End Game: Round 5:
[sblock=Previous Rounds]
Surprise Round
Round 1
Round 2
Round 3
Round 4 [/sblock]
As the wererat slips away, Muzdum tightens his grip, crushing parts of fur and flesh. "Yer dancin' wit me Baldwin, don't be a freakin' coward and face yer fate!" menaces the dwarf, now able to move freely. He charges forward, slamming his fist and weapon on Baldwin, but only manages to glance him with his spiked gauntlet. (MISS)
GM: | @VodaVosa: since you didn’t specify where Muzdum charged, I moved Muzdum to O19 | |
Braddock steps closer, the lines of magic become clearer the closer he steps to the ritual. "Ha! Ye used da' K'nip incantation! Learnin' from goblins now are ye? Well, ye must not have counted on me knowin' Laereth's Quantum!" With a steady chant that sounds particularly elven, the magical energies in the chamber change perceptively. (CRIT – 2 successes!)
GM: | With FourMonos’ crit during the skill challenge, you have successfully passed the skill challenge! Partial Success means that the golem still has an aura but it’s not as potent as it could have been with a failure. Total Success would have eliminated the aura completely. | |
Quan drops to a crouch and whips his leg back towards Jessup, knocking the priest down. He whips a silver streaking hand as well, pulling the creature back towards Rikka and the altar. Don't get near THAT thing! he utters frowning. (HIT-weakened)
Alerted by Quan's shout, Rikka raced back down the steps, away from the golem-thing. Once she reached a safe distance, she shifted back into her elven form, and once again gestured with her totem. An eerie greenish light began to coalesce in the air around Baldwin and his minion, outlining their forms in unearthly radiance. (HIT)
Orsik moves close again, his maul first hitting Baldwin and then threatening close enough to make him think twice about attacking. The runes goliath drew don't help as they settle on his weapons, blunting them. (HIT)
Baldwin seems to wince and shake a little bit as his lycanthropic disease start to speed his healing unnaturally (regenerate 5 hit points, except Jessup (Silver)).
Baldwin lashes out in response to Orsik’s attack, seeking to strike at the goliath. He then commands his minion to strike at the goliath. This allows Muzdum to attack Baldwin. (HIT)
GM: | @VodaVosa: Opportunity Attack against Baldwin: Grappling Strike: +12 vs. AC; 1d12+10 and Muzdum grabs the target. The grab ends automatically at the end of your next turn: 1d20+12=29, 1d12+10=16 HIT for 16 damage and grabbed TENT. | |
Baldwin watches as the dwarf latches onto him. He hisses and tries to escape the dwarf yet again, but fails. Thankfully Muzdum didn’t grab Baldwin’s sword arm. He strikes at the dwarf landing a minor wound. (HIT)
The wererat minion strikes at Orsik as commanded by Baldwin, stinging the goliath. It then lunges forward to bite at the goliath, gnashing its teeth. It is able to bite a small exposed piece of skin. Orsik immediately feels the wererat’s disease coursing through his veins. At the end of the minion’s attack, a ghostly light surrounds it, and then disappears, draining away all its life with it. (HIT & HIT & and dies to aftereffects)
GM: | @MetaVoid : Orsik has contracted Filth Fever and loses one healing surge. | |
Jessup stands and faces the elf-monk, rat-teeth leading he snaps at Quan; its teeth sinking into the flesh of the unarmored elf. Jessup then casually raises an arm and flings its
Hex at Braddock. (HIT)
GM: | @johnmeier1 : Quan has contracted Filth Fever and loses one healing surge. | |
Jessup then notices movement behind him.
”YES! The child makes its first steps! Destroy the defilers, my child!” he says, pointing down towards Quan, Orsik and Muzdum.
At first its steps are shaky, but quickly the animated collection of magical items and blood descends the steps leading down to the first platform, advancing on the heroes. Suddenly, a shower of sparks and flying metal burst out from the figure, briefly engulfing the heroes. (HIT, HIT & HIT)
[sblock=Enemy Actions]
Wererat Minion 1:
Wererat Minion 2:
Wererat Minion 3:
Wererat Minion 4:
Wererat Minion 5 (Q20): Free: MBA (short sword) against Orsik (AC 21): +9 vs. AC; 5 damage:
1d20+9=24 hit Orsik for 5 damage; Standard: MBA (Bite) against Orsik (AC 21): +9 vs. AC; 3 damage and the target contracts
Filth Fever:
1d20+9=26 HIT for 3 damage and Orsik contracts
Filth Fever; Move: shift Q20:Q19; SAVE:
1d20=15 and dies to aftereffect.
