[Adventure] Dive into Darkness (Judge: stonegod)

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Euphimia's cloak forms around her and she reaches into it drawing out her sword. She then hit it against the rubble next to her and it makes a sound like a tuning fork. Moments later the same sound starts to resonate from the orcs weapon that was next to her and the rings around her hands and feet. "Are you sure you want to do this?" she asks the orc. "I think you're going to have a bad day."
[sblock=Actions]Free Action: Draw Sword
Standard action: Thundering Armor (target self, secondary F8)

1d20+7=17, 1d8+5=8
Euphimia gains +1 AC tent, F8 attacked with a 17 vs Fort for 8 damage and a push to E7

OCC: If my target somehow dies before my turn, I'll change targets[/sblock]
[sblock=stat block]
Initiative: +2, Passive Perception: 19, Passive Insight: 14
AC: 19[20], Fort: 19, Reflex: 19, Will: 18 - Speed: 6
HP: 43/43, Bloodied: 21, Surge Value: 10, Surges left:9/9
Action Points: 1

1/1 Second wind
1/1 Scouring Weapon
1/1 Repulsion Strike
1/1 Icebound Sigil
2/2 healing infusion
1/1 Restoritive Infusion
1/1 Shockweave Armor (encounter)
1/1 Shockweave Armor (daily)

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Just small rant about Thorn Strike. It's melee 2. Why couldn't it be melee reach +1 so that longsword or mace wielder get reach, but polearm wielders get MORE reach...eh, eh...

Now waiting for new round so we can blast these thugs apart

[sblock=ooc]I have been assured by Elec that he is very tired, and is getting to our thread. :P So I'm giving him more time.[/sblock]

Never fails, with a flourish Elec-Squall snaps his fingers, and the resulting BOOM echoed lightly. Brigands, desist in your attack, and surrender your weapons, final warning. says the wizard as sparks coalesce down his sturdy form.

Hands rested casually on holstered wands, a calm before the storm... Eyes lowered into a steady gaze, taking in potential threats, reading the pattern, Elec-Squall was already selecting his next spell.


standard, Thunderwave close blast 3, targeting J6-L8, 12 vs fort orc 4, 10 vs fort orc 5, for 14 Thunder damage and push orc 4 to L4 and orc 5 to M6. (Like that's gonna hit... :hmm:)

Thanks for the heads up on friendly fire Neurotic, BIG help!

Speaking of which, is anyone specifically not ok with friendly fire?

Thanks for the extra time! I'll be more prompt next time.
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Well, out of character remember stasi is an avenger and thus a little fragile.

In character, Stasi is pretty much just as likely to not notice you've hit her, as she is to turn on you for hitting her.


[sblock=ooc]Filo doesn't like getting hit...from anyone. He is kinda funny that way. ;) He might occasionally participate in some sort of gambit that we worked out ahead of time and we were playing the odds. Otherwise he would very much frown upon getting caught in the wake of some nasty area effect. He would also likely gripe about having to heal ally inflicted injuries on the party. Oh he'd do it! He would just whine about it.

BTW we almost at the 1st turn yet?[/sblock]

Never fails, with a flourish Elec-Squall snaps his fingers, and the resulting BOOM echoed lightly. Brigands, desist in your attack, and surrender your weapons, final warning. says the wizard as sparks coalesce down his sturdy form.

Hands rested casually on holstered wands, a calm before the storm... Eyes lowered into a steady gaze, taking in potential threats, reading the pattern, Elec-Squall was already selecting his next spell.


standard, Thunderwave close blast 3, targeting J6-L8, 12 vs fort orc 4 (Miss), 10 vs fort orc 5 (Miss),

Silent as stone, Cairn follows the group. His sharp senses detect a threat even as it materializes. Rumbling starts and in not quite a shout he grinds out:
"Jackals only attack weaker then themselves and in great numbers. You got only one right. Retreat and live, attack and feed the jackals."

"Stasi, Euphie, fall back."

He swings his mighty weapon in wide arc, spectral vines sprouting from it as he pulls it back in sharp tug, pulling his target toward him.

