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Adventure: Food of the Gods (DM: ryryguy, Judge: renau1g)


Jynxx catches a movement out of the corner of his eye. "Is this some sort of audition?" He pauses for a moment and begins to sing, [sblock=song]

"Aiding others with their blight,
We show no fear only our might,
All foes who dare to desecrate,
Our foes demise is their fate,
The gods themselves us have blessed,
Our strength is shown our gods impressed,

Now take heart allies of the sacred trust,
Blood will quench the undying lust,
That have granted us this life,
Our enemies always knowing strife,
Your arm is strong, your words are sure,
All your weakness is a lure,
To bring destruction to those that come,
Our power has clearly struck them dumb,

Any who stand before us will see,
We are the answers to those who plea,
The gods themselves give us this power,
So run and hide, crouch and cower,
We come for you and you might know,
Your death is simply part of our show,

Remember well those who may be alive,
In this arena it is we who thrive,
May your death come swiftly and full of pain,
That your life my come to give us gain,
If you cross our path again,
Your life will give the earth a stain,
Run now foes, flee with fear,
'Cuz Death itself is here.


Jynxx sings his song heatedly, over accentuating each rhyming word. He ends with a thunderous battle cry as an arrow flies toward one of the winged creatures.


Minor: Majestic Word on Palp healing surge + 5 (Chaku yours is coming I swear)
Standard: Focused Sound on U18

1d20+5=15 vs. Reflex, 1d10+5=10

If it hit (thunder damage btw), then a critical hit can be scored on the creature with a roll of 18-20 UEONT.

ps. I rolled perception.... but apparently didn't copy the link. I will find it for you later, I have to go pick up my gf or she'll get um... well a dragon would be preferable.[/sblock]
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"Hey, over here!" Kaeysari yells, lashing out at the flying thing. She misses, but manages to attract its attention. "Hit it again!" she calls to her comrades.

[sblock=actions]Standard: Cleave vs. Winged B: 1d20+7=12 Miss, but it's marked.[/sblock][sblock=Kaeysari stat block]Kaeysari Female Longtooth Shifter Fighter 1
Initiative: +2, Passive Perception: 18, Passive Insight: 13, Senses: Low-light
AC:17, Fort:16, Reflex:12, Will:13
HP:17/28, Bloodied:14, Surge Value:7, Surges left:6/10
Action Points: 0, Second Wind: unused
Powers:Cleave, Reaping Strike, Covering Attack, Longtooth Shifting,
Villain's Menace, Healing Word
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Round 3 update

The goliath howls in anger at being bashed through the barbs. Inside the hedge, he free's his senses and calls upon an earth spirit to ward his flesh from the needles. Emerging from the hedge, he again uses his connection with the earth spirit to give himself the strength of a rockslide, but unfortunately, in doing so, he becomes just as clumsy. As he brings his maul down in the vicious strike, the winged thing easily avoids the blow with a flutter of it's wings.

Azryah grunts and shoves her way back out of the hedge, absorbing the pain of the needles without notice now. She lets out a low growl and light erupts from her body in all directions. It obliterates one of the winged creatures as it passes through it and badly damages the other. As the light recedes, it forms a sparkling cloak of pure light on the deva's back.

Winged X autokilled indeed... Winged B is bloodied by the attack.

She breathes a deeps sigh, and the most recent thorn wounds from pushing out of the hedge disappear, along with a couple other scratches, but she still looks badly wounded.

Papolstaanas manages to tug out vine-creature's barb and scrambles out of the hedge. He then charges the remaining winged creature, intending to leap into the air in order to reach it, but he loses his footing and nearly falls over.

Regarding the flanking - I think you were correct Mewness, it probably doesn't count as flanking with the creature in the air, though I probably wouldn't have thought of it until you mentioned it. :) At least it would apply the other way too (it couldn't flank with a buddy on the ground).

A slow smile crept across Cillani's face as the winged creatures approached and entered her range. She clapped once as Azryah destroyed one of them, hopefully she could get the other. "In the name of the Reaper Queen, Begone!" A burst of energy thrust towards the Rotwing but nothing appeared to have happened. "Well, Curses!"

