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[Adventure] Hysteria's Ascendency (Judge: Stonegod)


Slightly entitled.
The elf spins between two of the wererats, intercepting one of the lycanthrope's attacks with his own blade; the sound of sword against sword grating against the teeth. Ending the movement with a flash of green-bladed steel, the smaller wererat has no hope of parrying Kellindil's weapon. He buries it deep in the creature's chest before he disappears around the corner, leaving the beast to collapse to the floor in front of its comrade.

Standard -
Move - > M10; Stealth check, -5 for moving more than two squares: 1d20+12-5=20
[/sblock][sblock=Stat Block]Kellindil Loreweaver - Male Elf Rogue 4
Init: +7, Passive Percept: 20, Passive Insight: 13
AC: 20, F: 13, R: 20, W: 15, Spd: 7
HP: 38/38, THP: 5/5, Blood: 19, Surge: 9, Surges left: 4/6
Second Wind: avail, AP: 0/1, Milestones: 0.5
Str: 8, Con: 11, Dex: 21, Int: 10, Wis: 12, Cha: 15

Basic Attacks:
:bmelee: Basic Melee Attack: +5 vs AC – Lifedrinker Longsword +1; 1d8
:ranged: Ranged Basic Attack: +10 vs AC – Hand Crossbow; 1d6+5

Deft Strike, Piercing Strike
Dazing Strike, Elven Accuracy, Low Slash, Tumble
Blinding Barrage, Shadowdance Armor

  • +2 to AC vs. Opportunity Attacks
  • all non-elf allies within 5 squares gain a +1 to Perception checks
  • ignore difficult terrain while shifting
  • +1 all defenses for enemies attacking from more than 5 squares away


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Quan takes a deep breath and lets out a belch at the nearby ratman. It squints at the noxious vapor and the monk trips him into the Otyug. Its Longsword stabs the creature with poison just as Quan topples the wererat into the sewer.

OOC: AP: Drunken Monkey vs WSG2, hits, makes MBA vs OT.
Free action: Centered Flurry for 4 more damage and slide him into sewer adjacent (r19 i think) or prone if he saves vs forced movement
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First Post
Round 3: Sewer Scramble

[sblock=Previous Rounds]Round 1
Round 2[/sblock]

Rikka fought a sudden wave of nausea as the wererat's taint took hold. She lashed out with one paw, almost casually swatting the creature backwards into the sewer-muck. Then she trotted backwards into the darkness of the tunnel, and shifted back into her elven form- already raising her longbow as she changed... (HIT)
[sblock=Rikka]When you got bitten and contracted Filth Fever, you lost one healing surge (I forgot to remove it last turn)[/sblock]

Looking back, Muzdum rushes to the rat attacking Braddock and with a wide sweep, he cuts through the rat's legs and brings it to the ground. "Ye stay there filthy thing! I'll kill ye soon enough!". After that, Muzdum assesses the battlefield "Pull back ye crazy lunatics! Stay behind da wall, they don't have any ranged offensive, they'll have to come to us and through the Oty first!" yells Muzdum, then when near Braddock he comments "Rookies..." with a "right?" face. (HIT)

Braddock laughs at Muzdum's comment, perhaps a bit too loudly. "They're elves!" He laughs, as if that explains it all. He then sings, "Ohh! The offal was awful, the baddies were ratties! This one smells rotten, don't drown on the bottom!" He focuses his eldritch curse on the wererat before slamming his hammer into its side and sending it skidding into the water. (HIT)

Orsik looks over the rest of his team and sees them too spread out, like in the fight against the barbarians on that university job and more recently above at the ruined temple. "Quan, pull back! You're too far out and I cannot watch both you and the rest! Rikka, are you alright there? Muzdum, any way you could grab the attention of these two here?" He waits for merest of moments to see if the monk wants to retreat and then slams his maul into ratman threatening him. With solid thud, runes fall from the maul and stitch into resistant flesh of the creature. (HIT)

The elven monk sways as the poison courses though his veins, his immune system weakened by his earlier binge drinking can't seem to cope with it. He brushes the dust on his robes to strengthen them and shifts closer to the protecting ally. (MISS & Saved)

