Silent as stone, Cairn follows the group. His sharp senses detect a threat even as it materializes. Rumbling starts and in not quite a shout he grinds out:
"Jackals only attack weaker then themselves and in great numbers. You got only one right. Retreat and live, attack and feed the jackals."
"Stasi, Euphie, fall back."
He swings his mighty weapon in wide arc, spectral vines sprouting from it as he pulls it back in sharp tug, pulling his target toward him.
OOC: I hope this sentence is not too smart for someone with Int 8
OOC2: not needed now, but whenever Cairn succeeds on his save, next ally after that makes next save with +4 bonus
[sblock=Area attackers]
Feel free to drop area effects around Cairn especially those targeting Fort or AC. AS bonus, you can shoot big guns after his second wind he gets +2 to defenses and extra +4 to AC giving him 26.
[sblock=DM and Judge]
Thunderram assault uses word creature for area (blast 3) attack, but in fluff text it says push the opponent and it's allies away which indicates enemies only. Since it's quite big, I'd like to clarify before blasting...
Do I get opportunity attack as #2 tries to hit me? He moved through one square I can reach to another?
Also, ScorpiusRisk, feel free if anyone provokes from me, roll, don't wait for me
Consider any enemy who finds himself at any point adjacent to Cairn to be marked. I'll explicitly call it off when I'm in bad shape.
[sblock=Action for surprise round]
Thorn strike at orc 3 (F10)
Attack;Damage (1d20+9=16, 1d10+5=10)
Effect: pull orc to G10
Free action: Mark orcs 2 and 3 (if attack hits)
Hopefuly, they have low AC.
Initiative +4; Senses Passive Insight 13, Passive Perception 18
HP 56, Bloodied 28, Surge Value 14, Surges 13
AC 20; Fortitude 19, Reflex 16, Will 17
* +2 racial vs ongoing damage
* +2 item vs. poison, weakened, slowed or immobilized
* +2 item vs. charm, fear and psychic effects
* take better of 10 or number rolled vs. death
Resist 5 psychic
An ally that makes saving throw after Cairn succeeds on his gains +4 to the roll
Speed 6