[Adventure]: Bosch's Revenge (DM: Dimsdale, Judge ??)


First Post
OOC: [MENTION=45437]JRYoung[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=79956]dimsdale[/MENTION]
B1 attack on Skalisss should be a miss, I think. He has AC 27, plus 2 to all defenses from Halleck's Canon of Avoidance.

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First Post
ooc: @Skalisss and [MENTION=85539]Tenchuu[/MENTION] Extra damage from divine challenge will be added to last round and Skalisss doesn't take damage from attack. Thanks for pointing those out. I'll take care of that before next enemy post


First Post
Quan continues to shoot from behind cover, but this time he fails to hit the large orb.

Free: Onslaught arrow

Standard: Clever Shot vs. Beholder: 1d20+15+2, 1d12+10+2+1 → ([2, 15, 2], [8, 10, 2, 1]) Roll Lookup Miss.


[sblock=mini-stats]"Quan" Thatcher- Male Human Hunter 9

[sblock=Aspect of the Lurking Spider]
1. Gain +2 to stealth checks.
2. Gains +5 power bonus to Athletics checks made to climb.
3. While he has combat advantage against an enemy, he gains +2 power bonus to damage rolls against it. [/sblock]

Initiative: +9, Passive perception: 22, Passive Insight: 17
AC: 22, For: 19, Ref: 23, Will: 22
HP: 65/65, Bloodied: 32, Surge value: 16, Surges/day: 7/7
Speed: 6 squares, Languages: Allarian, Goblin
AP: 1, Second Wind: unused

Powers: Aimed Shot, Clever Shot, Rapid Shot
Disruptive Shot 1 2 3, Heroic Effort, Reactive Shift, Takedown Strike, Assassin's Shroud 1 2
Healing Lore, Entangling Roots

Used: Onslaught Arrow: 2, Freezing Arrow: 1[/sblock]


First Post
OOC: DM: I also forgot the shield gives me resist all 2, so I added back 4 HP (since the damage was from two separate attacks.

John: Moved Canon of Avoidance to Raijin (+2 to all defenses TENT.)

Each ally within 10 squares of Halleck can spend a healing surge and regain 10 additional hit points.

The shield, and Vimak's support, helped lessen the damage dealt by the beholders. He continued to intone the battle hymn, though its protective effects moved to Raijin.

Standing his ground, he declared, "You'll not stop me, demon!" Feeling strengthened by his own words. He lashed out with his blade, slicing a huge gash into the creature. "Keep up the attack! We can beat this thing!"

The troubadour's words rejuvenated all the allies nearby.

[sblock=Note to other Players: Bravura]
Halleck has the Bravura Presence:
When an ally who can see you spends an action point to take an extra action and uses the action to make an attack, the ally can choose to take advantage of this feature before the attack roll. If the ally chooses to do so and the attack hits, the ally can either make a basic attack or take a move action after the attack as a free action. If the attack misses, the ally grants combat advantage to all enemies until the end of his or her next turn.

Melee characters might also want to save their AP until I hit with Withering Courage, so they can double dip on the +5 damage bonus.
[/sblock][sblock=Note to other Players: If you miss on something REALLY important]
Halleck has daily power Unintended Feint:
If you miss an attack, and you are within five squares of Halleck, you can use my daily power to reroll the attack with CA.

But, since it's a daily, please use wisely. Also, please throw up a big OOC message so I don't miss the fact that you used it.
[/sblock][sblock=Action Block, Mini-Stats]
[sblock=Action Block]
Free: Shield gives me resist All 2 vs both attacks, so take 4 less damage

Vimak heals me for 9hp

Ongoing Damage:
Superior Fort feat gives me resist 3 to ongoing, and the shield gives me resist all 2, so I think the 5 ongoing fire damage is completely negated.