(action point) Quan takes a deep breath and lets out a belch at the nearby ratman. It squints at the noxious vapor and the monk trips him into the Otyugh. Its Longsword stabs the creature with poison just as Quan topples the wererat into the sewer. (HIT)
[sblock=Quan]I assume you meant wererat sewer guard 1.
No need to roll Acrobatics to avoid prone, your Acrobatics is already higher than DC[/sblock]

The elf spins between two of the wererats, intercepting one of the lycanthrope's attacks with his own blade; the sound of sword against sword grating against the teeth. Ending the movement with a flash of green-bladed steel, the smaller wererat has no hope of parrying Kellindil's weapon. He buries it deep in the creature's chest before he disappears around the corner, leaving the beast to collapse to the floor in front of its comrade. (HIT; kills minion)

The remaining wererats all seem to wince and shake a little bit as their lycanthropic disease start to speed their healing unnaturally (wererats regenerate 5 hit points, wererat sewer guards regenerate 10 hit points, minion 0). The wererat sewer rat fighting Quan, doesn’t heal this turn.

The otyugh doesn’t seem aggressive towards the wererat guardian that just attacked it, but instead attacks the goliath next to it, and then it tries to shake off the dwarf’s curse and the guard’s poison. (HIT)

The wererat is slid into the sewer by the dwarf warlock and comes up sputtering, but not hindered in any way by the filth. It shuffles over, across the sewer from the dwarven pair and climbs out of the trench. It reaches into its tunic and pulls out a vial, grips the stopper with its teeth and prepares to drink it.

The wererat is finally able to extract itself from the otyugh’s tentacle and the remnants of Rikka’s dazing attack. It sees the wererat guard leap onto the bridge to attack Braddock, so it follows and enters melee with the dwarf warlock. (HIT)

After the elf-cat slid it into the sewer, the wererat rights itself and climbs out of the sewer trench, and then charges the now-elf-was-cat. (MISS)

The wererat sewer guard reels from the goliath’s and the elf’s attacks, luckily avoiding Quan’s first attack in the process, before being compelled to attack its otyugh ally. After its attack, the elf monk slides it into the filthy sewage. It climbs out and attacks the elf monk then shifts to attack the unsuspecting Braddock. (MISS/MISS Quan & HIT/HIT Braddock)

The wererat sewer guard shifts towards the distracted elf monk, thrusting its longsword straight ahead twice in quick succession, then it shifts its position to attack the goliath runepriest. The wererat sewer guards seem more deadly when working together with its allies. (HIT/MISS Quan & HIT/MISS Orsik)

[sblock=Sewer Map]

Illumination: Dark; PCs must provide their own light
Sewage: Hindering Terrain (3-feet high); difficult terrain; If a non-sewer native starts their turn in the sewer sludge, they take 5 poison damage; Athletics check DC 10 to climb out
Debris: difficult terrain (O1:p4)
Rickety Bridges (O16:O17 and W16W17): Acrobatics/Athletics check (DC 10) to cross
Sewer Slime: LEAVING the square, PC must make a Acrobatics Check (DC 10) or knocked prone

[sblock=Enemy Actions]Otyugh (Q17:R18): (Dazed – 1 action; no psychic damage): Standard: MBA (Tentacle) against Orsik (AC 21): +12 vs. AC; 1d8+5 and pulls up to 2 squares and grabs the target (until escape): 1d20+12=23, 1d8+5=9 HIT for 9(-5DR) and grabbed (until escape). I forgot CA from flank but it still hits; NO SAVE vs. vestige of Xandor; SAVE vs. ongoing 5 poison (ROLLS)

Wererat Minions (3): DEAD

Wererat 1 (J18): Move: stand; Standard>Move: K16>J18 (Athletics Check (DC 10): ROLL; Minor: grab (mysterious) potion.
Wererat 2 (O14): Move: climb out of sewer trench (ROLL); Standard: charge: Q14>O14 MBA (short sword) against Braddock (AC 18+1): +10+1(charge) vs. AC; 1d6+4: 1d20+10+1=19, 1d6+4=9 HIT for 9 damage
Wererat 3 (AA18): Move: climb out of sewer trench (ROLL); Standard: Charge V18>AA18 MBA (short sword) against Rikka (AC 22): +10+1 vs. AC; 1d6+4 damage: 1d20+11+1=17, 1d6+4=7 MISS

