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Adventure: Food of the Gods (DM: ryryguy, Judge: renau1g)

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Headman's Garden round 2

OMG, my computer bluescreened just as I was about to paste in the post here... :eek: thank goodness for auto-save, I don't think I actually lost anything.

"Aiee!" Papolstaanas squeals as he is dragged along the ground, arms flailing. He soon recovers his balance and slithers smoothly out of the plant creature's grasp, stepping quickly back toward the root-pod creature and stabbing at it with his little sword. His blade strikes home, and winds suddenly erupt around him, battering and moving the plant creatures around.

Kaeysari wrenches herself free from the plant creature's grasp and steps away. She swings her glaive, catching some of the waving tendrils. "I'll hold its attention" she shouts. "Someone else hit it!"

(miss, but reaping strike does 4 damage)

Chaku sees Papolstaanas pull free the two beasts from their woods, and decides to take advantage of the opportunity it presents. He steps up and skirts along the edge of the hedge wall to give himself some room to run. Turning around, unleashes a bellowing roar and charges in toward the rootpod, bringing his maul down hard on it's trunk, flecks of wood splintering off. Sap explodes from the caved-in seed pods, liberally coating Chaku's maul.

Azryah moves to the side in an attempt to avoid the root creature in favor of the more imposing looking creatures flying in her direction. She looks over at the one on the left and a ball of light surrounds it, but it looks largely ineffective.

Cillani narrowed her eyes when she saw the winged creatures but the immediate dangers seem to be the plant things. Her hand seemed to glow as three bolts lept from her hand one heading to the root pod, and the other two aimed at the vines. "Not as good as the lightning but it works." The already highly beaten rootpod is blasted apart by her efforts, and the vine creature engaged with Papolstaanas is singed by the blast, but the other one dodges out of the way in time.

Jynxx launches another arrow toward the same target, "Come now friends, let us be finished with this quickly." The arrow strikes home, but again an insubstantial force around the creature seems to blunt the shot before dissipating. Still, the creature hisses as the arrowhead gouges its rotting flesh.

Still hissing, the creature flies well above the hedge and banks before swooping in on Azryah, dropping in like a rock - a clawed rock. The deva cannot fend off the attack, and is flung backwards, crashing through the thick hedge. Its sharp needles draw blood.

The other winged creature also rises above the hedge before making a plummeting, screeching charge on the barbarian. Its claws barely penetrate the barbarian's defenses, but penetrate they do, tearing and rending, drawing blood. Despite his large size, the tremendous momentum behind the attack also throws the goliath back through the hedge to be scored by its needles.

The vine creatures continue to battle their original targets, the shifter and the kobold. Kaeysari's whirling glaive seems to have confused her foe, and she easily turns aside its feeble attack. Papolstaanas is not so lucky, and the vine creature facing him again impales him with a barbed thorn. The wound is not a deep one, but the barb holds well enough, and the vine creature again uses thick vines to drag him away. The kobold's heels leave deep furrows in the ground as he resists, but the thing is barely able to wrestle him into the hedge.

[sblock=Perception DC 25]A small spectral eye hovers roughly forty feet up, close to the wall of the pyramid, regarding the scene.[/sblock]
Winged B:
Fly to R18, 15 feet off the ground.
Flying charge to U18 (+5 feet) vs. Azryah. Flying Charge vs. Azryah Hits AC 27 for 9 damage. A clean hit. Az is pushed 2 squares to X16, taking an additional 5 damage from the needle hedge. She is just barely bloodied.

Winged X:
Fly to R22, 15 feet off the ground.
Flying charge to U19 (+5 feet) vs. Chaku. Just hits AC 18 for 14 damage (note, I left the +1 for charging off the roll in IC, and that made the difference!) Chaku is bloodied, and pushed 2 squares to X20, taking an additional 5 damage from the needle hedge (19 total). Ouch.

