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[Adventure] Hysteria's Ascendency (Judge: Stonegod)


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"What's tha'ye mutter Braddock? Who's that Xandor ye mention?" Muzdum asks curiously, as he takes out a shard of metal from the cut in his forearm. Patting the wounded extremity with a smile, the dwarf is ready to go.

Braddock rubs his face, "Well... Ye see, t's like this. I kind o' channel some ancient souls to power my spells. I've met several of these ancient beings. An ancient human king. A life giving elemental. A masterful goblin general. And Xandor."

The dwarf readies himself and looks around the tunnels. "Xandor the Mad they called him. I'm starting to see why. He might o' been human. Maybe something from another plane. Tis the first time I let Xandor loose. Next time, I can control him better."

"But I learn things from these ancient souls. Did ye know Xandor was from around Sharn? He knew this place when it was much older... not as tall then. The sewers back then followed the ancient city road patterns. Even the renovations since the beginning o' da city didn't stear too far from the original. Based on those ancient roadways and natural openings, Xandor tells me that we can find the larger areas where wererats would likely congregate... this way."

Then Braddock sets off to the east, waving everyone to come too.

[sblock=history] 1d20+10 → [3,10] = (13) Roll Lookup . That's what you get for listening to a madman. [/sblock]

[sblock=ooc] huh, I lost my other post in response to Voda Vosa, so I kind of remade it and put in the skill challenge too. Also, my endurance roll is +9, so do I need to roll vs the endurance check? [/sblock]

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Voda Vosa

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"That makes perfect sense" says Muzdum, and runs ahead. Then, finding a dead end, runs back, and then runs to another direction "Perhaps this way." Finding nothing he turns and runs in another tunel. "Perhaps here.. huf huf!"
The dwarf keeps running and running, with seemingly endless energy.


First Post
GM: Quan notices fresh tracks and disturbances on the sewer landings and although the open sewer is truly foul, he can follow these fairly well. He leaves scratches on the wall so that Rikka and Kellindil can follow. (1 Success & made Endurance check)
[MENTION=73730]johnmeier1[/MENTION]: looks like you're the only one who doesn't auto-succeed sorry lol.

Orsik delves into the psyche of the rat-men (trying not to delve too deep into the madness of lycanthropism) and can deduce that the wererats would most likely have their burrow deeper into the sewer system. He leads the party further into the sewers. (1 Success & Auto-succeed Endurance)
[MENTION=87106]MetaVoid[/MENTION]: yes, short break

Braddock seems to doubt his way through these rancid tunnels, second guessing himself at every intersection. Thankfully, the dwarf warlock can depend on his fellow travelers for proper directions. (1 Failure & Auto-succeed Endurance)

Muzdum soon becomes immune to the lingering stench from the open sewer. Feeling at home in the tight confines, he surges ahead and is able to ferret out the right direction. (1 Success & Auto-succeed Endurance).

Your party has traveled roughly 2 miles in a south-eastern route, by the dwarves’ reckoning, and still nothing that resembles a rats’ warren. Continue with round 2.

[sblock=Skill Challenge]*GOAL: You are trying to find the location of the wererat’s den.

*Complexity: 3 (8 successes before 3 failures)
Status: 3 Successes / 1 Failure

*DC: All DCs are 15

*Skills: You can use any skill that you can reasonably explain (excluding Endurance – see below). Any explanation I feel doesn’t correspond with the given skill, I will impose a -2 penalty to it.
[sblock=Endurance Check (everyone)]
Stage 1: Once per round, each player must make an Endurance check DC 10, due to the effort required to navigate the sewers.

Failure: You gain a -1 penalty to your next skill roll, in addition to any other modifiers you currently have for that roll. Two consecutive failures with this skill means you have contracted Filth Fever.[/sblock]
*Rolls: Stage 1: Everyone must roll one Endurance check and one other skill check per round. No need for initiative rolls, just keep track of who has gone and who needs to go. The same rules apply for skill challenges as apply for encounters (48-hour rule, etc).

*Repeating the Same Skills: Any character repeating the same skill check in two successive rounds will impose a -2 cumulative penalty to the triggering roll (i.e. -2 for second check, -4 for third check, etc.)