Wererat Sewer Guard 1 (Q16): Move: climb out of sludge R19>O19 ([FONT=&quot]ROLL[/FONT]); Standard: Dance of Poison (recharged) against Quan (AC 22) (two longsword attacks), shifts O19>O16 (athletics check for bridge: [FONT=&quot]ROLL[/FONT]) against Braddock (AC 18) (two longsword attacks): +11 vs. AC; 1d8+4 damage and ongoing 5 poison (save ends): Quan: [FONT=&quot]1d20+11=20, 1d8+4=5, 1d20+11=12, 1d8+4=5 MISS & MISS; Braddock: [/FONT] 1d20+11=22, 1d8+4=8, 1d20+11=27, 1d8+4=5 HIT & HIT for 13 damage and ongoing 5 poison (save ends)
Wererat Sewer Guard 2 (O18): Move: shift Q22>Q21; Standard: Dance of Poison against Quan (AC 22) (two attacks) and shifts Q21>O18 Orsik (AC 21) (two attacks): +11+2(CA) vs. AC; 1d8+4+1d6 damage and ongoing 5 poison damage (save ends): Quan:[FONT=&quot] 1d20+11=28, 1d8+4=10, 1d20+11=18, 1d8+4=10[/FONT] HIT for 10 damage and ongoing 5 poison (save ends) & MISS; Orsik: 1d20+11+2=24, 1d8+4+1d6=14, 1d20+11+2=16, 1d8+4+1d6=13 HIT for 14(-5) and ongoing 5 poison damage (save ends) & MISS

[sblock=Combatants] Otyugh: 82/82 hp; AC 23, FORT 22, REF 16, WILL 19; MBA: Tentacle: Reach 2, +12 vs. AC; 1d8+5 damage and the target is pulled 2 squares and grabbed (until escape); The otyugh can grab up to 2 creatures; MBA: Diseased Bite +12 vs. AC; 1d10+5 damage and the target contracts Filth Fever. (NOTE: No Otyugh stench Aura*)
[sblock=Escape Grab]Athletics vs. FORT 22 ORAcrobatics vs. REF 16; on a successful escape, the escapee can shift 1 square[/sblock]
Otyugh (S16:T17): 44/82 hp; Vestige of Xandor (Dazed TSNT or 10 psychic dmg - save ends - Braddock); saved vs. OG poison

Wererat Minions (3): DEAD

Wererat: 55/55 hp; AC 19, Fort 17, Ref 19, Will 14; MBA: Short Sword +10 vs. AC; 1d6+4 damage; RBA: Dagger: +9 vs. AC; 1d4+4; Regeneration 5 (if it takes damage from a silver weapon, its regeneration doesn’t function on its next turn); Bite: +9 vs. AC; 1d4+2 damage and the target contracts Filth Fever. Combat Advantage: the wererat deals an extra 1d6 damage on melee attacks against creatures it has CA against.
Wererat 1 (J18): 25/55 hp; BLOODIED
Wererat 2 (O14): 16/55 hp; BLOODIED
Wererat 3 (AA18): 51/55 hp

Wererat Sewer Guard: 71/71 hp; AC 20, FORT 18, REF 20, WILL 16; MBA: Longsword +11 vs. AC; 1d8+4 damage, plus ongoing 5 poison damage (save ends); Regeneration 10 (if it takes damage from a silver weapon, its regeneration doesn’t function on its next turn); Bite: +11 vs. AC; 1d4+2 damage and the target contracts Filth Fever. Dance of Poison: The wererat guard makes two longsword attacks, shifts up to 4 squares, the makes two more longsword attacks (Recharges when Bloodied); Combat Advantage: the wererat deals an extra 1d6 damage on melee attacks against creatures it has CA against.
Wererat Sewer Guard 1 (Q19): 23/71 hp; (recharged) Dance of Poison (recharge when bloodied) ; Vulnerable 2 to all dmg (5 to OA) TENT (Orsik) ; BLOODIED
Wererat Sewer Guard 2 (O18): 71/71 hp; Dance of Poison (recharge when bloodied)