Vine Thing N:
Std: Impaling Thorn vs. Kaeysari Misses Fort 9

Vine Thing E:
Move to U19
Std: Impaling Thorn vs. Papolstaanas Hits Fort 19 for 5. Papolstaanas is grabbed and (just) bloodied.
Minor: Pulling Vines, shift to T21, pull Papolstaanas to U21
Minor: Pulling Vines, shift to S22, pull Papolstaanas to T22
(Only one square of forced movement through hedge, so no extra damage here.)
16 Jynxx - W18 - 22/24 (7/8) AP: 1
12 Kaeysari - U17 - 17/28 (6/10) AP: 0
12 Azryah - W19 - 14/28 (7/9) AP: 1 - bloodied

11 -- BAD GUYS --
Winged B - U18 (+5') -11 HP - jinxed TENT Jynxx
Winged X - U19 (+5') -
Vine Thing N - T16 -14 HP - cover, marked by Kaeysari
Vine Thing E - S22- -4 HP - cover, marked by Papol, grabbing Papol
Root Pod - W21 - DEAD

8 Chaku - X21 - 9/33 (9/12) AP: 0 - bloodied
5 Papolstaanas - T22 - 17/35 (10/13) AP: 1 - grabbed (immobilized), bloodied
3 Cillani - X19 - 21/23 (6/7) AP: 0 - firesoul (+1 Reflex / resist 5 fire)
[sblock=Enemies]Winged Things
HP ??, bloodied ??
AC 16, Fort ??, Ref ??, Will ??
Basic Attack: Slam +8 vs AC; 1d8 + 1 damage
Weakness: Any critical hit to the winged thing reduces it to 0 hp instantly.
[sblock=Lore (Religion active check)][sblock=DC 15]The winged thing is an undead creature called a rotwing zombie. It is essentially mindless, obeying its creator's will.[sblock=DC 20]The rotwing zombie can hit harder than usual if it executes a charge while flying.[sblock=DC 25]The rotwing zombie is immune to poison and disease, resists necrotic, and is vulnerable to radiant damage.[/sblock][/sblock][/sblock][/sblock]
Vine Things
HP ??, bloodied ??
AC 18, Fort 15, Ref 12, Will ??
Basic Attack: +9 vs AC; 1d8+5 damage
[sblock=Lore (Nature active check)][sblock=DC 15]The viney creature is a plant creature (obviously) commonly called a bloodthorn vine. They are not intelligent, and can be bound to service by powerful items or rituals.[sblock=DC 20]The bloodthorn vine attacks by impaling its foes with a sharp, hollow thorn. It sucks its victim's blood through the thorn, healing itself. It can move unhindered through difficult vegetation.[/sblock][/sblock][/sblock]
Root Pod Thing
HP 34, bloodied 17?
AC ??, Fort ??, Ref ??, Will ??
Basic Attack: +7 vs AC; 1d8+3 damage, and the target is grabbed.
[sblock=Lore (Nature active check)][sblock=DC 15]The root creature is a plant creature (obviously) known as a tainted root pod. It is not intelligent, and can be bound to service by powerful items or rituals.[sblock=DC 20]The tainted root pod attacks with lashing roots which have a long reach. It can drag foes grabbed by its roots. It is blind but can sense creatures and objects that are near it. It can move unhindered through difficult vegetation.[/sblock][/sblock][/sblock]
[sblock=Terrain Notes]Needle Hedge (Green blocks): 10 feet high. Difficult terrain. Grants cover to a creature within or behind it. If a creature moves through more than one square of needle hedge during a single move action or incident of forced movement, that creature takes 5 damage.

Impassable Brambles (Brown blocks): Blocking terrain - treat as walls.

Totems: Provide cover to creatures in the 4 squares around them (the totems occupy the center point of 4 squares). [sblock=Arcana DC 15]The totems are embued with protective spells. A creatures that starts its turn adjacent to a totem gains 5 temporary hit points.[/sblock]

Topiaries: Difficult terrain.

Flowers (pinkish circles): They still look real pretty but smell kinda icky! (No apparent effects.)[/sblock]
[sblock=Full Map (reference)]Map showing entire garden (at start of encounter)


First Post
The goliath howls in anger at being bashed through the barbs. Inside the hedge, he free's his senses and calls upon an earth spirit to ward his flesh from the needles. Emerging from the hedge, he again uses his connection with the earth spirit to give himself the strength of a rockslide, but unfortunately, in doing so, he becomes just as clumsy. As he brings his maul down in the vicious strike, the winged thing easily avoids the blow with a flutter of it's wings.