A few moments after the genasi's blast of divine energy fades, there is a soft splashing noise from behind you. The large spectral eye which had greeted you at the now bramble-covered gate has emerged again. It floats a few feet above the obstacles, its gaze locked on Cillani.

Jynxx catches a movement out of the corner of his eye. "Is this some sort of audition?" There is no response to his query.

He pauses for a moment and begins to sing, [sblock=song]

"Aiding others with their blight,
We show no fear only our might,
All foes who dare to desecrate,
Our foes demise is their fate,
The gods themselves us have blessed,
Our strength is shown our gods impressed,

Now take heart allies of the sacred trust,
Blood will quench the undying lust,
That have granted us this life,
Our enemies always knowing strife,
Your arm is strong, your words are sure,
All your weakness is a lure,
To bring destruction to those that come,
Our power has clearly struck them dumb,

Any who stand before us will see,
We are the answers to those who plea,
The gods themselves give us this power,
So run and hide, crouch and cower,
We come for you and you might know,
Your death is simply part of our show,

Remember well those who may be alive,
In this arena it is we who thrive,
May your death come swiftly and full of pain,
That your life my come to give us gain,
If you cross our path again,
Your life will give the earth a stain,
Run now foes, flee with fear,
'Cuz Death itself is here.

Nice song! Pretty long for a 6 second round though, I guess it's extremely up tempo... ;)

Jynxx sings his song heatedly, over accentuating each rhyming word. He ends with a thunderous battle cry as an arrow flies toward one of the winged creatures. Dazzled by the deva's radiant attack, the thing is unable to dodge, and the arrow penetrates its neck. It crumples to the ground, destroyed.

"Hey, over here!" Kaeysari yells, lashing out at the vine thing. She misses, but manages to attract its attention. "Hit it again!" she calls to her comrades.

I changed the target to Vine Thing N since the rotwing was dead.

Kaeysari continues to hold the vine creature's focus, and its thorn whip flicks out at her again. But it seems to have figured out the timing of her glaive swings, and the thorn gets past her guard easily, and the barbs embed themselves painfully in her shoulder. It retreats back into the needle hedge, pulling the shifter along with it. Kaeysari's trained reflexes allow her to get off a strike as the creature moves, but it continues to drag her into the sharp needles of the hedge...

[sblock=BenBrown / Everybody]Ok, so first of all, the vine thing is shifting which triggers Kaeysari's Combat Challenge interrupt. I'll leave it to you to roll, since it's not likely to cause any retcons (don't think you can kill it even with a crit).

Second, the needle hedge is hindering terrain, so you may make a saving throw against the forced movement to avoid getting dragged that second square which will do damage. I assume you'd choose to do this because otherwise the 5 damage would drop you to zero. I'm rolling the save for you now though, because it will determine the final posisions of you and the creature, which the other PCs need to know... and you made it. Kaeysari's saving throw vs. Hindering Terrain (1d20=11) :) (If for some reason you'd prefer to let yourself be dragged and dropped to zero we can revise this, but I can't imagine why you'd want that.)

I didn't initially realize the hindering terrain rule applied to the hedge, so Azryah and Chaku could have also tried saving throws last round. However, I'm guessing that they might have chosen not to, preferring to take the 5 damage rather than having to waste a move action to stand up. I sure hope so... it seems a little late to retcon it now, but I apologize for not giving you the option before.

One more picky rules thing. Kaeysari is grabbed (immobilized) and prone. I think she can stand up from prone while immobilized since that says "you can't move from your space". But note if she escapes the grab while prone, I don't think she can take the free shift, because you can't shift while prone. Just to keep in mind when deciding your actions... if you stand up first, you'll only have one chance to escape.[/sblock]
The other vine thing, apparently frustrated by its inability to hang onto the elusive kobold, seeks easier prey. It scampers across the open ground, passing within reach of the barbarian's maul, and stabs out with its thorn at Cillani. The startled genasi stands frozen, watching the vine hurtling straight for her chest - but suddenly, a spark of arcane energy leaps from the watching eye to strike the attacking appendage. The vine stops and quivers in midair, the thorn inches away from Cillani, before the creature retracts it.