Braddock (N15): 26/52 hp; HS 9/11; AP 1; Dwarven Resilience; Status: +1 AC vs. wererat 1 & 2 (armor); +1 F/R/W TENT (rod); ONGOING 5 poison damage (save ends) ; BLOODIED
Kellindil (M10): 38+5thp/38 hp; HS 4/6; AP 1; Second Wind; Elven Accuracy; Status: hidden
Quan (Q20): 22/37; HS 5/7; AP 1 ; Second Wind; Elven Accuracy; Status: in sewer slime (NO roll needed); ONGOING 5 poison damage (save ends)
Orsik (P18): 26/53 hp; HS 8/10; Second Wind; stone’s endurance ; Rune of Mending [1], [2]; Status: Filth Fever (stabilized); ONGOING 5 poison (save ends); DR 5 TENT (stone’s endurance); Stance: Rune of Destruction; BLOODIED
Rikka (AB17): 37/50 hp; HS 6/8; AP 1; Second Wind; Elven Accuracy ; Status: Filth Fever
Muzdum (L14): 62/62; HS 12/12; AP 1; Dwarven Resilience; Status: [/sblock]

GM: Summary:
Braddock: hit for 8 & 5 damage; ongoing 5 poison (save ends); hit for 9 damage; BLOODIED
Kellindil: +5thp; hidden
Quan: 10 damage and ongoing 5 poison (save ends)
Orsik: has Filth Fever; hit for 14(-5DR) ongoing 5 poison (save ends); 9(-5DR) damage and grabbed (until escape); BLOODIED
Rikka: has Filth Fever
Muzdum: -
[sblock=Filth Fever]At the end of the encounter, those afflicted by Filth Fever must make a check to see if the disease stabilizes (or improve)
Stabilizes: Endurance check DC 14
Improves: Endurance check DC 21

Stage 0: cured
Initial Stage: target loses 1 healing surge
Stage 2: target takes a -2 penalty to AC, Fortitude and Reflex
[FONT=&quot]Stage 3: target takes an additional -2 penalty to AC, Fortitude, and Reflex and loses all healing surges and cannot regain hit points.[/FONT][/sblock]


Slightly entitled.
Kellindil steps around the corner and lets fly from his crossbow. The bolt slams into the wererat's shoulder, causing a great deal of damage. The monster remains on it's feet however, swaying from loss of blood.

Stepping past Muzdum, he says blandly, "Help the others; I'll take care of that one."

Standard -
Move - > L15
Free - Reload hand crossbow
[/sblock][sblock=Stat Block]Kellindil Loreweaver - Male Elf Rogue 4
Init: +7, Passive Percept: 20, Passive Insight: 13
AC: 20, F: 13, R: 20, W: 15, Spd: 7
HP: 38/38, THP: 5/5, Blood: 19, Surge: 9, Surges left: 4/6
Second Wind: avail, AP: 0/1, Milestones: 0.5
Str: 8, Con: 11, Dex: 21, Int: 10, Wis: 12, Cha: 15

Basic Attacks:
:bmelee: Basic Melee Attack: +5 vs AC – Lifedrinker Longsword +1; 1d8
:ranged: Ranged Basic Attack: +10 vs AC – Hand Crossbow; 1d6+5

Deft Strike, Piercing Strike
Dazing Strike, Elven Accuracy, Low Slash, Tumble
Blinding Barrage, Shadowdance Armor

  • +2 to AC vs. Opportunity Attacks
  • all non-elf allies within 5 squares gain a +1 to Perception checks
  • ignore difficult terrain while shifting
  • +1 all defenses for enemies attacking from more than 5 squares away



Quan winces at his injuries and coughs up blood. He grins though and follows Orsik in closer to the giant underdweller. Spinning around he kicks out three times. Two connect and he uses the momentum for the third. Suddenly he falls into a swarm of flies.

OOC: DM: Map doesn't seem to jive with Combatants notes. Want to hit wererat 1 and Otyugh for sure.
Move: Shift to P19
Standard: Five Storms
Free: centered flurry on Wererat Sewer Guard 1 6 damage, slide to sewer (save) Do they take fall damage?
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First Post
GM: @johnmeier1 : Are you saying the GM made a mistake? lol Wererat Guard 1 is at O16 not Q16. So your attack and flurry of blows misses WSG1. Do you want to apply the flurry damage to otyugh or WSG2?

