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Adventure: Food of the Gods (DM: ryryguy, Judge: renau1g)


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OK, everyone let me know how many surges you want to spend during the short rest (if you haven't already).

During the break, Chaku spends some time scraping off the sticky sap and resin covering the head of his maul, remnants of the blow to the root pod creature. There's a pretty thick coating of the stuff, and it takes quite a bit of effort to remove it. In fact, some amount of it seems to have bonded with the head of the weapon, forming a flattened, heavy ball. Despite the extra weight, after a few practice swings, Chaku finds that it is no more difficult to wield. In fact, it seems slightly easier to handle than it was before, and the sap-ball adds extra heft to a charging blow.

[sblock=Loot]The magical sap from the root pod has turned Chaku's weapon into a Vanguard Maul +1![/sblock]

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Chaku swings his now improved maul around, stopping occasionally to poke at the now rigid sap that has bonded with his weapon. Interesting place. He mutters, If we find more of those pod things, we should try and capture it. I’m sure there’s a mage or weapon maker who would love to study a plant that can strengthen a weapon like this.

Looking around at his companions, particularly the bloodied bard. Well, shall we be off? Though I must say Jynxx, I’d clean myself up a bit beforehand, what if we meet some beauty you’d want to woo with your words, I’d think a smashed nose and vine lashed clothing might not cut the most dashing of figures. Though, some lasses like that wounded dove approach.

[sblock=OOC]Ready to move on when ya’ll are. Chaku will take up his usual spot toward the back[/sblock]


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[sblock=surges]one should do for Az[/sblock]

Azryah wipes off her new blade and reviews it again, impressed, then puts it away and begins to bandage herself up. When she is finished, she pulls it out again and surveys the area.

"I mislike the idea of moving any further without weapons at the ready. Whatever that was all about, there's no telling what lies ahead; and I'm not too worried about upsetting anyone living in there either. If you're going to attack your guests before you know anything about them, then you shouldn't be suprised if you're confronted with weapons when you do meet face-to-face."


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Cillani sits quietly to the side watching her companions. "If the owner was so inclined to be nice he could have called off his pets." She glares at the remaining eye. "As soon as everyone's ready, I'm set to go have a chat with this guy." When everyone appears to be ready she stands and brushes some grass and dirt from her clothes.

[sblock=OOC] Not sure if it was addressed but only one eye disappeared correct? [/sblock]


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ooc: Jynxx can let me know how many surges to spend as soon as he checks in.

After the breather, the group cautiously approaches the stone pyramid. The second eye which was floating in front of it has vanished; it's not clear when or where it went awy.

Weapons ready, the party enters the passageway into the pyramid. It's a wide passage, fifteen feet at least, with torches set into sconces every twenty feet. Inlays of jade and obsidian form geometric patterns on the walls and ceilings. The temperature drops significantly as you pass out of the sunlight. The tunnel slants up slightly.

A hundred feet in, the passageway ends in a large, triangular-shaped chamber. More torches blaze away brightly, filling the chamber with light, and censures burning incense in the opposite corners fill the air with a pleasant aroma. The passageway enters at a point of the triangle. On the far wall is a huge golden door. Wrought into it is a sizable sculpture of a reptilian head surrounded by feathers.

[sblock=Door Sculpture](Except, imagine it's gold instead of stone!)
[sblock=Religion DC 15 (active or passive)]It's a feathered serpent, an image of Quetzalcoatl, the Bonite equivalent of Joven... and the deity worshipped by the zocaltipapatlaca...[/sblock]

Eight humanoids are in the room. Two stand next to the golden door; three stand against of the side walls. Their features have the cast of natives of the Valley of Bone, but their skin is shockingly pale, as white as alabaster. Half look human; the rest, dwarven. They aren't wearing much in the way of clothes - a short skirt, sandals and a leather harness, and most prominently, a large, elaborately carved headdress. The headdresses depict a stylized face, with vertical grooves in the cheeks and long, drooping oblong ears. Coarse hairs sprout from the mask's ears. They are empty handed, but their fingers are quite long, with sharp looking nails... perhaps they would better be called claws than hands.

[sblock=Religion DC 15 (active)]They are wights, savage undead creatures which normally attack living creatures on sight. These seem more... disciplined. It's possible that they are under the control of a more powerful undead creature or an enchantment of some kind.[/sblock]

[sblock=Religion DC 20 (active)]The masks depict Xilonen, the Bonite equivalent of Peresefa. Xilonen is also called "the Hairy One", which refers to the hairs found on the husks of a crop grown in the Valley. The ears on this mask depict the plant.[/sblock]

The creatures along the side walls stare straight ahead, unnaturally still, not reacting to your presence. The two by the door, one male and one female, both dwarf-sized, seem more lively. Though they are clad similarly and share the pale skin of the others, their hands look normal. Each grasps a staff which appears more ceremonial than weaponlike.

[sblock=Perception DC 15 (active or passive)]These two are wearing some kind of makeup to give their skin the white color. You can see a more natural brown color around their eyes and mouths. Also, the male seems to have missed a large spot on his forearm.[/sblock]
The male steps forward and bows. "Welcome, travellers," he says in passable though accented Allarian. "Honored Ancestor Hulgrimi bids you welcome to his home. He asks that you wait in the audience chamber while he prepares to speak with you himself."