Minor: Sustain Canon of Avoidance but move to Raijin (+2 to all defenses TENT. Sustain Minor)

Convert to minor: Inspiring Word on Self. Extra healing: 2d6=2 great. to P14 (+1 to AC / Ref)

Standard: Stand the Fallen

  • Target: B2
  • Attack: 1d20+15=28
  • Damage: 3d8+8=27
  • Effect: Each ally within 10 squares can spend a healing surge and regains 5 additional hit points.
Free: Benefactor Armor Enc: Each Ally healed by that power regains an additional 5 HP

Save: 1d20+2=3 nope

Brash Assault

  • Target: B2
  • Attack: 1d20+15=23 Miss
  • Damage: 1d8+8=0
  • Effect: Against the target of this exploit, you gain a bonus to defenses equal to your Charisma modifier (+5) until the start of your next turn (due to Feat). The target can make a melee basic attack against you as a free action and has combat advantage for the attack. If the target makes this attack, an ally of your choice within 5 squares of the target can make a basic attack against the target as a free action and has combat advantage for the attack.

  • Skalisss MBA: 1d20+20=30 hits for 1d8+12=19
[/sblock][sblock=Halleck Stat block]Viscount Ambrose Halleck - Male Half-Elf Hybrid Warlord/Bard 10
Initiative: +5, Passive Perception: 17, Passive Insight: 19


AC: 28*, Fort: 22, Reflex: 19, Will: 24 -- Speed: 5 (-1 Pen from armor)

HP: 46/70, THP: 0/14 Bloodied: 35, Surge Value: 17, Surges left: 8/9
Action Points: 0/1, Second Wind: not used
Common, Elven, Goblin

Basic Attacks
:bmelee: Basic Melee Attack: +15 vs AC - Harmonic Spellblade Longsword 1d8+8 (+2 shield)
:ranged: Ranged Basic Attack: N/A

On Shift: +1 to AC/REF
On Second Wind: If bloodied, you can spend 2 healing surges
Superior Fortitude Feat: resist 3 to ongoing damage
Superior Will Feat: If dazed or stunned, you make a saving throw at the start of your turn to end the effect, even if it does not normally end with a saving through (IE, TENT)
Orb Shield Powers:
+2 to damage
+2 resist all
+2 to all saving throws
+1 to AC

Brash Assault, Vicious Mockery, Cloak of the Walking Wounded Second Wind, Boot of the Fencing Master shift,
Encounter: Righteous Brand, Inspiring Word, Majestic Word, Shout of Triumph, Diabolic Stratagem, Withering Courage, Divine Challenge, Battlefront Shift, Boots of the Fencing Master Enc, Benefactor Armor Enc, Recoil Shield Knockdown Immediate Reaction
Daily: Stirring Shout, Stand the Fallen, Heroic Effort, Song of Discord, Canon of Avoidance, Unintended Feint, Harmonic Spellblade Boon, Benefactor Armor Daily,

Harmonic Spellblade Longsword +1

Acrobatics +4, Arcana +5, Athletics +12, Bluff +11, Diplomacy +19, Dungeoneering +7, Endurance +11, Heal +11, History +5, Insight +9, Intimidate +15, Nature +7, Perception +7, Religion +5, Stealth +4, Streetwise +11, Thievery +4

[/sblock][sblock=Halleck's Log][sblock=Mark of Trogdor]
1. Thorkelson, a bald, tattooed man, entered the hangman's tavern and recruits Halleck and Vimak for a job. Thorkelson, needed some protection at the docks, but apparently had some sinister other motive, since he used drinks from the bar to drug Halleck and Vimak.

2. Wake up in the middle of a fight, being helped by strangers. Give the bandits a beating,

3. Get approached by the bandit leaders, who have two girls that look exactly like that one we want. The real girl is revealed, and natural, a fight breaks out. After we smash the goons, their leader, Hank the Tank comes out. And, eventually, Hank gets killed.

