Adventure Inc. Campaign


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"Hmmm....well I s'pose if I had some of tha shinies, I'd be buying more of Aunt Edna's mulberry pie... ain't nothin' like a hot summer day and a glass of goat's milk and a piece of that pie... Geffin muses.

What can I say, he's got a 1 track mind...

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There's only one mint in this kingdom. It's not as if they need to launder it in order to spend it in another town. Pausing for a moment, Ipho also added I don't think they steal the horses though... Those horses are special bred and trained, anyone caught buying or selling them from anyone but the breeders themselves would be in a world of trouble.

Ajax merely adjusted his grip on his greatclub and kept his eyes on the road.


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Richard’s head suddenly drops. His bard senses feel a loss of an inspiration, a falling of a tower of genius, of hurt and pain.
As quickly as it came, it went.


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Bharash listened to his companions' banter, choosing not to participate in the discussion. The motives of the bandits didn't really matter to him, so long as they could keep them from committing further acts of banditry, one way or another. Bharash kept his eyes on the sides of the road and on the passers-by, on the lookout for trouble of any kind.


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Feeling bored by the road trip, Zed opens up his palm and asks it a question, What could possibly make this trip and better? eerily a sound emanates forth from Zed's palm, More of you, of course!. The Eladrin jumps up, Did anyone else hear that?! My palm just talked! Zed stares decidedly at Bharash, Is that, I'm on Your shoulder! true enough, sitting on Bharash's right shoulder a three inch version of Zed begins to dance a jig. Cheers! Care to dance! shouts the little Zed.


prestidigitation and ghost sound



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With the sun finally starting to sink low, the caravan pulls over into a fenced clearing to make camp for the night. The area is wide enough for five equally sized caravans to break for the night if needed.
Well, there's the first leg done. Grah my legs are stiff! Standing and stretching, and then stifling a huge yawn, Ajax hops down from the cart. He untied the horses from the cart to let them graze and rest for the evening.


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Dropping from the cart seat, Richard stretches his body out as he walks around the perimeter of the camp. Slowing his pace but not stopping, his mind replays all the details from the day: sifting out the important and interesting memories, compartmentalising them and saving them for recall at a later date. His hands move in soft gestures and his lips move silently as his does so.
Having finished, Richard smiles and lifts his voice,
“So, where are we now brothers? Is there anything I can do to help set camp? Or would you prefer I entertained the troops?”


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We're nearly halfway there. This is the last safe waypoint until our destination. Yawning, Ipho chipped in I don't think we'll see anyone else here except a night patrol. Rest while you can, we shall be departing early tomorrow morning.

The waypoint itself is roughly half an acre of packed dirt that has been fenced in next to the road. The left half is where the wagons are residing, as well as a sheltered enclosure for the horses. The right side has a structure for people, comprising of a stone platform raised 2 feet off the ground, a roof overhead and the south and east walls made of wood in order to eliminate the wind. the north and west faces are open, with oilcloth drapes stacked neatly in the corner in case of foul weather.

Ajax lights a small fire in the central firepit, while Ipho prepares their bedrolls for the evening.


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Bharash jumps down from the cart and surveys the waypoint area. Placing his pack on the ground near the sleeping area, he moves off to the side of the site and performs a series of stretches to loosen up his stiff muscles. After limbering up, Bharash moves to the edge of the waypoint site, walking the perimeter and looking for any suspicious tracks or signs which might indicate danger.

[sblock=Perception Roll] Perception check to find signs of enemies or danger. (1d20+4=19) [/sblock]

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