Wererat Minion 6:
Wererat Brute 1:
Wererat Brute 2:
Baldwin (P20): Immediate Reaction: Triggering Slash against Orsik (AC 21): +11 vs. AC, 1d8+6 damage and one ally may shift 1 square and makes a MBA as a free action:
1d20+11=26, 1d8+6-3=6 Hits Orsik for 6 damage and wererat minion 5 attacks Orsik as free action; RECHARGE:
No Recharge; Move: Escape attempt against Muzdum (Reflex 18-2(Filth Fever)): +9:
1d20+9=14 – No Escape; Standard: MBA (Rapier) against Muzdum (AC 25): +11 vs. AC; 1d8+6-3(Orsik)-2(DR) and Baldwin shifts 1 square:
1d20+11=28, 1d8+6-3-2=6 HIT for 6 damage and Baldwin can’t shift (grabbed); SAVE: vs. slow and grant CA:
Jessup (T15): Move: stand; Standard: MBA (Bite) against Quan (AC 22): +11 vs. AC; 1d4+2 damage and ongoing 5 damage (save ends) and the target contracts
Filth Fever:
1d20+11=28, 1d4+2=5 HIT for 5 damage, Ongoing 5 damage (save ends), and Quan contracts
Filth Fever; Minor: Hex against Braddock (Will 15+2(armor)+1(rod)); +11-2(concealment) vs. Will; the target is hexed (save ends). While hexed, the target takes a -2 penalty to attack and damage rolls against Jessup:
1d20+11=28 Braddock is Hexed (save ends)
Weapons Golem (R17:S18): Move: U16:V17>R17:S18; Standard: Dagger Volley (Recharge 4-6) Close burst 3 (enemies only) against Quan (Reflex 19), Orsik (Reflex 16) and Muzdum (Reflex 18-2(Filth Fever)): +13 vs. Reflex; 1d4+5 damage and ongoing 5 damage (save ends). While taking this ongoing damage, the golem gains a +2 power bonus to attack and damage rolls against that target:
1d20+13=27, 1d20+13=22, 1d20+13=24, 1d4+5=6 Hits all three for 6 damage and Ongoing 5 damage (save ends).[/sblock]
[sblock= Map]
Illumination: combination of torches and glowing globe (on top of columns); dim light throughout, except for the raised dais considered bright light
Rough Hewn Steps: considered difficult terrain
Underground River: water is only 1-foot deep at the crossing (G11:H11); 3 to 6-feet deep otherwise; normal Athletics check to swim or jump across.
Ceiling: 30-feet high at highest point
Cavern Walls: rough, non-quarried stone; Climb DC 18
Platforms: height is listed on map in relation to the ground floor of the cavern (i.e. Cavern floor considered 0-feet); if pushed/slid off platform, a saving throw can be made to fall prone at the edge instead.
Man-Made Steps: Considered normal, doesn’t limit movement.
Rickety Bridge (T22:T23 & G28:H28): Acrobatics or Athletics check to cross (DC 16)[/sblock]
[sblock=Stopping the Ritual - Results] Result: Partial Success
*Complexity: 1 (4 successes before 2 failures)
Successes: 4
Failures: 1[/sblock]
Wererat Minion 1:
Wererat Minion 2:
Wererat Minion 3:
Wererat Minion 4:
Wererat Minion 5:
Wererat Minion 6:
Wererat Brute 1:
Wererat Brute 2:
Baldwin, Wererat Elite: 178/178 hp; AC 22, Fort 18, Ref 22, Will 20; Rapier +11 vs. AC; 1d8+6 and Baldwin shifts 1 square; Bite: +11 vs. AC; 2d4+3 damage and ongoing 5 damage (save ends) and the target contracts
Filth Fever. Regeneration 5 (if Baldwin takes damage from a silver weapon, its regeneration doesn’t function on his next turn); Action Point 1; Skirmish: if Baldwin moves 4+ squares, his next attack deals an extra 1d8 damage (if not used this turn, the ability is lost); Triggering Slash (recharge 5-6) +11 vs. AC, 1d8+6 damage and one ally may shift 1 square and makes a MBA as a free action.