4. Get the real mission: deliver Lerrick to brother Buchta, so he can remove the mark of Trogdor from her forehead. The mark is in indicator to all that Lerrick has been chosen to be sacrificed to the dragon Bosch. Your quest as of now is to provide safe passage for Lerrick to brother Buchta so that he can perform the ritual. This includes taking her to the portal, traveling thought it, and then taking her from the portal to brother Buchta's place of residence.

5. Delivered Lerrick, performed the ritual, saved the day. However, discovered an evil dragon named Bosch who wears a necklace which makes him a juggernaut. Halleck carries a shield which should counter this effect. Adventurers now must stop the dragon.
[/sblock][sblock=Trogdor 1.5]1. Wait at Tavern.
2. Fight in tavern vs statues.
3. Kick Statue butt.
[/sblock]1. Wait at Tavern.



First Post
[sblock=DM Notes: Please Ignore]

Heroes turn:
Halleck: Hit for 27: each ally can spend a HS+15, no save,
Quan: Miss
Rocco: Bursts through weak wall
Skalisss: Heals for 27, Lay hands on Halleck: (lspend surge) Halleck gets surge +5 hp, Divine Challenge: 12 hp damage if B2 attacks someone else, Raijin spends surge
Vimak: +9 to hp, heals for 24 and 5 temp hp: Halleck, skalisss and Raijin heal for 9 Hp
Nementah: B2 takes 9 damage

Baddies turn:

Beholder B2:
Trigger attack (when reduced first bloodied hp):
Firery Burst: Close Burst 2
+17 vs Rocco, Vimak, Halleck, Skalisss and Raijin reflex respectively:
Rocco: Hit for 12
Vimak: Hit for 17
Halleck: Hit for 15
Skalisss: Hit for 15
Raijin: Hit for 18

Free Attack: Close Burst 5
vs Raijin reflex: 1d20+17 for 2d6+8 fire damage: Hit Raijin for 16 fire damage

movement: none

Center eye makes Vimak vulnerable to fire 10 and if a fire attack hits Vimak, he receives 5 on going fire damage (save ends)

At will attack
Small Eye attack 1: Fire attack vs Vimak Reflex 1d20+17 for 2d6+8 fire damage = Hit for 20 +10 vulnerable = 30 and ongoing fire 5 (save ends)

Small Eye attack 2: Telekinesis Ray +17 vs Rocco fort: Hit: Rocco slides 2 squares into the drink

Small eye attack Number 1:
Fire attack vs Skalisss Reflex 1d20+17 for 2d6+8 fire damage = Hit for 12

Small eye attack Number 2:
Fear Ray: +17 vs Halleck's Will: Miss

save vs immob: 1d20+2=12: saved vs immob

Not in room

[sblock=Damage to Foes and Allies for this round]
Total Damage to Enemies:

Total Damage to allies:



HP 61/61 Temp 7, Bloodied 30, Surge Value 15, Surges 11/11
AC 19; Fortitude 19, Reflex 18, Will 19

HP 15/15 Temp AC 24; Fortitude 24, Reflex 22, Will 24

Vimak: 5 ongoing damage
AC 25 Fortitude 21 Reflex 19 Will 21
Hit Points: 17/70 Temp 0 Bloodied: 35:

HP 64/80 Temp 0, Bloodied 40, Surge Value 20+1, Surges 12/12
AC 24; Fortitude 22, Reflex 20, Will 21
1/1 AP

Skalisss: 10 fire vulnerability and 5 ongoing (save ends both)
HP: 50/86 Temp 0 SurgeValue: 22 Surges: 11/11
AC:27 Fort:23 Reflex:20 Will:23 Resist 1 ALL

Halleck: 10 fire vulnerability and 5 ongoing (save ends both)
AC: 27, Fort: 22, Reflex: 19, Will: 24 -- Speed: 5 (-1 Pen from armor)
HP: 14/70, THP: 0 Bloodied: 35, Surge Value: 17, Surges left: 9/9
Action Points: 1/1,

