[Adventure] Dive into Darkness (Judge: stonegod)

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"Woot indeed." Filo says with a wry smirk back at Eupemia and follows along whistling a Dwarvish mining song.

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First Post
Edward finds the lift which, luckily, is one of the larger ones. The group boards along with several other people and it slowly makes it's way down the tower, letting people on and off here and there. Any preconceived notions of where you were going are dashed, as Edward waits till the lift gets to it's bottom most stop.

You'd be at the entrance of cliffside if you were on the other side of the tower. Instead you've entered one of the poorer warehouse districts.

"Now a few floors of stairs. The public lifts don't go all the way down to the ground on this side." He smiles, but it's clear he's a bit more on alert than he was before.

A few more stairs and a long corridor later, and you're feet no longer fall upon stone and metal, but packed earth. You've reached the top of the depths, the space between the towers. A few tents, fires, and temporary structures hug the walls, as Sharn's truly desolate make their homes.

Out before you though, stretches a surprising amount of space. The road is dotted with the occassional stone of many shapes and sizes. Ruins of buildings, crumbling from lack of use dot the landscape, with everything lit by shadows of the towers above.


First Post
With each step Elec-Squall seems to be getting more uncomfortable, his fidgeting increases the closer the party gets to ground level. By the time they reach the packed earth of ground floor, the wizard was breathing slow deep breathes, and doing stretching exercises, wrapping his arms around his torso, and bending in all directions. Elec-Squall could be heard *mumbling arcana* as well, refreshing his mind, and reviewing his spell repertoire.


First Post
Euphie's reaction was quite different from Elec's. She was playing the tourist, checking out all the stones and ruins as they went. She was sure that she wouldn't find anything someone else hadn't already, but it was fun to look anyway. She hadn't expected an interesting place like this in a city like this, even though she had heard that it was build on ruins. She did wonder what was bothering Elec though...


First Post
[sblock=ooc]Sure, when you're in the Shard, it's all about RP, interaction, and character development. Now we've got a DM though! We need direct stimulation! I'll show you direct stimulation! Mwuhahahahahahaha![/sblock]

"Almost there now." Edward excitedly rubs his hands together. "These ruins have been completely cleared of valuables long ago, and the University has been studdying the architecture since it's founding. Most have since moved onto other things, but as you'll see. . ."

An arrow goes whizzing by Edward's face, cutting off his words. As you've moved along, the most perceptive among you have noticed movements in the darker shadows. Rats, dogs, and the occassional person move about but never seemed threatening. Now you're glad for you're keen senses as the party is faced with enemies from all sides!

Edward yells "Scavengers!" and quickly covers his head with his bag.

Seemingly in response you hear a number of men cry "Jackals!" before charging in. They appear from the shadows of ruins all around, clearly many were waiting in place for you to arrive.

Two Longtooth Shifter's appear, wielding shields with a crudely painted image of a red jackal. They move swiftly and their swords bite hard. One digs into Stasi, the other cuts Shanairra deeply across the shoulder.

Orcs, in crude hide follow. They bear clubs, and each one has the same red jackal painted on them. They try and surround the party and two manage to over come Euphie, batting her from either side.

Two more enemies fire into the crowd. One arrow flies high over Elec's head, the other bouncing off of Cairn helplessly.

[sblock=ooc]Longtooth 1 charges Stasi.
32 vs AC. Hit. 6 damage.

Longtooth 2 charges Shanairra. 33 vs AC. Nat 20. Hit. 13 damage.

Half-Orc 1 fires at Cairn. 17 vs AC. Miss.

Half-orc 2 fires at Elec. 11 vs AC. Nat 1. Miss.

Orc 1 charges Euphie. 19 vs AC. Hit. 5 damage.

Orc 2 charges Cairn. 18 vs AC. Miss.

Orc 3 charges Euphie. 23 vs AC. Hit. 5 damage.

Orc 4 charges Stasi. 16 vs AC. Miss.

Orc 5 charges Elec. 11 vs AC. Nat 1. Miss. [/sblock]



Surprise Round (Everyone with a Passive Perception of 16 or higher gets 1 standard action)

19 - Enemies - Acted
17 - Elec
12 - Cairn
10 - Stasi
3 - Euphemia

Followed by Round 1!

http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2358531/]19 - Enemies
Longtooth 1 - @H6
Longtooth 2 - @L11
Half-Orc 1 - @B12
Half-Orc 2 - @04
Orc 1 - @F8
Orc 2 - @G11
Orc 3 - @F10
Orc 4 - @J6
Orc 5 - @K8
18 - Shanairra - @K10 - 29/42
17 - Elec - @K9
12 - Cairn - @H10 - 56/56
10 - Stasi - @I7 - 38/44
6 - Filo - @I12 - 41/41
3 - @G9 - Euphemia - 33/43


Note: Dark Ruins are quite big, and provide full cover without trying. The light colored ruins, ie the thin wall in the lower right and the fallen column, provide partial cover or full cover if you croutch. Except for Filo, he gains full cover from the light colored rubble as well.

