• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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With a combination of charm and well-timed barhopping, you managed to be able to drink until around midnight without paying. You are, however, rather smashed. Here's hoping someone manages to wake you up before so the caravan doesn't leave you behind.

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As his eyes open, and his body wakes, Richard fights through the fog in his mind to clearly evoke the events of last night. Allowing himself to access the subconscious memories that pick up so much more detail, as he had trained, he notes and remembers the behaviours of those who were around him. Grinning at his own performance of the evening, he also recalls the cheeky glint in Geffin’s eye, the way his feet were pointing in opposing directions, his hands open and his left shoulder lent towards the bar.
“Ah, my dear halfing friend, I believe you may need help in rising today!”
Rising surprising smoothly after his legs last outing, Richard methodically washes and dresses, being careful to keep his mithral shirt beneath his other well-cut, but subtly styled, clothing. Carefully he runs through his posture exercises: feet firmly on the ground in parallel; ankles over feet, finding his centre of balance; knees over ankles, soft and ready for action; hips over knees, connecting his body weight to his legs with a slight movement of his pelvis; shoulders over hips, rolling them back to straighten his spine; and finally ears over shoulders, feeling the blood rush to his brain and his body align.
Stepping out into the still dark morning air, he heads to find Geffin. Hoping that Zed will find the adventure compelling enough and sure that the vigilant dragonborn will be ready and there before him, Richard smiles.
“A fine group to travel with”
Along the way through the town, he finds a stall selling a decent breakfast and buys enough for himself, his companions, the brothers and their workers. And a flask of brandy to help them all lessen the damage of last night.


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Waking a few hours before dawn (with only a very slight buzzing in the back of his mind to remind him of the drinks the night before), Bharash immediately set about with his morning routine. He starts his day with meditation and prayer in his room. Pulling on his pants, he then moves out into a larger, empty room in the temple to practice his fighting. With imaginary shield and axe in hand, he fights off different enemies with different weapons, parrying with his shield and slashing with his axe for some, feinting then smashing with an overhead chop for others. He continued his practice for nearly an hour before finally finishing. Returning to his room, Bharash washed up, checked to ensure all his adventuring gear was packed, then pulled on his tunic before donning his magical plate armor and strapping his axe, shield and pack to his back. Stopping by the temple larder to grab some bread and dried meat, Bharash ate as he left the temple. Making his way to the caravan site, he is not surprised to find that he is the first of his companions to arrive. Taking up a post near the wagon, Bharash prepares himself to wait for the rest of the party to arrive.


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Zed rolls out of the bed, his Rug is old and tattered but nothing is as comfortable for an evening trance. Glancing back at the two lithe forms of Loki and Aunt Athena still twined in sleep, snoring and slobbering.

Snatching up his mirror amulet Zed gives his hair a finger combing and beams brightly.

AH Zed old boy don't you look smart?! HA HA of course you do, you handsome devil.

Zed slips into his adventuring robes, watches as Aunt Athena mists to another plane, and places her into his pocket to call later today.

Zed releases the magic insects and Loki begins chasing them and lapping them up. Use the litter Loki. I'll see you in a while. The door closes and a happy Eladrin dances toward new adventure.


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Geffin drags himself out of bed, his throat feeling like cotton's stuffed down there and his head pounding worse than he's felt in a while, but the halfling has a smile on his cherubic face. "Well done ol' boy, you ain't be having a night like that in a while. Who knows it might be yer last" the halfling thinks as he joins up with the others, thankful that Richard thought to wake him up.


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The Kremen brothers arrived at their wagons a little after Bharash. After giving their merchandise (and a few new crates) a quick look-over to make sure everything was there, Ajax said, more to himself than to his brother or the Dragonborn,

Well, let' hope the rest are as punctual...


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Sauntering, nay, sashaying up to the twins, Zed looks just the same as usual. Bowing first to the twins and then to Bharash, Entertainment, Lizard, A splendid morning! Rife with potential for personal growth eh. Well... For some, others are blessed with perfection from the womb... Ah, Zed. Zed, finally looking away from his mirror, makes eye contact with the company.

Our fortunes are certainly bright! A glorious adventure indeed.

Zed begins working on musical cantrips, first a waltz, then a march. Changing style and instruments every five minutes or so. Keeping his head up for peoples reaction to the music. Zed plays music those in hearing distance obviously enjoy,and quickly switches from songs or sounds the audience shows distaste for.


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Hearing the music turn to the rhythm of a tavern bawd as he approaches, Richard smiles fully and fills his lungs before shaping his baritone to a new melody.
Can you cool the stripéd heat?
Or calmly prevent
Where tooth and flesh meet?
Do you shake with primal dread
When you think you hear
Those padded feet tread?
And once you see the lurid fur
Can you still be sure
The kitty will purr?
Me? I fear no feline harm.
For I know the secret
Of the Tyger’s Balm
Laughing enthusiastically, he lays the food out for all there and portions off some for Geffin. Catching Zed’s eye he nods appreciatively and gestures warmly to Bharash to join them.
“Brothers! A fine breakfast, for a fine company, to a fine journey. And there is more than enough for any of your labourers too. A way of starting afresh.”
He shrugs playfully and holds his hand out to the brothers.


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Ajax merely nodded his thanks as he started to don a suit of worn but well maintained leather armour. Ipho gathered enough of the food for the two of them.
Our thanks. There is enough room on the remaining carts for you all to eat on the move. We do have a long journey ahead of us.

There was an additional wagon with the rest, and they all had their pack horses harnessed up and ready to go. They would only take minor coaxing to follow Ajax and Ipho on the first cart. Each cart had a driver's bench that could fit two people (or one Dragonborn).

Ajax climbed into the driver's seat, with a hunk of bread in his mouth, the reigns in one hand and a large, iron shod greatclub in the crook of his other arm. Speaking around his food, he said S'we rdy t'goh?


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"I be as ready as ahm gonna be" Geffin replies, his mouth equally full, the cheeks puffed out like a squirrel as he stuffs the breakfast into his mouth and settles in for the ride.

Voidrunner's Codex

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