AC 20, Fort 21, Reflex 15, Will 22
HP: 44/67 Temp 0, Bloodied 33, Surge Value 16, Surges 6/6 AP 0
Resist Force 10, Resist Lightning 5, Resist Thunder 5

AC: 22, For: 19, Ref: 23, Will: 22
HP: 65/65, Bloodied: 32, Surge value: 16, Surges/day: 7/7

Druid: DEAD

Mug Wump: Beholder B1: DEAD
HP ; Bloodied 102; see also fiery burst
AC 26; Fortitude 26, Refl ex 27, Will 28

Beholder B2: HP 190:204; Bloodied 102; see also fiery burst
AC 26; Fortitude 26, Refl ex 27, Will 28

Glug Wump: Beholder B3: HP 204; Bloodied 102; see also fi ery burst
AC 26; Fortitude 26, Refl ex 27, Will 28

updated map

[sblock=Enemy Information]
monster notes: Each beholder is hovering 20 feet above the ground.

Beholder Eye of Flame
Eyes of the Beholder aura 5; at the start of each enemy’s turn, if
that creature is within the aura and in the eye of flame’s line of
sight, the eye of flame uses one random eye ray power against
that creature.
HP 204; Bloodied 102; see also fi ery burst
AC 26; Fortitude 26, Refl ex 27, Will 28
Saving Throws +2
Speed fl y 6 (hover)
Action Points 1
m Bite (standard; at-will)
+18 vs. AC; 2d6 damage.
R Central Eye (minor; at-will)
Ranged 8; the target gains vulnerable 10 fire, and any attack that
deals fi re damage to the target also deals ongoing 5 fi re damage
(save ends both).
R Eye Rays (standard; at-will) ✦ see text
The eye of fl ame can use up to two eye ray powers (chosen from
the list below), at least one of which must be a fire ray. Each
power must target a diff erent creature. Using eye rays does not
provoke opportunity attacks.
1—Fire Ray (Fire): Ranged 8; +17 vs. Refl ex; 2d8 + 6 fi re damage.
2—Telekinesis Ray: Ranged 8; +17 vs. Fortitude; the target slides
4 squares.
3—Fear Ray (Fear): Ranged 8; +17 vs. Will; the target moves its
speed away from the eye of fl ame by the safest route possible
and takes a –2 penalty to attack rolls (save ends).
C Fiery Burst (when first bloodied and again when the eye of
flame is reduced to 0 hit points) ✦ Fire
Close burst 2; +17 vs. Refl ex; 2d8 + 6 fi re damage.


[sblock=Adventure Summary]

Summary of Events
1. Prevented a flesh golem from killing the Weinfurter family. Body guard turned bad.
2. Dismantled the Crossed Sword and Skull Gang by killing Leader Hank the Tank
3. Prevented a possible encounter with a pack of wolves...for the moment
4. Alpha wolf presents orb of nature to Lerrick who gives it to Nementah.
5. Halleck finds orb of elements after party defeats band of ogres and a hill giant. He gives it to Raijin.
6. Defeated Bosch's dragonborn minions who tried to disrupt the ritual for removing the mark of Lerrick.
7. Mark is successfully removed from Lerrick by brother Buchta.
8. Encounter the great dragon Bosch for the first time. Dragon leaves but swears revenge.
9. Party returns Lerrick to mother in Daunton, but the father was not there as he was on an urgent task for brother Navio, something related to the shield.
10. Rocco tested for invoking a god. The party as well as other patrons at the tavern help defend Rocco from her wrath.
11. Party helps Druid retrieve artifact: The Branch of Life

ooc: It's your turn. Let me know if I missed something.

Last edited:


First Post
ooc: wow! lot's fo hp transfers this round. [MENTION=73730]johnmeier1[/MENTION] Raijin is up.
I'll wait a day. if no post then I'll pc Raijin's turn.


First Post
The beholder takes more damage as it begins to retreat, not before hitting spraying the paladin with another round of fire. It also bites the sorcerer, but his armor absorbs the damage. Moving back and up to get out of melee range. The party senses fear in the eye of the beholder.