*Critical Success: A natural 20 counts as 2 successes OR 1 success and remove 1 failure.

*Critical Failure: A natural 1 counts as 2 failures.

*Aid Another: You can roll to aid another PC. Using the new compendium rules, a roll of 10+1/2 the rolling PC’s level or higher grants a +2 to that player’s skill check, while a failure grants a -1 penalty to that player’s skill check. A successful aid another roll does not count towards the total number of successes.

*Primary Skills: Stage 1:
Perception: Any player who attempts this skill check gains a +2 to their roll (unless making the same skill check, then see above for cumulative penalties).[/sblock]

[sblock=STATS]Braddock: 49+5thp/52 hp; HS 8/11; AP 1; Dwarven Resilience; Status:
Quan: 30/37; HS 3/7; AP 1; Second Wind; Elven Accuracy; Status:
Orsik: 53/53 hp; HS 6/10; AP 1; Second Wind; stone’s endurance; Rune of Mending [1], [2]; Status:
Muzdum: 62/62; HS 10/12; AP 1; Dwarven Resilience; Status:

Kellindil: 33/38 hp; HS 4/6; AP 1; Second Wind; Elven Accuracy; Status:
Rikka: 37/50 hp; HS 6/8; AP 1; Second Wind; Elven Accuracy; Status: Filth Fever

[sblock=Filth Fever]
At the end of the encounter, those afflicted by Filth Fever must make a check to see if the disease stabilizes (or improve)
Stabilizes: Endurance check DC 14
Improves: Endurance check DC 21

Stage 0: cured
Initial Stage: target loses 1 healing surge
Stage 2: target takes a -2 penalty to AC, Fortitude and Reflex
Stage 3: target takes an additional -2 penalty to AC, Fortitude, and Reflex and loses all healing surges and cannot regain hit points.[/sblock]


Quan thanks nature that he wasn't bitten by the dirty wererats when he takes a big breath of sewer air, coughing and wheezing. How can anyone live underground he mutters. Quan leaps a cess pool, at least keeping to the long trail. He seems completely lost and wanders away from the others.

OOC: major fail. Sorry guys
Can't use Elven Accuracy on this nasty mess
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Voda Vosa

First Post
"Because most of the people are not pansy elves." replies Muzdum, matter of factly, as he takes a more complicated approach. If there are rat-men living around, there must be signs of their whereabouts around. Hurt were rats would bleed and some will loose hair, bloodstains, things someone trained in the treatment of injuries would certainly recognize.


First Post
GM: You have failed the skill challenge. Each of you loses 1 healing surge. You have only had a brief rest so no extended rest either.

Your travels have taken you past the deepest known settlements in the Cogs beneath Sharn. The odor of the sewers lessens slightly the deeper you go, but it is replaced by a sickly sweet smell. After a while, the quarried sewer tunnels become more naturally formed corridors. Ahead of you, your path begins to widen into a large sized natural cavern. Dim illumination emanates from sickly green pools scattered around the rough cavern floor.

A massive figure stands alone in the middle of the floor. Ragged leather armor covers its large frame. It is barefoot and grasps a wicked looking short sword in its hand. Once it notices you it speaks.

”Baldwin told me you would be coming. Funny, I thought there’d be more of you. What’s the matter, the two elves couldn’t take it? At least one of their bunch could stomach it, kinda…haha.” He points his massive arm, finger extended to point at Quan. ”That’s right sweetheart. They call me Mangore and Imma comin’ fer you!” And with that, he takes a step forward as his outline begins to blur; skin melting into dark green scales. A hiss draws your attention to your left as one of the largest crocodiles you’ve ever seen climbs out onto the cavern floor. Sadistically laughing as Mangore shifts form, the werecrocodile advances towards you!

GM: Initiatives:
Braddock (O5): 1d20+3=12
Quan (P4): 1d20+7=16
Orsik (P6): 1d20+4=6
Muzdum (O7): 1d20+5=7

Monsters: 1d20+7=11

Braddock and Quan can act before the monsters.

