First Post
Backing into a defensive position, he shouted, "You look like a giant, used, feminine care product!" The insult had no effect.
At least he was able to shake the flammable grease off his armor.
[sblock=Note to other Players: Bravura]
Halleck has the Bravura Presence:
When an ally who can see you spends an action point to take an extra action and uses the action to make an attack, the ally can choose to take advantage of this feature before the attack roll. If the ally chooses to do so and the attack hits, the ally can either make a basic attack or take a move action after the attack as a free action. If the attack misses, the ally grants combat advantage to all enemies until the end of his or her next turn.
Melee characters might also want to save their AP until I hit with Withering Courage, so they can double dip on the +5 damage bonus.
[/sblock][sblock=Note to other Players: If you miss on something REALLY important]
Halleck has daily power Unintended Feint:
If you miss an attack, and you are within five squares of Halleck, you can use my daily power to reroll the attack with CA.
But, since it's a daily, please use wisely. Also, please throw up a big OOC message so I don't miss the fact that you used it.
[/sblock][sblock=Action Block, Mini-Stats]
[sblock=Action Block]
Ongoing Damage: Superior Fort feat gives me resist 3 to ongoing, and the shield gives me resist all 2, so I think the 5 ongoing fire damage is completely negated.
Minor: Sustain Canon of Avoidance on Raijin (+2 to all defenses TENT. Sustain Minor)
Move: shift to O13 (+1 to AC / Ref)
Standard: Vicious Mockery
- Target: B2
- Attack: 1d20+13=15 nope
- Damage: 1d6+9=
- Effect: Each ally within 10 squares can spend a healing surge and regains 5 additional hit points.
Save: 1d20+2=22 save
Standard: Brash Assault
- Target: B2
- Attack: 1d20+15=23 Miss
- Damage: 1d8+8=0
- Effect: Against the target of this exploit, you gain a bonus to defenses equal to your Charisma modifier (+5) until the start of your next turn (due to Feat). The target can make a melee basic attack against you as a free action and has combat advantage for the attack. If the target makes this attack, an ally of your choice within 5 squares of the target can make a basic attack against the target as a free action and has combat advantage for the attack.
- B2 MBA on Halleck: 1d20+20=40 hit for 12
- Skalisss MBA: 1d20+20=30 hits for 1d8+12=19
[/sblock][sblock=Halleck Stat block]Viscount Ambrose Halleck - Male Half-Elf Hybrid Warlord/Bard 10
Initiative: +5, Passive Perception: 17, Passive Insight: 19
AC: 28*, Fort: 22, Reflex: 19, Will: 24 -- Speed: 5 (-1 Pen from armor)
HP: 64/70, THP: 0/14 Bloodied: 35, Surge Value: 17, Surges left: 8/9
Action Points: 0/1, Second Wind: not used
Common, Elven, Goblin
Basic Attacks:
Basic Melee Attack: +15 vs AC - Harmonic Spellblade Longsword 1d8+8 (+2 shield)
Ranged Basic Attack: N/A
On Shift: +1 to AC/REF
On Second Wind: If bloodied, you can spend 2 healing surges
Superior Fortitude Feat: resist 3 to ongoing damage
Superior Will Feat: If dazed or stunned, you make a saving throw at the start of your turn to end the effect, even if it does not normally end with a saving through (IE, TENT)
Orb Shield Powers:
+2 to damage
+2 resist all
+2 to all saving throws
+1 to AC
At-Will: Brash Assault, Vicious Mockery, Cloak of the Walking Wounded Second Wind, Boot of the Fencing Master shift,
Encounter: Righteous Brand,
Daily: Stirring Shout,
Harmonic Spellblade Longsword +1
Acrobatics +4, Arcana +5, Athletics +12, Bluff +11, Diplomacy +19, Dungeoneering +7, Endurance +11, Heal +11, History +5, Insight +9, Intimidate +15, Nature +7, Perception +7, Religion +5, Stealth +4, Streetwise +11, Thievery +4
[/sblock][sblock=Halleck's Log][sblock=Mark of Trogdor]
1. Thorkelson, a bald, tattooed man, entered the hangman's tavern and recruits Halleck and Vimak for a job. Thorkelson, needed some protection at the docks, but apparently had some sinister other motive, since he used drinks from the bar to drug Halleck and Vimak.
2. Wake up in the middle of a fight, being helped by strangers. Give the bandits a beating,
3. Get approached by the bandit leaders, who have two girls that look exactly like that one we want. The real girl is revealed, and natural, a fight breaks out. After we smash the goons, their leader, Hank the Tank comes out. And, eventually, Hank gets killed.
4. Get the real mission: deliver Lerrick to brother Buchta, so he can remove the mark of Trogdor from her forehead. The mark is in indicator to all that Lerrick has been chosen to be sacrificed to the dragon Bosch. Your quest as of now is to provide safe passage for Lerrick to brother Buchta so that he can perform the ritual. This includes taking her to the portal, traveling thought it, and then taking her from the portal to brother Buchta's place of residence.
5. Delivered Lerrick, performed the ritual, saved the day. However, discovered an evil dragon named Bosch who wears a necklace which makes him a juggernaut. Halleck carries a shield which should counter this effect. Adventurers now must stop the dragon.
[/sblock][sblock=Trogdor 1.5]1. Wait at Tavern.
2. Fight in tavern vs statues.
3. Kick Statue butt.
[/sblock]1. Wait at Tavern.
2. Get attacked by some shadow things, at tavern.
3. Get on the road
4. Run in to some people enslaved by demons. Agree to rescue them / free them from masters
5. Encounter Beholders (really hard!)