Meanwhile, the dwarf takes in a breath of air as the water level finally lowers below his head. As the remaining water moves through the whole, the dwarf sees that it reveals a channel about 10 feet long before turning sharply to the right. Rocco hears the sounds of battle from behind the bend, echoing through the newly formed tunnel.

Heroes turn:
Halleck: Hit for 27: each ally can spend a HS+15, no save,
Raijin: Miss
Quan: Miss
Rocco: Bursts through weak wall
Skalisss: Heals for 27, Lay hands on Halleck: (lspend surge) Halleck gets surge +5 hp, Divine Challenge: 12 hp damage if B2 attacks someone else, Raijin spends surge
Vimak: +9 to hp, heals for 24 and 5 temp hp: Halleck, skalisss and Raijin heal for 9 Hp
Nementah: B2 takes 9 damage

Baddies turn:

Beholder B2:
Free Attack: Close Burst 5
vs Raijin reflex: 1d20+17 vs Skalisss Fort for 2d6+8 fire damage: Hit Skalisss for 13

B2 take 12 damage from Skalisss Divine Challenge

At will attack
Bite: 1d20+18 vs Raijin AC for 2d6 = hit but damage absorbed by Raijin's armor

Movement: move back and then up to current location

Not in room

[sblock=Damage to Foes and Allies for this round]
Total Damage to Enemies:
B2: hit for 36 (12 more from DC) = 48

Total Damage to allies:
Skalisss hit for 13


HP 61/61 Temp 7, Bloodied 30, Surge Value 15, Surges 11/11
AC 19; Fortitude 19, Reflex 18, Will 19

HP 15/15 Temp AC 24; Fortitude 24, Reflex 22, Will 24

Vimak: 5 ongoing damage
AC 25 Fortitude 21 Reflex 19 Will 21
Hit Points: 17/70 Temp 0 Bloodied: 35:

HP 64/80 Temp 0, Bloodied 40, Surge Value 20+1, Surges 12/12
AC 24; Fortitude 22, Reflex 20, Will 21
1/1 AP

Skalisss: 10 fire vulnerability and 5 ongoing (save ends both)
HP: 50/86 Temp 0 SurgeValue: 22 Surges: 11/11
AC:27 Fort:23 Reflex:20 Will:23 Resist 1 ALL

Halleck: 10 fire vulnerability and 5 ongoing (save ends both)
AC: 27, Fort: 22, Reflex: 19, Will: 24 -- Speed: 5 (-1 Pen from armor)
HP: 14/70, THP: 0 Bloodied: 35, Surge Value: 17, Surges left: 9/9
Action Points: 1/1,

AC 20, Fort 21, Reflex 15, Will 22
HP: 44/67 Temp 0, Bloodied 33, Surge Value 16, Surges 6/6 AP 0
Resist Force 10, Resist Lightning 5, Resist Thunder 5

AC: 22, For: 19, Ref: 23, Will: 22
HP: 65/65, Bloodied: 32, Surge value: 16, Surges/day: 7/7

Druid: DEAD

Mug Wump: Beholder B1: DEAD
HP ; Bloodied 102; see also fiery burst
AC 26; Fortitude 26, Refl ex 27, Will 28

Beholder B2: HP 64:204; Bloodied ; see also fiery burst
AC 26; Fortitude 26, Refl ex 27, Will 28

Glug Wump: Beholder B3: HP 204; Bloodied 102; see also fiery burst
AC 26; Fortitude 26, Refl ex 27, Will 28

updated map

[sblock=Enemy Information]
monster notes: Each beholder is hovering 20 feet above the ground.