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[sblock=religion checks]1d20+10=27 and 1d20+10=30[/sblock]

Azryah eyes the figures in the room with speculation. She is getting an increasingly bad feeling about this whole situation.

How much of this did Krassus know about, she wondered to herself. In a more directed way, she thought specifically to Jynxx, in case he happened to be listening, Be watchful. They seem tame, but those against the walls are wights, undead.

She turns to face the speaking creature, weapon still at the ready.

"Your ancestor has a strange way of bidding welcome to guests, and keeps interesting company. You'll understand if I do not put myself at ease while I wait."
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Door Sculpure check: 1d20+8=15

1st: religion check: 1d20+8=16
2nd: religion check: 1d20+8=25


Cillani squints as she enters the pyramid. Her glare lengthens as she stares at the beings in the room. "Very strange indeed and most annoying." Is all she says but doesn't relax either.


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[sblock=rolls]Religion rolls:1d20+5=21 1d20+5=16 (door sculpture and perception rolls are passive[/sblock]

Kaeysari looks warily about, but says nothing, staying alert for any movement from the creatures along the walls.

[sblock=Kaeysari stat block]Kaeysari Female Longtooth Shifter Fighter 1
Initiative: +2, Passive Perception: 18, Passive Insight: 13, Senses: Low-light
AC:17, Fort:16, Reflex:12, Will:13
HP:28/28, Bloodied:14, Surge Value:7, Surges left:4/10
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: unused
Powers:Cleave, Reaping Strike, Covering Attack, Longtooth Shifting,
Villain's Menace, Healing Word



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XP and Loot!

[sblock=XP and Loot Award]
Encounter 1: Plantation
150 Plaenhoin (Wereserpent) (level 3 Controller)
250 Zocaltipapatlaca Halfling Slinger x 2 (level 2 Artillery)
250 Viper Swarm x 2 (level 2 Brute)
250 Poisoned Cacao Tree x 2 (level 2 Obstacle)
900 total XP (EL 3).
990: +10% due to terrain disadvantages and extra monster powers.
990 / 6 x 2 = 330 per PC

Minor Quest:
120 Save Krassus (Bumped to 120 XP for sixth player)
120 / 6 x 2 = 40 per PC

Encounter 2: Mercenaries

350 Level 4, Complexity 2 Skill Challenge
350 / 6 x 2 = 116 per PC.

Encounter 3: Headman's Garden

250 Bloodthorn Vines x 2 (level 2 Soldier)
300 Rotwing Zombies x 2 (level 3 Skirmisher)
125 Tainted Root Pod (level 2 Controller)
675 total XP (EL 1)
675 / 6 x 2 = 225 per PC.

Overall total (per PC): 330 + 40 + 116 + 225 =
711 XP

Frost Greatsword +1 (Azryah)
Vanguard Maul +1 (Chaku)
Healing Potion (Kaeysari)


First Post
[sblock=Updated statuses]Please let me know if any of the following is incorrect.

Azryah: 28/28 (5/9), 1 AP
Chaku: 33/33 (7/12), 1 AP
Cillani: 21/23 (6/7), 1 AP
Kaeysari: 28/28 (4/10), 1 AP
Jynxx*: 10/24 (7/8), 2 AP
Papolstaanas: 35/35 (8/13), 2 AP

* - still pending healing after rest. 1 surge will get him to 21/24.
She turns to face the speaking creature, weapon still at the ready.

"Your ancestor has a strange way of bidding welcome to guests, and keeps interesting company. You'll understand if I do not put myself at ease while I wait."

The male doesn't visibly react to Azryah's words, while the female - who also appears quite a bit older than her companion - scowls at the deva's naked blade.

Cillani squints as she enters the pyramid. Her glare lengthens as she stares at the beings in the room. "Very strange indeed and most annoying." Is all she says but doesn't relax either.

The younger dwarf does react to this, looking down and away with what looks like embarassment. "Apologies, Blessed of Xilonen - um, Persefa," he says. "The Honored Ancestor will convey his own apologies in person... but he did not immediately recognize your status." He glances sideways at the female, then lowers his voice. "I know it must seem strange and, um, annoying. But trust me, he would not have allowed you - or your friends - to come to serious harm."

The female turns her scowl on him for a few moments, but he studiously ignores it.

[sblock=Insight DC 15 (active)]It appears that the female does not understand much Allarian, but she seems to have some idea what her companion is saying. At least, she thinks she does.[/sblock]
She steps forward and raises her staff, looking at the silent ranks at the side of the room.
[sblock=Magari->Dwarven]Open the door![/sblock]
The two creatures closest to the door move forward and place their claws into depressions at its edge. Without much sign of strain, they pull it open, then immediately return to their positions along the walls.

"Please," the younger dwarf says, indicating the passageway beyond. "We will escort you to the audience chamber to await the Honored Ancestor in comfort. We have prepared food and drink. Oh, and, uh... my name is Bwarli, and my cousin's name is Urtamklatl."

The two turn and walk through the doorway, looking back to make sure the group follows them.

Voidrunner's Codex

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