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[Adventure] Dirty Money: (The Final Encounter; Rohna, Tondrek up)[Judge: THB]

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OOC: Sorry for the delay. Let's fix things...

Roswyn nods gratefully to her friend as she joins her. "I just don't want to be all alone as the closest to those bodies after we pass through the - " The gnome stops abruptly as the drow is hammered by the previously unseen attackers. "Never mind," she mutters as explosions of fire and wind fill the passage.

"Hey, Tamarand!" she calls as the battered sorcerer flies back in retreat. "I see you're tougher than you look!" Arcane power fills her words, healing her ally's wounds.

She spins her orb, gathering shadows which she flings down to the intersection. None of the creatures are within the field of shadow tendrils, but they will have a hard time passing through without the illusion slowing them down. Next she turns her attention to the four-armed skeleton menacing Rohna. She sends an illusion of graveworms to harry it, but the spell is hurried and feeble. Finally, she scurries back around the corner, trying to stay out of the line of fire.

The frost bitten zombie moves forward but is caught in the zone of writhing shadows, some of it's flesh is scraped off, but it moves out of the shadows, coming up short of the group.

[sblock=ooc]Takes five damage and slowed from grasping shadows. Aura is still close enough to affect Tamarand. 5 damage at the start of his turn.[/sblock]

The wounds of the mummy knit together and it moves into the shadows as well, further wounding it. The sight of the undead, sends a wave of despair through Tamarand, Tondrek, Mitra, and Rohna.

[sblock=ooc]Mummy regens, moves, takes 5 damage and slowed. The above people take -2 to attacks, as they are within the aura of the mummy.[/sblock]

The skeleton continues to batter at the goliath, keeping her off balance with it's strikes.

[sblock=ooc]Same rolls as before. 8 damage after DR.[/sblock]

The flameskulls do not appear from around the corner, not wishing to leaves themselves open to attack.

OOC: Sorry again for the delay. I'll update again in the morning. Those that already posted can redo their actions.

Round 2

Baddies: 24--Acted
Rohna: 19--
Tondrek: 17--
Shava: 10
Tamarand: 7
Roswyn: 4

Tondrek: 52/58 5/10(13) AP: 2
Tamarand: 29/46 6/8(11) AP: 2--; mummy rot; +5 AC until end of Tondrek next turn
Shava: 44/44 2/7(11) AP: 1
Roswyn: 32/39 4/7(9) AP: 2
Rohna: 36/57 resist 5 until end of next turn; 10/15 AP: 1

Z: -16; slowed until end of next turn
M: -34; slowed until end of next turn


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Shava keeps a cool head as Roswyn keeps most of the group back. "Excellent work." She raises her dagger and takes aim, sending a blast of lightning arcing over most of the group and slamming into the frosted undead. It's forced to stagger back into the shadows, transferring some of the energy to the mummy as well.

Shava quickly moves back, next to Roswyn, preparing for another go.

[sblock=ooc]Ok. Well this certainly allot less scary now.
Lightning Strike vs Z. 23 vs Reflex, 13 lightning damage and slide it back to P17. 6 Lightning damage to M.

Move to M25[/sblock]

[sblock=Quick Stats]
Shava Devla d'Lyrandar
Female Half-Elf Sorcerer 5
Initiative +5; Senses Passive Insight 19, Passive Perception 12
HP 44/44, Bloodied 19, Surge Value 9, Surges 2/7
AC 16; Fortitude 15, Reflex 16, Will 19
Speed 6
AP: 1

Skills Arcana +7, Athletics +12, Diplomacy +13, Insight +9
Feats Mark of Storm, Sorcerous Blade Channeling, Sure Climber
Equipment Challenge-Seeking Dagger +2, Sylvan Cloth Armor (Basic Clothing) +1, Safewing Amulet +1, Identification Papers, with Portrait, Waterskin, Sunrod (2), Rope, hempen (50 ft.), Pouch, Belt (empty), Rations, Trail (10), Grappling Hook, Flint and Steel, Everburning Torch, Backpack (empty), Arcane Signet Ring, Ritual Book, Belt of Vim, 1 Healiing Potion
Rituals Summon Winds

Lightning Strike, Storm Walk
Guiding Strike, Thunder Slam, Thundering Gust, Sorcerous Sirocco, Storm Power Defenses, Second Wind
Howling Tempest, Thunder Leap
Full Sheet[/sblock]



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[sblock=ooc]It's still pretty scary! :eek: Due to the combination of the terrain and the huge area on those fireballs, it's going to be very tough for any of us to avoid them... and they even do half damage on miss. Also I'm worried about our lack of divine characters facing all these undead. No one has any attacks doing radiant damage, do they?

Roswyn can keep that zone up for one more round using her orb power. Then I was thinking of dropping hypnotic pattern back behind it. Hopefully this will pull the enemies back to the far side of the zone once again and keep them off us for one more round. But it's not guaranteed to hit. And can we deal with the skeleton in the meantime?

Still a very uphill battle, I don't think we should rule out running away.[/sblock]


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[sblock=ooc]Oh, forgot about that one renau1g! That certainly might help out a lot... of course it may not be easy to keep Tamarand alive so he can put it to use... ;)

I guess for my part, I'm not voting for running away just yet, but it's a close thing. The hard part of it is that at some point those fireballs are just going to devastate us and there's not really anything we can do about it... and after that, it may be too late to withdraw. I suppose that our characters shouldn't know about the fireballs though, so maybe we should pretend that we don't either.[/sblock]


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OOC - Rohna and Mitra keep their withdrawing action the same. If we r going to have any chance of beating through these much bigger enemies and coming out alive, its going to be a fighting retreat that uses the corners as cover. Just standing toe to toe with monster that are our lvl + 3-5 is suicide, and I like this character.