[/FONT] [sblock= Map]

Illumination: dim light from glowing pools
Walls: rough bedrock, Athletics DC 18 to climb
Ceiling: 15-feet tall
Pools: considered difficult terrain
Stairs: considered difficult terrain

[sblock=Combatants]Mangore, Werecrocodile Elite: 204/204 hp; AC 24, Fort 22, Ref 19, Will 20; Khopesh +15 vs. AC; 2d6+5 damage and the target is marked TENT; Bite: +13 vs. AC; 2d6+5 damage and the target is grabbed (until escape) and Mangore makes a secondary attack: +11 vs. Fortitude; the target contracts Filth Fever. Regeneration 5 (if Mangore takes damage from a silver weapon, its regeneration doesn’t function on his next turn); Action Point 1; Monstrous Retort (recharge 5-6): Immediate reaction when hit by a melee attack; Mangore takes only half damage from the triggering attack and can make a MBA against any creature adjacent to it.
Mangore (J15): 204/204 hp; Action Point; Status:

Visejaw Crocodile: 74/74 hp; AC 22, Fort 17, Ref 15, Will 15; Bite +11 vs. AC; 1d8+4 and the target is grabbed (until escape). The visejaw crocodile cannot make bite attacks while grabbing a creature, but it can use clamping jaws; Clamping Jaws (grabbed creature only): +11 vs. AC; 1d8+4 damage; MISS half damage.
Visejaw Crocodile (F10:G11): 74/74 hp; Status:

Braddock: 49+5thp/52 hp; HS 7/11; AP 1; Dwarven Resilience; Status:
Quan: 30/37; HS 2/7; AP 1; Second Wind; Elven Accuracy; Status:
Orsik: 53/53 hp; HS 5/10; AP 1; Second Wind; stone’s endurance; Rune of Mending [1], [2]; Status:
Muzdum: 62/62; HS 9/12; AP 1; Dwarven Resilience; Status:

Kellindil: 33/38 hp; HS 4/6; AP 1; Second Wind; Elven Accuracy; Status:
Rikka: 37/50 hp; HS 6/8; AP 1; Second Wind; Elven Accuracy; Status: Filth Fever


Quan moves along the wall and tries to remain unobtrusive next to the wall.

[Sblock=OOC]Move: Walk to K8 (ignore difficult terrain)
Minor: Wild Shape to swarm
Standard (Minor): Stoneskin Robes for 5 temp hp
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First Post
Braddock steps down the stairs and levels his craghammer at the were-being.

"Mangrove, ye should be cursin' Baldwin now. He lead ye to yer doom."

Braddock's eyes and craghammer flash dark green and eldritch energy blasts the were-croc.

Movement: Move to P-8.
Minor: Warlock's Curse Mangore
Standard: Eyes of the Vestige vs Mangore: 1d20+10+1, 1d6+10+1d6 → ([12, 10, 1], [3, 10, 5]) Roll Lookup . Hit Will 23 for 18 damage. Braddock gets +1 against Mangore TENT.[/sblock]

[sblock=ministats] Braddock the Historian, level 5 Warlock
Status: +1 NAD defenses TENT, +2 defenses vs. Mangrove
Active Vestige: Zutwa
[sblock=Vestige of Zutwa]
Eyes of Vestige Augment: Gains prime shot bonus against target TENT.
Zutwa Pact Boon: Bonus to attack rolls from Prime shot increases to +3 TENT.
Init: +3 Speed: 5 Perception:12 Insight: 12
AC: 18 NAD: F: 19 R:18 W:15
HP: 49/52 Surges: 8/11 Surge Value: 13 AP: 1
Languages: Dwarven
Str:10 Dex:13 Wis:10 Con:20 Int:16 Cha:10
MBA: +12 vs. AC, 1d10+9

At-Will: Eyes of the Vestige, Eldritch Strike, Warlock's Curse
Encounter: Clarion Call, Fortune Binding, Second Wind
Daily: Vestige of Thaxter, Charm of Hearts, Leather Armor of Dark Magesty, Vestige of Xandor

Benefits: +2 defenses against cursed enemies. +1 NAD after using Warlock's curse TENT.


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[sblock= Update]
>Moved, but no home internet access until August 10th (at least- thanks AT&T). Posting on library comp, but access is neither convenient nor regular. Will try to catch back up when I'm online full time- see you in two weeks or so. Sorry for the hold-up.


Voidrunner's Codex

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