Beholder Eye of Flame
Eyes of the Beholder aura 5; at the start of each enemy’s turn, if
that creature is within the aura and in the eye of flame’s line of
sight, the eye of flame uses one random eye ray power against
that creature.
HP 204; Bloodied 102; see also fi ery burst
AC 26; Fortitude 26, Refl ex 27, Will 28
Saving Throws +2
Speed fl y 6 (hover)
Action Points 1
m Bite (standard; at-will)
+18 vs. AC; 2d6 damage.
R Central Eye (minor; at-will)
Ranged 8; the target gains vulnerable 10 fire, and any attack that
deals fi re damage to the target also deals ongoing 5 fi re damage
(save ends both).
R Eye Rays (standard; at-will) ✦ see text
The eye of fl ame can use up to two eye ray powers (chosen from
the list below), at least one of which must be a fire ray. Each
power must target a diff erent creature. Using eye rays does not
provoke opportunity attacks.
1—Fire Ray (Fire): Ranged 8; +17 vs. Refl ex; 2d8 + 6 fi re damage.
2—Telekinesis Ray: Ranged 8; +17 vs. Fortitude; the target slides
4 squares.
3—Fear Ray (Fear): Ranged 8; +17 vs. Will; the target moves its
speed away from the eye of fl ame by the safest route possible
and takes a –2 penalty to attack rolls (save ends).
C Fiery Burst (when first bloodied and again when the eye of
flame is reduced to 0 hit points) ✦ Fire
Close burst 2; +17 vs. Refl ex; 2d8 + 6 fi re damage.


[sblock=Adventure Summary]

Summary of Events
1. Prevented a flesh golem from killing the Weinfurter family. Body guard turned bad.
2. Dismantled the Crossed Sword and Skull Gang by killing Leader Hank the Tank
3. Prevented a possible encounter with a pack of wolves...for the moment
4. Alpha wolf presents orb of nature to Lerrick who gives it to Nementah.
5. Halleck finds orb of elements after party defeats band of ogres and a hill giant. He gives it to Raijin.
6. Defeated Bosch's dragonborn minions who tried to disrupt the ritual for removing the mark of Lerrick.
7. Mark is successfully removed from Lerrick by brother Buchta.
8. Encounter the great dragon Bosch for the first time. Dragon leaves but swears revenge.
9. Party returns Lerrick to mother in Daunton, but the father was not there as he was on an urgent task for brother Navio, something related to the shield.
10. Rocco tested for invoking a god. The party as well as other patrons at the tavern help defend Rocco from her wrath.
11. Party helps Druid retrieve artifact: The Branch of Life

OOC: In your next post, please let me know if you use the healing surge granted by Halleck's power. I've listed all of the healing administered to various members of the party in the mechanics section of this post. I can't update the hp stats until then. You could do the hp math yourselves and let me know in your next attack post. nudge nudge wink wink :)


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Rocco looks up at the slick walls, then back toward the battle sounds.
"We've got another battle going on! Hurry up with the orb and follow!"

He disappears into the tunnel, his eyes darting, ears straining and tense as a soiled spring. Water dripping from his armor prevents stealth, but he's ready to be surprised.

Stealth; Perception (1d20+10=12, 1d20+14=32)

Move: into the tunnel stop at the bend
Standard: ready dual strike vs anyattackers that come in range
Minor: Perception

Primera lashes out on the beholder as it moves and her allies feel reinvigorated as Nementah calls upon the spirits of spring, of nurturing and growth.

She then tries to reverse the flow to harm the aberration, but the type of spirits is not given to haunting and harm. They give a feeling of reproach before disappearing.

OA: Spirit's Shield vs Ref (B2) (1d20+12+1=28) - 5 damage to B2 and Vimak Heals 8hp

Move: Nementah to T12, Primera 1 square up above Skaliss(all adjacent Vimak, Skaliss, Halleck and Raijin get +1 all NADs)

Minor: healing spirit to Halleck, healing surge +8 and Vimak gets Extra Healing (2d6+3=11) (surgeless) hp AND
all adjacent Vimak, Skaliss, Halleck and Raijin get 5 thp

Standard: Haunting Spirit vs Will (B2); damage (1d20+12+1=16, 1d6+8=10)

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