, and totally optional. This idea that doing it digitally and not in a magazine is bad/wrong/evil that so many hold just seems weird to me.


Not this much detail for free, no.

I agree, this is just like Dragon magazine content. Not in the books, and totally optional. This idea that doing it digitally and not in a magazine is bad/wrong/evil that so many hold just seems weird to me.
It isn't the "digital" part that is the problem, it is the D&DB exclusivity that is (speaking for myself, of course).


New Publisher
It isn't the "digital" part that is the problem, it is the D&DB exclusivity that is (speaking for myself, of course).
They own that channel, and that isn't changing any time soon. But that's no different than Dragon exclusivity, instead of them letting others print it for some reason. Dilution of channels is bad for customers, let alone business. If stuff is released all over, you have to hunt for it.


They own that channel, and that isn't changing any time soon. But that's no different than Dragon exclusivity
I mean, except I could buy a copy of Dragon Magazine in any number of locations. Not only that, I owned that copy. It's still in a box in my basement, in fact. It doesn't disappear if WotC melts down or changes CEOs or otherwise stops making new Dragon magazines.
If stuff is released all over, you have to hunt for it.
I literally have no idea what this means.


New Publisher
I mean, except I could buy a copy of Dragon Magazine in any number of locations. Not only that, I owned that copy. It's still in a box in my basement, in fact. It doesn't disappear if WotC melts down or changes CEOs or otherwise stops making new Dragon magazines.

I literally have no idea what this means.
If stuff is released on multiple channels, it is unlikely all of it is released in all channels, so, to have it all, you'd have to access every channel.

As for the first part, copy and past or print screen or whatever. Then you own it. It isn't ideal, but if that is your main concern, it is not hard to overcome at all.

Voidrunner's Codex

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