[sblock=Reactions Galore!]Chaku gets an opportunity attack as it leaves through V21. This won't affect the creature's action, so I leave it to Mezegis to roll.

Papolstaanas can use Warden's Grasp when it attacks Cillani. This does affect the creature's action because it wants to shift, but no... I leave it up to Mewness to decide where he wants to shift it though. I also leave it up to him to describe the effect.

And... Charm, I'm sure you must be dying to use Firepulse, but the creature didn't actually hit Cillani, despite needing only a 7! So sorry, I'll try to make sure you get to use Firepulse at least once this adventure. ;)[/sblock]
[sblock=Perception DC 25]A small spectral eye hovers roughly forty feet up, close to the wall of the pyramid, regarding the scene.[/sblock]
Vine Thing N:
Std: Impaling Thorn vs. Kaeysari
CRIT for 12 damage. I rolled "natural" max damage anyhow, but Kaeysari sure is a "crit magnet", isn't she? :)
Minor: Pulling Vines, shift to S15, pull Kaeysari to T15.
Interrupt: Triggers Combat Challenge, I think - it's if the enemy shifts, not just if it takes the Shift action, right? I think so. Since the outcome of this doesn't really affect matters (it isn't an opportunity attack so Combat Superiority won't come into play), I'll let BenBrown roll it.
Minor: Pulling Vines, shift to R14, pull Kaeysari to S14, Kaesari takes another 5 damage from the needle hedge, dropping her to zero... or does she? She succeeds at a saving throw and falls prone in T15 rather than take the damage. I'm going to let the Vine Thing cancel its shift and remain in S15, so it's still grabbing Kaeysari.

Vine Thing E:
Move to X20 (triggers OA from Chaku @ V21)
Std: Impaling Thorn vs. Cillani misses Fortitude 9 And wow, what a crappy roll, and against the low Fortitude target too. It's obviously not this guy's day! :D (and I forgot the -2 for being marked, but no difference)
(Triggers Warden's Grasp)
16 Jynxx - W18 - 22/24 (7/8) AP: 1
12 Kaeysari - T15 - 5/28 (6/10) AP: 0 - grabbed (immobilized), prone, bloodied, cover
12 Azryah - V18 - 21/28 (6/9) AP: 0 - +2 defenses TENT

11 -- BAD GUYS --
Vine Thing N - S15 -14 HP - cover, marked by Kaeysari
Vine Thing E - X20(*pending slide from Papol)- -4 HP (*pending Chaku OA) - cover, marked by Papol, slowed, cannot shift
Winged B - DEAD
Winged X - DEAD
Root Pod - DEAD

8 Chaku - U20 - 9/33 (9/12) AP: 0 - bloodied, resist 5 all TENT
5 Papolstaanas - U19 - 30/35 (9/13) AP: 1
3 Cillani - X19 - 21/23 (6/7) AP: 0 - firesoul (+1 Reflex / resist 5 fire)
Vine Things
HP ??, bloodied ??
AC 18, Fort 15, Ref 12, Will ??
Basic Attack: +9 vs AC; 1d8+5 damage
[sblock=Lore (Nature active check)][sblock=DC 15]The viney creature is a plant creature (obviously) commonly called a bloodthorn vine. They are not intelligent, and can be bound to service by powerful items or rituals.[sblock=DC 20]The bloodthorn vine attacks by impaling its foes with a sharp, hollow thorn. It sucks its victim's blood through the thorn, healing itself. It can move unhindered through difficult vegetation.[/sblock][/sblock][/sblock]
Root Pod Thing
HP 34, bloodied 17?
AC ??, Fort ??, Ref ??, Will ??
Basic Attack: +7 vs AC; 1d8+3 damage, and the target is grabbed.
[sblock=Lore (Nature active check)][sblock=DC 15]The root creature is a plant creature (obviously) known as a tainted root pod. It is not intelligent, and can be bound to service by powerful items or rituals.[sblock=DC 20]The tainted root pod attacks with lashing roots which have a long reach. It can drag foes grabbed by its roots. It is blind but can sense creatures and objects that are near it. It can move unhindered through difficult vegetation.[/sblock][/sblock][/sblock]
[sblock=Terrain Notes]Needle Hedge (Green blocks): 10 feet high. Difficult terrain. Grants cover to a creature within or behind it. If a creature moves through more than one square of needle hedge during a single move action or incident of forced movement, that creature takes 5 damage.