[sblock=Action for surprise round]
Thorn strike at orc 3 (F10) Attack;Damage (1d20+9=16, 1d10+5=10)

"Oh, it's playtime, this is going to be fun" Stasi says as she draws her sword.

Standard: Draw Flaming Fullblade +1
Free: Activate Flaming Fullblade +1 At-Will power,

Euphimia's cloak forms around her and she reaches into it drawing out her sword. She then hit it against the rubble next to her and it makes a sound like a tuning fork. Moments later the same sound starts to resonate from the orcs weapon that was next to her and the rings around her hands and feet. "Are you sure you want to do this?" she asks the orc. "I think you're going to have a bad day."

[sblock=Actions]Free Action: Draw Sword
Standard action: Thundering Armor (target self, secondary F8)

1d20+7=17, 1d8+5=8
Euphimia gains +1 AC tent, F8 attacked with a 17 vs Fort for 8 damage and dies.[/sblock]

Seeing the many threats and quick misses, the Jackals respond in turn. One shifter calls out "Strike out quickly!" One of the half-orcs shout, "The Storm creature is high target!"

The shifter next to Stasi strikes fast and low. As he shifts his form part way round Stasi, his sword swung by, but found no mark.

The longtooth next to Shanairra moved closer to Elec-squall and tried to strike low as well. He hit his mark well, Elec buckles and is forced to favor one leg.

One of the half-orcs drop their bows, pull an axe and charges Euphie fiercly, but she manages to avoid the blow. Elec is not so lucky as the other half=orc digs his arrow into his arm.

The remaining orcs move around as well, trying to gain the most advantageous position. It is clear that they have experience fighting groups, as a group.

They also seem quite accurate as Cairn, Stasi, Euphie and Elec are all slammed with clubs.

[sblock=ooc] Longtooth 1 shifts to H7. 16 vs AC. Miss.

Longtooth 2 shifts to L10. 27 vs AC, Hit. 6 Damage and marked.
Secondary attack. 27 vs Reflex. Slowed (save ends)

Half-Orc 1 charges Euphie. 14 Vs AC. Miss.

Half-Orc 2 fires on Elec. 19 vs AC. Hit. 9 damage.

Orc 2 Shifts to H11. Attacks Cairn, 28 vs AC. Hit. 5 damage.

Orc 3 Shifts to G10. Attacks Euphie. 24 vs AC. Hit. 5 damage.

Orc 4 shifts to J7. Attacks Stasi. 22 vs AC. Hit. 5 damage.

Orc 5 shifts to J8. Attacks Elec-Squall. 31 vs AC. Crit. 5 damage.[/sblock]



Round 1!
19 - Enemies [ Acted
Longtooth 1 - @H7
Longtooth 2 - @L10
Half-Orc 1 - @F9
Half-Orc 2 - @04
Orc 2 - @H11
Orc 3 - @G10
Orc 4 - @J7
Orc 5 - @K8
18 - Shanairra - @K10 - 29/42
17 - Elec - @K9 - 15/35 - Marked by Longtooth 2 TENT, Slowed (save ends), Bloodied
12 - Cairn - @H10 - 51/56
10 - Stasi - @I7 - 33/44
6 - Filo - @I12 - 41/41
3 - Euphemia - @G9 - 28/43 = +1 AC TENT


Note: Dark Ruins are quite big, and provide full cover without trying. The light colored ruins, ie the thin wall in the lower right and the fallen column, provide partial cover or full cover if you croutch. Except for Filo, he gains full cover from the light colored rubble as well.

Squares containing two or three small thingies, represent light rubble. These can be moved through, but count as difficult terrain.

[sblock=The Map]
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OOC: elecgraystone,would you consider moving euphie out of the zone F9-H11 I'd like to hit all three enemies in the diagonal with ThunderRam Assault and I'd hate to strike at you since it's thunder damage.

"Euphie, I attack them all, move to protect Edward!"

Using his superior height and reach, Cairn makes overhead chop and slams it near half-orc threatening Euphie to the ground. Unfortunately, it seems there is still to much worked stone for it to obey Cairn and his weapon fails to slam into the enemy.
Earthgrasp Strike (1d20+9=15, 1d10+5=9, 1d10+5=6)

OOC: What's up with single digit rolls?
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