[Sblock=Mechanics]Minor: Stone's endurance, Resist 5 TENT
Minor, move out to U20
Standard: Avalanche strike: 1d20+6=12 6d6+8=32 swing and a miss.[/sblock]


First Post
Azryah grunts and shoves her way back out of the hedge, absorbing the pain of the needles without notice now. She lets out a low growl and light erupts from her body in all directions. It obliterates one of the winged creatures as it passes through it and badly damages the other. As the light recedes, it forms a sparkling cloak of pure light on the deva's back.

She breathes a deeps sigh, and the most recent thorn wounds from pushing out of the hedge disappear, along with a couple other scratches, but she still looks badly wounded.

Move:V18 (taking 5 damage)
Standard: Argent Mantle (close burst) Att vs. Winger B fort: 1d20+4=21 Att vs. Winger X fort: 1d20+4=24 Damage: Winger X auto kill for the crit, Winger B: 2d10+4=20 radiant and thunder damage +5 for the radiant vulnerability, so 25 all together.
Action Point: Second Wind - heal 7 and +2 to all defenses[/sblock]

[sblock=Azryah mini-stats]Azryah- Female Deva Avenger (Censure: Retribution) 1
Passive Perception: 19, Passive Insight: 14
AC:16, Fort:13, Ref:14, Will:15 -- Speed:6; +2 all def for second wind
HP:21/28, Bloodied:14, Surge Value:7, Surges Left: 6/9
Damage Resistence: 5 vs. Necrotic & Radiant
Special: +1 to all defenses vs. attacks by bloodied creatures
Action Points: 0, MI Daily: 1, Second Wind: used
Powers: Bond of Retribution, Radiant Vengeance, Frost Weapon Cold Activation/Deactivation
Oath of Enmity
, Avenging Echo, Memory of a Thousand Lifetimes, Channel Divinity: Abjure Undead, Channel Divinity: Divine Guidance
Argent Mantle, Frost Weapon DMG+Slow[/sblock]
Last edited:


First Post
Papolstaanas manages to tug out vine-creature's barb and scrambles out of the hedge. He then charges the remaining winged creature, intending to leap into the air in order to reach it, but he loses his footing and nearly falls over.

[sblock=actions]Free: mark vine E again.

Move: escape from grab. Athletics vs. fort 1d20+6=17 success. Shift to U22.

Standard: charge to U19, attack wing B (+1 charge, +2 flanking) 1d20+9=12 1d6+3=4 or perhaps not.[/sblock]
[sblock=ministats]Papolstaanas Male Kobold Warden 1
Initiative: +2
Passive Perception: 16; Passive Insight: 11; Senses: Normal
AC:19, Fort:15, Reflex:14, Will:12
HP:17/35, Bloodied:17, Surge Value:8, Surges left:10/13
Action Points: 1
Tempest Assault
Weight of Earth
Warden’s Fury (immediate interrupt)
Warden’s Grasp (immediate reaction)

Gale Strike
Second Wind
Student of the Sword (feat)

Form of Winter's Herald

Conditions: bloodied

Full sheet: Papolstaanas[/sblock]


First Post
Wow, what a timely crit, right after the barbarian whiffed! :) And on the undamaged guy to boot!

Btw Az doesn't take damage for moving through the hedge since she only moves through one square, it's only if you move through two or more in the same action.


First Post
ooc: It occurs to me that I may have given myself a flanking bonus incorrectly--P doesn't flank with K because the winged thing is 5 feet in the air, is that right? Not that it helped P anyway.


First Post
A slow smile crept across Cillani's face as the winged creatures approached and entered her range. She clapped once as Azryah destroyed one of them, hopefully she could get the other. "In the name of the Reaper Queen, Begone!" A burst of energy thrust towards the Rotwing but nothing appeared to have happened. "Well, Curses!"

Perception check: 1d20+4=7

Rebuke Undead: 1d20+4, 1d10+4=[5, 4], [7, 4] [/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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