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As the chill rolls over his skin Tamarand shivers despite himself and stares at the foes around him. Not wanting to get close to these foes with the skulls hiding around the corner, the drow calls upon the cosmic energies to bombard the mummies with meteorites. The calls is answered as one particularly large one slams into the eastern mummy and slams it back into the shadows that Roswyn had created. As the meteor slams into the mummy, another whirlwind of air fills the hallway and carries Tamarand next to Shava.

He tosses her a wink as he lands gracefully on his feet. "Miss me?" he jokes as he continues his assault on the enemies. The drow is distracted by the sudden movement though and his attacks are not terribly effective. Seeing Rohna running back down the hall he mutters "When the going gets tough, the tough get going. So true." so low only Shava can hear, and he turns to follow the goliath "C'mon!" he hisses as he passes the half-elf.

Start of turn take 5 damage
Standard: Blazing Starfall on P17 - vs Ref (M, Z); radiant damage (1d20 9=25, 1d20 9=29, 1d4 11=13) ha! Crit Z again... boo-ya! Push Z 1 and fly 5... nice Fly to O25 (maybe OA from S, but I'm hoping Rohna/Mitra/Tondrek will take it first)
crit dmg (2d12=23) wow, nearly maxed out crit damage also. Ok so M takes 13 radiant & Z takes 15 radiant and 23 untyped.
AP: Same action centered on P16 - vs Ref (M, Z); radiant damage (1d20 9=20, 1d20 9=10, 1d4 11=14)... and a critical fail... M might still hit for 14 more radiant
Move: to J25
Minor: n/a

Tamarand —Male Drow Sorceror 5
Initiative: +6, Darkvision, Passive Perception: 1, Passive Insight: 11
AC: 25*, Fort: 15, Reflex: 18, Will: 19— Speed:6 (7 on mount)
*Attacks from more than 5 squares away take -1 penalty.
HP: 24/46, Bloodied: 23, Surge: 11, Surges left: 6/8
Action Points: 1; Second Wind: not used
Powers -
Burning Spray
Blazing Starfall

Racial Power (Cloud of Darkness, Darkfire)
Bedeviling Burst
Flame Spiral
Spatial Trip

Ice Javelins
Thunder Leap
Skald's Leather Armour +1

*Left Behind*
Giant Lizard, Draft
Large natural beast Initiative +4 Senses Perception +1
HP 69; Bloodied 34
AC 17*; Fortitude 18, Reflex 16, Will 13
Speed 7 (swamp walk), climb 2
*+1 from light barding

Bite (Standard, at-will)

+7 vs Armor Class; 2d6+4 damage.

Alignment Unaligned Languages --
Str 19 (+6) Dex 14 (+4) Wis 9 (+1)
Con 19 (+6) Int 2 (-2) Cha 7 (0)


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
OOC: Tondrek spent one of his 2 AP already.

Seeing Tamarand up, Tondrek focuses on the skeletal menace before him while eying the other undead coming with an uncertain gaze. Bad feeling. Baaaad feeling. He stepped around the skeleton, a dangerous move he knew, but he wanted to help Little Big Girl. He traced along the well-worn patterns of magic to call forth some binding force and then raised his staff to the many-armed foe. The staff catches on something, but Tondrek invokes its magic to try again, this time with a better result and anger behind it! [sblock=Actions]Shift to P20 to flank. Repulsion Strike vs S: Ref 18, 14 force. If that misses, use the staff's daily power (and his last daily power until the next milestone) to try again: Ref 24, 17 force damage. He'll also use Furious Assault if he hits, for 8 more (22 or 25 total). If he hits, S takes -3 to damage for each melee attack until the end of Tondrek's next turn.[/sblock]
[sblock=Tondrek]Tondrek—Male Half-orc Artificer 7
Initiative: +7, Low-Light, Passive Perception: 19, Passive Insight: 14
AC: 21 (22 with Staff), Fort: 19, Reflex: 19, Will: 17 — Speed: 6, 8 when charging
HP: 52/58, Bloodied: 29, Surge: 14, Surges left: 5/10; Half-orc Resilience
Action Points: 1/2, Second Wind: Not Used
Powers -
Magic Weapon
Static Shock

Scouring Weapon
Repulsion Strike
Gale-Force Infusion

Obedient Servant
Flameheart Defender

Healing Infusion x2
Swift Mender
Furious Assault

Regeneration Infusion
Battle Staff +1 (daily) (Maybe used)
Targeting Crossbow +2 (daily)
Point Blank Repeating Crossbow +1 (encounter)
Skald's Leather Armor +2 (daily)
Onyx Dog (daily)
2 Clockwork Bombs
2 Woundpatches
2 Alchemist's Acids

Doggie—Construct 4
Initiative +7; Low-light, Passive Perception 17
AC: 16, Fort: 15, Reflex: 14, Will: 13 — Speed: 8
HP: 4/9; Bloodied 4

Full character sheet[/sblock]


First Post
[sblock=ooc]Kind of hard to just withdraw now, they will roll over Tondrek. But Roswyn popping out will be exposed... Well, I'm leaving work now, will post a move at some point after I get home.

By the way renau1g, I don't think you take damage at the start of the turn, you're not inside the aura after the redo... unless it was some other source?

Also Evo, after the redo Roswyn did use her AP after all, so she's down to 1 (and can't use another this encounter)[/sblock]

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