[Adventure]: Bosch's Revenge (DM: Dimsdale, Judge ??)

[MENTION=79956]dimsdale[/MENTION], you never specified WHICH friday :)

OOC: That made me laugh MetaVoid. Again, apologies to everyone for the DM's lack of posting. The last two weeks were crazy at work. My schedule clears up considerably from this point on.


Quan looks on as he prepares his next attack. The dwarf stands firmly in place on top of the massive eye. Before the beast has a chance to attack, the remaining druids attack in unison, one of which holds a staff of some sort. The wielder of the the staff then shouts a command. In unison the druids raise their hands, then thrust them towards the beholder. Lightning sprays from their hands, then arcs its path, ripping into the druid holding the staff. The druid stands motionless as electrical charge begins to build within him. A moment later the druid shouts again. A tremendous burst of lightning blasts from the staff scoring a direct hit on the beholder. It roars in pain and anger, understanding that its reign of terror is coming to an end. As a final act of defiance, it explodes in a great ball of fire. The dwarf is seared and thrown from the foe, landing hard on the ground. Quan reflexes are quick, but not enough to move away from the shockwave and fire. All druids collapse to the ground, their bodies smoldering in flames ...except for the one holding the staff. She is prone and unconscious, but did not feel the effects of the fire.

Quan takes 2d6+8 fire damqge: 15
Rocco takes 2d6+8 fire damage and 3d6 damage from fall: 20

As the fire dies down the cavern room becomes darker, but not to point where you can't see as patches light illuminating moss still exist as it was not destroyed from the battle.

OOC: Encounter is over

Quan, Halleck, Raijin, Vimak, Skalisss and Nementah are in the cavern above and Rocco is in the room below with druids


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Getting up and putting down his dagger, Rocco, still smoking and with wide grin on his face, goes to check on the burning druids. His smile falters when he sees the two dead.

He goes to see the unconscious druidess, checks that she's alive and then raises her to sitting positions before slapping her hard.

As her eyes flutter, his eyes burn
"What the hell did you do that for?! I had everything in hand and then you go and get youself killed! Druids are supposed to keep life not throw them away like some bloody paladin."
He shakes her all the time by her shoulders.

Then, just as suddenly as it began it stops. He calms down and looks at the woman with deep sadness in his eyes. He helps (well hauls) her up and says quietly, eyes downcast
"I apologize for my outburst. I understand how it is to loose your clan. Still it would be better if more of you survived to keep it going.

Come, let's see to others."

He half turns toward the hole and shouts
"Yo, are you finished with the ugly above? What's taking you so long? We have wounded here!"

Heal check (1d20+7=18)

"Coming! How many?"
despite calm voice, Primera is first one through the tunnel, only then followed by Nementah.

She takes one look at the scene and comes down toward Rocco and Quan.
"Stand close." she instructs, pointing to Primera. Once they approach, she calls upon the spirits of stone and water to heal the companions.

Turning to druidess she offers her hand
"Greetings, druidess. My name is Nementah. We are sorry that so many of your people died in this...bog.

We...I am here to recover Branch of Life that Sarayah has. It needs to be returned to The Green. You will be returned to the remaining survivors and may grieve in peace. Your trial is over. If you want, you may return to your residence above the tunnels, something those siblings talked about.

But first, tell us what you know of Sarayah and the others."

Healing spirit:
Quan heals surge +8
Rocco heals Extra Healing (2d6+3=7)
Both and druidess gain 5thp
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Halleck slaps Rocco on the back as he catches up to him. "Your methods are... unorthodox, but nevertheless effective. The singers will sing songs of your deeds long after your death--of that, there is no doubt."

[sblock=no Internet Access]I will be without internet access starting tomorrow, and probably for a whole week. Post without me, if need be.

Vimak Stonecarver, Goliath Runepriest 9

Vimak inhales deeply. As he tries to make sense of everything just happened, the fiery glow on his halberd slowly fades away.


short rest to regain encounter powers. Rune of Endless Fire effect ends. Loosing remaining THP.

