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[Adventure] Kingmaker (DM:renau1g; judge: garyh)


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Oleg is preparing to put in for the night when word of our arrival travels to him and the proprietor comes hurriedly barely after you enter the compound.

"Oh, thank the gods you are ok, so does that mean you've taken care of the bandits...and did you locate anything interesting while you were out" Oleg says.

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Faustus, Tiefling Avenger of Lauto

"Aye, let us take care of business first and worry about your bellies and resting your head afterward."
Faustus sulks even more than usual and studiously ignores Oleg's comment. "Very well, then, Harsh Taskmistress! Gather your frilly petticoats and drive us on to the arduous work that awaits us." :mad:


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"Oy," Ezmerelda said, rolling her eyes at Oleg. "Did we ever. That's just how we work. You ask us for something...not only do we deliver..."

She produces the wedding ring* and tilts it to and fro to catch the light.

"...but we throw a little something extra into the bargain as well. Hiccup! Front and center, lad. Oleg? Meet your new helper."

Ez beams at Oleg as the bandit boy makes his way into view. "Eh? Eh? Yer speechless, I kin tell."



Mari can't help smiling as the ring is presented. For all her toughness and dark magic she is still a woman and her heart can be softened by romance.


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Oleg is elated that you found the ring and is confused at first at the appearance of Hiccup, but after the group explains the situation he has a stern look on his face, and appears to be weighing the option. With a grunt the proprietor nods and tells Hiccup to be up at dawn tomorrow ready for his new tasks.

"Now, as for you five. I've decided to hire on your friend Scorpius to help keep an eye on the place, hope you don't mind? Ok then, you did me a huge favor here and not just with the ring, those bandits were about to drive me out of business til you showed up. I don't have much in the way of free and clear gold right now, but I can offer your little group a 1000 gold piece credit for use here in the trading post. I can see about getting you anything you need from Restov if you give me some time." Oleg says, smiling for the first time since you saw him. "Ok then, I'm to hit the hay, Svetlana will have something special ready for you in the morning I'm sure. The guards finally got here too, but I saw you talking so I'm sure you already knew that. Ok, the guesthouse is yours if you want it" he adds, stiffling a yawn, pointing to the structure near the entrance.

You notice the guards have set up tents just south of the stable, in the shadow of the palisade.

Ok, a well deserved rest. We'll say an Extended Rest. This was a bit on the easier side for a day, in the future I'm going to require a bit more out of you before you can rest properly. So, what that means is I'd like to hit two milestones if possible before you get the Extended Rest benefit. It might take a couple in game days, but in a giant sandbox like this I think something like this has to be the case as otherwise I'd have to almost construct each encounter as a full out, near TPK battle to challenge you, or it would be a cakewalk if the party had all their resources to bear in every fight. Work for everyone?

The group finds there are four beds in the guesthouse, the bed provides decent support, if not great, but it is far better than sleeping in a bedroll.

Waking up in the morning, Svetlana has omelets ready along with fresh bread for the party. As you are eating, a slight commotion is seen a the front gate. A middle-aged man is stopped by Kesten, the other man has brown hair, traveler's clothing, a full mustache and rather horrible comb-over, that looks to be trying to cover (unsuccessfully) his balding head. The man has a longbow strapped to his back. The man points at the party, then the two continue arguing, Kesten seems to want to stop the man from entering.


First Post
Waking up in the morning, Svetlana has omelets ready along with fresh bread for the party. As you are eating, a slight commotion is seen a the front gate. A middle-aged man is stopped by Kesten, the other man has brown hair, traveler's clothing, a full mustache and rather horrible comb-over, that looks to be trying to cover (unsuccessfully) his balding head. The man has a longbow strapped to his back. The man points at the party, then the two continue arguing, Kesten seems to want to stop the man from entering.
[sblock=ooc]Hey its my old druid mentor :)[/sblock]
Elurin is pleased with himself - pleased that he help wipe out the bandit base, pleased that he help Hiccup turn over a new leaf, pleased to get his staff and pleased to sleep in after two long marches. After his morning lope about the woods as a quadruped, the druid asks Kesten to talk to Happs to Happs, telling him that his information has given him a chance to live and quizzing him about the Stag Lord and that he will relay all the help that Happs has been to the guard, so that Happs can be fairly judged.


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Curious about what's going on with this stranger and Kesten, Ezmerelda saunters over, the scabbarded blade of her new sword pinioned between her arms and the back of her neck.

"Everything all right over here?"


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"We have this covered" Kesten says, but the older man pipes up

"You're darn right we got us a problem. This man is interfering with a religious quest" the man states, to which Kesten rolls his eyes, "Now you watch yourself young man, I was led here and I got to talk to those who are protecting these lands> Is that you m'lady?" he calls.


Faustus, Tiefling Avenger of Lauto

Faustus is sleeping fitfully, having nightmares about clerics trying to "save" him and all that rot. As the sun peeks in the nearest window, he rolls over, farts tremendously, and goes back to sleep.



Mari strides forward. "Please Kesten, I appreciate your diligence, but for a trading post to trade people must be allowed to visit. Certainly this old fellow doesn't represent a threat your well trained men can't handle should he start to make trouble."

Voidrunner's Codex

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