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Adventure : Humanitas Severe

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Haruka again attempts to blast Lieth, but even in his weakened state he is able to slither out of the way. Haruka makes a sound of frustration and advances on the reptile as a dark red cloud forms around her drawn blade.

[sblock=Actions]Standard: Eldritch Blast Lieth. Natural one.
Move: Move to S51, lose concealment.

Save vs Lightning, natural twenty. Naturally.

Dimsdale, both Max and Raiko can flank with Haruka now. I suggest they do so. And as a notice to everyone, I picked up Eldritch Strike last level, so my MBA actually has some teeth.

Wait a second ren. If you go into full time babycare mode, doesn't that mean I'll be the only person in both L4W and LEB who reviews characters? I can't believe you're abandoning me like this! It's very inconsiderate.


[sblock=Haruka's mini-stats]Haruka Sato human warlock 6
Initiative: +4 | Passive perception: 12 | Passive Insight: 18
AC: 19 | For: 20
| Ref: 20 | Will: 19
HP: 31/56 | Bloodied: 28 | Surge value: 14 | Surges: 10/10
Resist: 5 Necrotic, 5 Poison
Speed: 6 | Languages: Allarian, Tsugo
AP: 1 | Second Wind: not used
Melee Basic Attack: +9 vs AC, 1d6+4 damage
Ranged Basic Attack: +10 vs Reflex, 1d10+5 damage
Powers: Eldritch Blast, Eldritch Strike, Hellish Rebuke
Vampiric Embrace, Fiery Bolt
Flames of Phlegethos, Tyrannical Threat

Ethereal Stride, Everybody Move

Deathcut Armor, Prison of Salzacas, Blackleaf Gloves



First Post
Max shouts a battle cry and boldly moves forward through the haze of lightning sparks and attacks.


-5 ongoing lightning

minor: inspiring word on self: 1d6+healing surge = 16 hp and HS down 2
movement: move to p50
attack: basic melee attack vs AC: 1d20+11+2(flank)=25 for 1d8+6=12

save vs ongoing lightning: 1d20 = 5

If the naga hits with his counter attack Max will use vengence is mine power.

Raiko, on the verge of death, centers himself once more and moves in for the kill. The slicing cut of the blade is so powerful that it decapitates the beast. The crackling sound of lighning slowly fades away. Raiko stands proudly over the fallen naga, quickly shrugging of the effects of the lightning attacks. Turing in the direction from where the naga came from the paladin screams Show yourself! It is now your turn to die!

-5 ongoing lightning

minor: lay hands on self: healing for 16 (surge 5 bites the dust)
movement: move to p51 to flank with Haruka
attack: piercing strike: 1d2o+10 +1(lend might) +2(flank) vs Ref = 31 for 15

yay! got him with by 1 hp on max and raiko attacks

save vs ongoing lightning damage: 1d20 = 20


ooc: Max and Raiko have been officially tenderized. :(
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Mal Malenkirk

First Post
The Naga falls dead, in disbelief until the end. A shout of celebration erupts from the walls. Then the heroes see sir Tevense signal them to hurry back.

In moments they are climbing in one of the tower and observe the hunters camp in the distance about a hundred yards away. The second wave isn't coming. Instead, there is much animation amongst their foes.

They seem far too numerous to take on. Most are humanoids, many apparently elves, but there are also weird beasts of various sort. There is currently an intense discussion between the majority of the enemies and a smaller squad of fey creatures. There is little to distinguish the two groups. The smaller squad is apparently composed of at least one elf, a weird lizard beast and an outlandish humanoid that seems to be made of twigs and thorns. Pretty much par for the course in the feywild.

-''They seem to have a portal. I don't see anything from here, but the five or six guy that are surrounded just popped up moments ago and it started an argument.'' says Tevense. ''At first they were just talking, then the guy in plated armor with the huge sword shouted something we couldn't understand from this distance and now everybody seem to be talking at the same time. I dunno what's going on, it's very weird.''

[sblock=Insight 18]
There is confusion amongst the larger group. Body language range from indecisive to hostile and close to violence.[/sblock]

[sblock=Insight 22]
The newcomers are arguing, but they seem ready to draw weapons at a moment's notice. They are defensive. You can't hear what they are saying, but whatever it is, they are probably lying.[/sblock]
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First Post
"Oh, what does it matter; they're fey," Haruka states dismissively as she tends to her burned fingers. "They're probably just bickering over who gets the honor of dying to us next. Although..." she leans over the battlements for a slightly closer look, "it does look like someone over there is about to start spilling blood. How delightful it would be if our enemies decided to kill each other." Haruka grins and settles into a more comfortable position, clearly planning on watching the incident in the enemy camp play out. But then her smile falters and is replaced with a frown. "Wait, if they're going to start fighting, then we might want to ensure the survival of at least one of the newcomers. It will be much easier to pull the secrets to portal manipulation out of a living prisoner than a corpse."

[sblock=ooc]Insight uh, *cough* passive Insight 18.

I don't suppose we could get one of those cinematic short breaks about now, could we?[/sblock]

[sblock=Haruka's mini-stats]Haruka Sato human warlock 6
Initiative: +4 | Passive perception: 12 | Passive Insight: 18
AC: 19 | For: 20
| Ref: 20 | Will: 19
HP: 31/56+9 | Bloodied: 28 | Surge value: 14 | Surges: 10/10
Resist: 5 Necrotic, 5 Poison
Speed: 6 | Languages: Allarian, Tsugo
AP: 1 | Second Wind: not used
Melee Basic Attack: +9 vs AC, 1d6+4 damage
Ranged Basic Attack: +10 vs Reflex, 1d10+5 damage
Powers: Eldritch Blast, Eldritch Strike, Hellish Rebuke
Vampiric Embrace, Fiery Bolt
Flames of Phlegethos, Tyrannical Threat

Ethereal Stride, Everybody Move

Deathcut Armor, Prison of Salzacas, Blackleaf Gloves



First Post
Max collapses next to Raiko. Both tend to their wounds.

both raiko and max use three surges a piece.

Current HP and Surges
Max 12+30 = 42 out of 42 hp: 5 surges used 3 left
Raiko 2+48 = 50 out of 54 hp: 8 surges used 5 left


First Post
No time for more post, but 1 surge for Ashir please. His insight isn't great so I'll just watch on, maybe Raiko can help?[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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