Impassable Brambles (Brown blocks): Blocking terrain - treat as walls.

Totems: Provide cover to creatures in the 4 squares around them (the totems occupy the center point of 4 squares). [sblock=Arcana DC 15]The totems are embued with protective spells. A creatures that starts its turn adjacent to a totem gains 5 temporary hit points.[/sblock]

Topiaries: Difficult terrain.

Flowers (pinkish circles): They still look real pretty but smell kinda icky! (No apparent effects.)[/sblock]
[sblock=Full Map (reference)]Map showing entire garden (at start of encounter)
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Kaeysari lashes out futilely with her glaive as the plant-creature grabs her, struggling as she is pulled into the vines.

[sblock=actions] Basic Melee interrupt vs. Vine Thing N:1d20+7=10 2d4+4=7

And yes, Kaeysari is now officially a crit magnet.
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BenBrown, I already rolled a save for you and you made it. I'll allow you to keep yours if you really want it though...

(I prefer to let PCs roll their own dice, except for cases where it really affects outcomes and positions immediately, the saving throw was such a case.)


First Post
BenBrown, I already rolled a save for you and you made it. I'll allow you to keep yours if you really want it though...

(I prefer to let PCs roll their own dice, except for cases where it really affects outcomes and positions immediately, the saving throw was such a case.)

Ah. Missed that somehow. Retconning.


First Post
[sblock=OA]1d20+6=12 2d6+4=16 Misses, because Chaku can't hit the broadside of a barn.[/sblock]

As the Vine thing passes by him, Chaku tries to summon up some strength to strike back, but alas, he is still weak from the exhertion of his previous strike.

As the frustration builds, he howls in anger over his ineffectiveness, and charges straight into the brambles, his stone hard skin temporarily deflecting the barbs. This move surprises the vine beast, thinking itself safe in it's bramble wall, so it doesn't react as fast as it needs to, and the sweeping blow from the maul strikes true. Couldn't let you have all the fun with this guy Kaeysari. he comments with a grin, blood freely flowing from both of them.

[sblock=Mechanics]Stones endurance is still up till end of my turn, so no damage for diving into the hedge.
Standard: Charge Vine Thing N: 1d20+6+1=21 3d6+4=14 ending in T16, 14 damage.[/sblock]

[sblock=Chaku's stats]Chaku - Goliath Barbarian 1
Passive Perception 12, Passive Insight 12
AC 16, Fort 16, Reflex 12, Will 13
HP 9/33, Bloodied 16, Surge Value 8, Surges 9/12
Speed 6, Initiative +1
Action Points: 0, Second wind
At-Will Powers: Howling Strike, Howl of Fury
Encounter Powers: Avalanche Strike, Swift Charge, Stone's Endurance
Daily Powers: Bloodhunt Rage
Racial Features: Mountain's Tenacity, Powerful Athlete, Stone's Endurance
Class Features: Barbarian Agility, Feral Might, Rageblood Vigor, Rampage


First Post
ooc: I think I want to slide the vine thing into the open where it's easier to hit, although it's not very nice having it next to people. W19?


First Post
As the other zombie dies beside her, Azryah turns to the vine-creature on the other side. She shifts opposite Cillani while grumbling at the creature.

"I know not what you are, nor why you attack us, but you will suffer for what you've done to my friends."

She swings her new sword at the creature, carving it in half.

[sblock=mechanics]Move: shift to V19 to flank Vine Thing E
Minor: Oath of Enmity on Vine Thing E
Standard: Bond of Retribution on Vine Thing E - 1d20+8+2=27 1d20+8+2=28 vs. AC
Damage: 1d10+5=9 (This was a re-roll due to Argent Mantle's ongoing effect. The original result was: 1d10+5=6.)
Side-Effect: The first time an enemy other than Vine Thing E hits or misses Az before the end of her next turn, the target takes 3 radiant damage.[/sblock]
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