No fall damage.

When in doubt, use the coordinates on the map
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First Post
OOC: [MENTION=6672544]jsb420[/MENTION] I'm pretty sure wererat #2 missed Braddock with his charge. Braddock gets +2 all defenses against cursed enemies (currently wererat 1 and 2) due to his Armor of Dark Majesty, and he gets +1 to F/R/W defenses TENT when he uses curse thanks to his Rod of Cursed Honor. Technically his defenses were 20 AC, 22 fort, 21 ref and 18 will. It looks like #2 rolled a 19 :)

Also johnmeier1, it looks like you can get to P-17 and hit all three if you want. If you have to just move (and not shift), the Otyugh is dazed so doesn't get OA. And WSG1 has vulnerable 2 to all damage.


First Post
Rikka stepped away from the wererat, then ran back into the darkness of the tunnel.

[sblock= OOC]
>Move: shift to AB16
>Standard:>Move: run AB15, AB 14, long jump AA13, Z12, land at Y11, continue run to Y6 (speed 8 +run= 10 squares)
>Athletics check for running long jump (2 squares= DC 10), 1d20+7=13; roll Roll Lookup


DESTRUCTION: all allies get +1 to hit vs enemies adjacent to ORsik
Muzdum, Orsik and Braddock are +5 AC TENT Orsik
Orsik and Braddock heal surge worht of hit points and Muzdum spends a surge powering it
enemies within the zone O16 - Q18 ( guard 1 & 2 and oty) grant CA if they hit Orsik or his ally within the zone
enemies pay two extra squares of movement when leaving the zone (no shifting, spends 3 squares to exit)

OOC: Assuming the Quan moved before Orsik last round, Orsik would shift to P19 before calling on Stone's Endurance, thus granting Quan resist 5 TENT, if not, he does it now.

Orsik draws golden rune which flies quickly and stops in front of Muzdum, spinning lazily.

"Muzdum, can you borrow some of your toughness? Pierce the rune you see and it will armor you, Braddock and me and heal us."
OOC: I will go with the assumption here, that Muzdun will agree to spend a surge: effect Orsik and Braddock gain surge worth of healing (without spending a surge) and all three gain +5 AC TENT Orsik

As dwarven warrior touches it, it flies appart, runes of protection dropping on his armor and pieces flying over to besieged warlock and back to Orsik.

With it comes relief and strength to continue. Orsik almost casually shrugs off constricting tentacle and turns Osvetnik down and jabs at the ground. From the impact point golden light spreads out enveloping two guards and the otyugh.

Start: take 5-5 damage
Free: Activate vengeful maul vs guard 1 gain +2 to hit; +1d10 damage
Free: enemy that bloodied Orsik is immobilized (guard 2)
Standard: Cage of Light vs Will (guard 1; guard 2; otyugh); radiant damage (1d20+12=24, 1d20+12=14, 1d20+12=16, 1d20+12=20, 4d6+6=16) - guard 1 hit 16 damage; forgot CA vs oty, but still miss by one :(
Move: Athletics to break a grab; save (1d20+15=28, 1d20=9) - if he's already at P19 then shift back to P18 (to be withing the zone - else do this before the attack so he has good position for blast 3

EDIT : forgot vulnerability, add 2 damage (18) to rat guard 1

STATUS: ongoing 5 poison

Initiative +4; Senses Passive Insight 22, Passive Perception 15
HP 41/53 Bloodied 26, Surge Value 13+2, Surges 7/10
AC 21; Fortitude 20, Reflex 16, Will 20
1 AP
Speed 6 (5)

Word of Binding
Word of Dimishment

Stone's Endurance
Rune of Mending
Rune of Mending
Divine Rune of Thunder
Symbol of the Wrath Reversed
Giantkind gauntlets damage

Rune of Endless Fire
Endure Pain
Cage of Light
Shield of Sacrifice

Vengeful Maul - encounter free: add +2 to hit and +1d10 damage against the enemy that hit bloodied ally
Amulet of Life - encounter free: spend additional surge
Bracers of Escape - daily interrupt: teleport 2 squares before melee attack

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