Squares containing two or three small thingies, represent light rubble. These can eb moved through, but count as difficult terrain.

[sblock=The Map]
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Have I really been on this site for over 20 years!
"Oh, it's playtime, this is going to be fun"

Standard: Draw Flaming Fullblade +1
Free: Activate Flaming Fullblade +1 At-Will power,

[sblock=Stasi stat block]Stasi Tonladar- Female Human Avenger 4
Passive Perception: 21, Passive Insight: 16
AC:21, Fort:16, Ref:18, Will:19 -- Speed: 6
HP:38, Bloodied:22, Surge Value:11, Surges Per-Day 8/8
Initiative +2 Action Points: 1, Second Wind: not used
Overwhelming Strike
Bond of Retribution
Radiant Vengeance

Oath of Enmity
Channel Divinity (Abjure Undead, Divine Guidance, Small Vengeance)
Compelling Blade
Sparking Wounds

Temple of Light

Refocus Emnity

Flaming Fullblade +1(Daily)
Enduring Spirit Vestments +2 (Daily)
Talon Amulet +1


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Silent as stone, Cairn follows the group. His sharp senses detect a threat even as it materializes. Rumbling starts and in not quite a shout he grinds out:
"Jackals only attack weaker then themselves and in great numbers. You got only one right. Retreat and live, attack and feed the jackals."

"Stasi, Euphie, fall back."

He swings his mighty weapon in wide arc, spectral vines sprouting from it as he pulls it back in sharp tug, pulling his target toward him.

OOC: I hope this sentence is not too smart for someone with Int 8 :)
OOC2: not needed now, but whenever Cairn succeeds on his save, next ally after that makes next save with +4 bonus

[sblock=Area attackers]
Feel free to drop area effects around Cairn especially those targeting Fort or AC. AS bonus, you can shoot big guns after his second wind he gets +2 to defenses and extra +4 to AC giving him 26.

[sblock=DM and Judge]
Thunderram assault uses word creature for area (blast 3) attack, but in fluff text it says push the opponent and it's allies away which indicates enemies only. Since it's quite big, I'd like to clarify before blasting...

Do I get opportunity attack as #2 tries to hit me? He moved through one square I can reach to another?

Also, ScorpiusRisk, feel free if anyone provokes from me, roll, don't wait for me :) Consider any enemy who finds himself at any point adjacent to Cairn to be marked. I'll explicitly call it off when I'm in bad shape.

[sblock=Action for surprise round]
Thorn strike at orc 3 (F10) Attack;Damage (1d20+9=16, 1d10+5=10)
Effect: pull orc to G10

Free action: Mark orcs 2 and 3 (if attack hits)

Hopefuly, they have low AC.

Initiative +4; Senses Passive Insight 13, Passive Perception 18

HP 56, Bloodied 28, Surge Value 14, Surges 13

AC 20; Fortitude 19, Reflex 16, Will 17
* +2 racial vs ongoing damage
* +2 item vs. poison, weakened, slowed or immobilized
* +2 item vs. charm, fear and psychic effects
* take better of 10 or number rolled vs. death

Resist 5 psychic

An ally that makes saving throw after Cairn succeeds on his gains +4 to the roll
Speed 6

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First Post
[sblock=Cairn/stonegod]Oh look at that you have a reach weapon. Nope. You are correct, in that Orc 2 moved through a square you can reach, but in 4e that does not provoke an OA unless you have an ability caused threatening reach. The foe needs to move out of a square adjacent to you, regardless of you're reach.

Thunder Ram Assault's secondary attack effects all within the burst 1. The flavor text merely describes a situation where allies aren't next to you.[/sblock]


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
[sblock=Neurotic/Scorpius]Scorpius is correct: Unlike 3.5, w/o threatening reach, folks can walk all within your reach w/o provoking until they move adjacent.

Ignore fluff text: The burst targets "creatures", not "enemies", so it gets everybody. You can, however, orient the blast to try to minimize friendly damage.[/sblock]

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