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Adventure: Echoes of O

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7 Rabbit is, indeed, fiddling with his charts - or more precisely, an ornate carved rod with various measurements marked on it. He seems to be listening with half an ear. When Marley finally pauses, he seems about to speak, then thinks better of it and looks expectantly towards Raiyek.

Lord Sessadore

[sblock=OOC]Haha, I'm not used to leading. :p But, if we just want to keep moving, I guess we can forge ahead.

And nice score with the armour, Kruk! Makes me wish I didn't already have a magic item ;)[/sblock]He seems genuine, and the story does make a certain sense, given the circumstances. Regardless, he must be very attached to Rebekkah if he's willing to break his social code to find her, Raiyek muses. And, pragmatically, we might as well accept his help; shouldn't hurt our chances, in any case.

When he catches Rabbit's expectant look, Raiyek nearly gets flustered. When I thought adventuring would be a nice change from always taking orders, I didn't think I'd be the one leading! However, he keeps his head. "Assuming my companions agree, I think we have a deal. We will keep you informed of our progress locating Rebekkah, in return for your help. And thank you for Ash's help in advance; I'm sure he'll make a fine addition to our group." He gathers his shield and stands, offering Marley a nod. Turning to his companions, he says, "Unless we have anything else we wish to discuss here, shall we go to this bridge and see what we can learn before dark?"


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"I have something," says 7 Rabbit. "I think I understand how things work here now, so I would like to try asking for some information in the local idiom.


I can see that you are a very powerful leader in this part of the world. Of course, we could kill you now with ease and take all those wonderful items you just showed us, but that would not help anybody. Besides, I have all the wealth of the Golden Kingdoms of the Valley of Bone available to me, so I have no need of your trinkets. Uh, not with with me, of course, my wealth is back in the Valley of Bone. Uh, where was I?

I may have need of a Leader with your skills in the future, and I can promise you riches untold in return. If, of course, your place in the universe and the circumstances of your birth are appropriate. It is not my choice to make, I only follow the dictates of the stars."

With a flourish, he holds out the rod on his outstretched palms, so that Marley can easily take it, but would need to walk forward a few feet to do so. "As a token, I offer you this Rod of the Stars. I assure you, it is a worker of powerful magic... although it does not seem to work in this part of the world. In return, all I ask is that you use it to indicate the time of your birth and the stars that governed the proceedings."

He waits expectantly.


First Post
Marley grabs his sword and moves to his wall safe. He enters the combination, and the safe expands, suddenly covering the entire wall. It opens, revealing treasures, rubies, and various ornate arms and armor. He places the sword on a rack, and finds himself a suit of plate mail, which he casually tosses out onto the floor of the larger room, piece by piece. The armor is jet black, but as it hits the ground, patches glow violent red before fading back to darkness.

"Put it on, dwarf. Consider it a down payment."

Kruk, quickly wipes his beard with his forearm. He gazes almost in shock at the armor on the floor. After a moment his eyes slowly look upward until they look at Marley. "I've only once seen a set of armor like this. It was worn by a well respected member of my clan, Graggon. I remember, in a battle with a rival clan, our foes shuttering in awe and fear as they noticed his armor turned color from jet black to a firery red..." his voice trails off. "Could this armor hold the same ability?" He reaches down to touch it, hesitating at the last moment. "I...I don't know what to say." He carefully picks up the armor pieces and states to Marley "This is a worthy down payment indeed. I will wear it proudly and with honor. I'll do my part to defeat those who stand against us in our quest to finding and returning the girl. Thank you Marley."

He then moves to an open area in the room and strips his old armor off and replaces it with the new. He walks back to his seat with his head held hight, beaming eyes and a grin from ear-to-ear.

Do I have time to put this on?
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Don Incognito

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"As a token, I offer you this Rod of the Stars. I assure you, it is a worker of powerful magic... although it does not seem to work in this part of the world. In return, all I ask is that you use it to indicate the time of your birth and the stars that governed the proceedings."
Marley takes the rod, examining it quickly before handing it back to 7 Rabbit.

"18th sign of the Grand Rising," he tells Rabbit, "on the cusp of the Covenant of Watchers. Or half-past the Dog, while Centaur is setting from the south, depending on which angle you are viewing the stars from. The year is unimportant."

[sblock=OOC]I'm assuming that babbling makes sense to Rabbit. Also, I don't see any reason why you can't put on the armor now. Be sure to update your character's description to include the black plate.[/sblock]


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Rabbit notes it down. "Thank you, that is most detailed! Most of the people I ask that question of have not given me an answer." Then he mutters to himself, "Now I just have to find out what it means."

Nope, not a clue. :)


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Ashurn walks over to the other end of the room, standing about 15 feet away from the dartboard that's affixed on the wall.
Taking out the shurikens that are on his leather gauntlet, Ashurn starts flinging them towards the dartboard. Most of them landing on the bulls eye or near it.

[sblock=OOC] Just keeping myself active in the thread. [/sblock]

Dawn Raven

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The ex-pirate waits but a moment before standing and giving a flourishing bow. "And with that, I believe our business is completed for now. We will return tomorrow with news for you." Les looks at Ashburn and nods to him, "So, you will be coming along with us then? I suppose a known spy is always better than one hiding in the dark."

She walks out of the room, heels clicking on the wooden floors. Upon reaching the door, Les looks back and gives a chilling smile. "Hurry up now, we wouldn't want to have to wash the stones in blood tonight if some silly slummers choose us as targets at night."


First Post
Les looks at Ashburn and nods to him, "So, you will be coming along with us then? I suppose a known spy is always better than one hiding in the dark."

"Spy? Hmmm....I don't remember spying on you all." Smirks Ashurn, "But I agree its time to move on to look for my leader's 'love'." grinning at Marley.

Voidrunner's Codex

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