Baldwin (P20):
76/178 hp;
Action Point ; Triggering Slash; Status: marked (Muzdum); warlock’s Curse (Braddock); slowed and grants CA (save ends – Rikka); grabbed TENT (or Escape - Muzdum)
Jessup, Wererat Elite: 104/104 hp; AC 18, Fort 16, Ref 21, Will 19; Staff +11 vs. AC; 1d8+1; Binding Hex: Ranged 10; +10 vs. Fortitude; 2d6+2 damage and the target is blinded (save ends); Bite: +11 vs. AC; 1d4+2 damage and ongoing 5 damage (save ends) and the target contracts
Filth Fever. Regeneration 5 (if Jessup takes damage from a silver weapon, its regeneration doesn’t function on his next turn); Action Point 1; Hex (Minor Action); close burst 10; +11 vs. Will; the target is hexed (save ends). While hexed, the target takes a -2 penalty to attack and damage rolls against Jessup; Hex Jump (Move Action; Encounter) Jessup teleports up to 5 squares or swaps position with one hexed creature within 5 squares of him.
Jessup (T15):
68/104 hp; Action Point;
Hex Jump ; Status: warlock’s Curse (Braddock)
Unholy Weapons Golem: 102/102 hp; AC 24, Fort 20, Ref 18, Will 18; Blade Hand: Reach 1; +16 vs. AC; 2d8+5; Hammer Hand: Reach 1; +16 vs. AC; 1d10+5 damage and the target is pushed 2 squares; Dagger Volley (Standard; Recharge 4-6) Close burst 3 (enemies only) +13 vs. Reflex; 1d4+5 damage and ongoing 5 damage (save ends). While taking this ongoing damage, the golem gains a +2 power bonus to attack rolls against that target; Berserk Attack (At-Will): Immediate reaction: when the golem is damaged while bloodied; the golem makes a blade hand attack against a target that is adjacent to it; AURA: Writhing Weapons Aura 1: each enemy that starts its turn adjacent to the golem takes 5 damage (Success: the aura no longer weakens those affected by writhing weapons).
Unholy Weapons Golem (R17:S18):
102/102 hp; Dagger Volley; Status:
Braddock (M13):
50+2thp /52 hp; HS 6/11; AP 1; Dwarven Resilience; Status: +2 Defenses vs. Jessup & Baldwin; +1 F/R/W TENT; Concealment TENT; Hexed (save ends)
Quan (S15):
27/37; HS 0/7;
AP 1 ; Second Wind; Elven Accuracy; Status: Hexed (save ends -2 to damage rolls vs. Jessup); wildshape; contracted
Filth Fever; OG 5 (save ends)
Orsik (P19):
29/53 hp; HS 2/10;
AP 1 ; Second Wind; Stone’s Endurance; Rune of Mending [1],[2]; Status: contracted
Filth Fever; OG 5 (save ends)
Muzdum (O19):
38/62; HS 5/12;
AP 1 ;
Dwarven Resilience ; Status:
Filth Fever (Stage 2) -2 to AC, Fort, and Ref; OG 5 (save ends)
Rikka (K11):
49+7thp/50 hp; HS 5/8; AP 1; Second Wind; Elven Accuracy; Status:
Filth Fever (Stage 2) -2 to AC, Fort, and Ref[/sblock]
[sblock=Filth Fever]
At the end of the encounter, those afflicted by Filth Fever must make a check to see if the disease stabilizes (or improve)
Stabilizes: Endurance check DC 14
Improves: Endurance check DC 21
Stage 0: cured
Initial Stage: target loses 1 healing surge
Stage 2: target takes a -2 penalty to AC, Fortitude and Reflex
Stage 3: target takes an additional -2 penalty to AC, Fortitude, and Reflex and loses all healing surges and cannot regain hit points.[/sblock]
GM: | Summary:
Braddock: Hexed (save ends -2 to damage rolls vs. Jessup)
Quan: Hexed (save ends -2 to damage rolls vs. Jessup); contracted Filth Fever; hit for 6 damage and OG 5 (save ends)
Orsik: hit for 5 damage, bit for 3 damage and Filth Fever; hit for 6 damage; hit for 6 damage and OG 5 (save ends)
Muzdum:Filth Fever (Stage 2);hit for 6 damage; hit for 6 damage and OG 5 (save ends)
Rikka: Filth Fever (Stage 2) | |