[sblock=Mini stat block]
Vimak Stonecarver
Perception: 16 Insight: 21 Normal Vision
AC 25 Fortitude 21 Reflex 19 Will 21
Initiative: +6
Hit Points: 70 / 70 Bloodied: 35
Temporary Hit Points: 5
Resist: -
Saving Throw:
Action Points: 1 Second Wind: 1
Milestones: 0.0
Healing Surge:17 Surges per day: 9 / 11
At-Will Powers: Word of Diminishment, Word of Binding
Encounter Powers: Rune of Mending 2/2, Stone’s Endurance, Walk it Off, Flames of Purity, Symbol of Wrath Reversed, Word of Befuddlement
Daily Powers: Rune of Endless Fire, Shield of Sacrifice, Cage of Light, Rune of Shielding, Dread Halberd


[sblock=Non active]
WoD (Destruction)
W3 gains vulnerability all 2 (but 5 vs OAs) until next round

- allies gain +1 to attacks vs enemies adjacent to Vimak (B1)

Battle Wrath
Vimak deals 4 extra damage to enemies who hit him in the previous round.

Runestate (Protection)
adjacent allies have resist all 2


ooc: Yes...Definitely a short rest here

"I apologize for my outburst. I understand how it is to loose your clan. Still it would be better if more of you survived to keep it going.
Come, let's see to others."

Yes...thank you stout dwarf. Your arrival and distraction couldn't have come at a better time. The eye would have finished us if it wasn't for you.

She turns to assess and aide the other druids. As she tends to them she senses the presence of Nementah.

Thank you for your aid friend of nature.

We...I am here to recover Branch of Life that Sarayah has. It needs to be returned to The Green. You will be returned to the remaining survivors and may grieve in peace. Your trial is over. If you want, you may return to your residence above the tunnels, something those siblings talked about.

But first, tell us what you know of Sarayah and the others."

I'm afraid that the three of us are all who remain. Besides the ones who were slain while battling the eye, the others were eaten by the three. Sarayah (hatred is clear by the tone of her voice), I've not seen for a long time. She went that way with the eyes (the druid point the way --see map). She had in her possession the item that you seek.

The druid turns back to continue with healing her friends. With her back to Nementah, she continues to speak
Once we are healed, the three of us will return to our land practice the ways of our leader. I have not seen him in a while. He vowed to save us. I sensed his presence not long ago. It gave me the strength and courage to bring attack the eye. Tell me, is he here? We'd very much like to see him.

ooc: Perception Check from everyone please in order to locate item(s) of interest
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"He died in the initial assault. We think he believed he has to die as some kind of punishment for his pride. Listen and learn. Pride is great failing, but he took the easy way out. Proper punishment for him would be to LIVE and rebuild, while teaching new ones of the failings of the past. There are three more surving, two males and a female.

Where can we find you later?"

After receiving the answer:
"Go in harmony of The Green."

Perception (1d20+14=30)

Skalisss finally catches up with the others and is surprised by the scene of distruction. "Doesss anyone need aid" he asks?"

He searches the cavern carefully, seeing little of note other than the dead and injured.
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Vimak Stonecarver, Goliath Runepriest 9

Vimak isn't interrupting the talk and just looks around. Again he used his most powerful rune in the first conflict. He hopes that was no mistake... Distracted by his own doubts, he isn't able to find anything interesting.


[sblock=Mini stat block]
Vimak Stonecarver
Perception: 16 Insight: 21 Normal Vision
AC 25 Fortitude 21 Reflex 19 Will 21
Initiative: +6
Hit Points: 70 / 70 Bloodied: 35
Temporary Hit Points: -
Resist: -
Saving Throw:
Action Points: 1 Second Wind: 1
Milestones: 0.0
Healing Surge:17 Surges per day: 9 / 11
At-Will Powers: Word of Diminishment, Word of Binding
Encounter Powers: Rune of Mending 2/2, Stone’s Endurance, Walk it Off, Flames of Purity, Symbol of Wrath Reversed, Word of Befuddlement
Daily Powers: Rune of Endless Fire, Shield of Sacrifice, Cage of Light, Rune of Shielding, Dread Halberd


[sblock=Non active]
WoD (Destruction)
W3 gains vulnerability all 2 (but 5 vs OAs) until next round

- allies gain +1 to attacks vs enemies adjacent to Vimak (B1)

Battle Wrath
Vimak deals 4 extra damage to enemies who hit him in the previous round.

Runestate (Protection)
adjacent allies have resist all 2


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