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Adventure:Land Ho! FWBTHW (DM:H.M.Gimlord,Judge:Ozymandias79)


First Post
"It is right of you to question our statements and motives, but you must also be willing to question those of the others involved, whom you know well. Who makes a better enemy than a friend?" Jin asked rhetorically. "Do you see here? This is a bricked up passageway. Behind which is the lair of these villains, and it used to be a wine cask which hid the entrance. We are well aware of their criminal activities, and we believe they have taken Hankel as their prisoner, or maybe worse."

[sblock=Skill Challenge]
I'd prefer to go last, since my bonus is down to a +1 for the remaining skill rolls.

Also, could perhaps Mervin help on these? I know he's not on our team, but he could at least speak up that it was not us who poured burning hot oil all over him.

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Walking Dad

First Post

"See, forget the sweets. We will be able to bring you into prison. But If you help us now, we could perhaps change it to a much more bearable punishment." Riardon continues to convince the thief to help him.

Suddenly flashlike, Riardon remembers something helpful...


Diplomacy (1d20+9=26)

History (1d20+12=32)

Yay, last round a 1 and now a 20 :)


Everyone in 20 sq around Riardon gets a +2 to initiative.
When you spend an AP, you get a +1 on attacks.

[sblock=Mini stat block]
Riardon d'Caelis
Perception: 18 Insight: 13 Low-light Vision
AC 20 Fortitude 18 Reflex 17 Will 16
Initiative: +4
Hit Points: 43 / 44 Bloodied: 22
Temporary Hit Points: 0
Resist: -
Saving Throw: +5 vs Charm
Action Points: 0 Second Wind: 0
Healing Surge:11 Surges per day: 6 / 8
At-Will Powers: Directing Strike, Opening Shove
Encounter Powers: Inspiring Word 0/2, Aid the Injured, Chilling Cloud, Warlords Favor, Steel Monsoon, Feystep
Daily Powers: Calculated Assault, Sunblade Burst




[sblock=Skill Challenge]Also, could perhaps Mervin help on these? I know he's not on our team, but he could at least speak up that it was not us who poured burning hot oil all over him.
[sblock=OOC]Oh don't worry. Mervin will speak up. I'm just making sure everyone gets a chance to chime in before I continue.[/sblock]


"...and we believe they have taken Hankel as their prisoner, or maybe worse."
The guard-captain shoots Jin a 'don't give me that' look, "Don't be rediculous. Hankel left for Efil with Lord Hallmaster three days ago. He should be back in a few short weeks." He shifts his gaze from one man to another, "Now would someone please tell me what is going on here!?"
"See, forget the sweets. We will be able to bring you into prison. But If you help us now, we could perhaps change it to a much more bearable punishment."
The prisoner, desperate to escape incarceration nods cooperatively at Riardon, as Blagarm bursts down the stairs in mock urgency, "What's go'n an dan 'ere!?" He stops short, again putting on his best face, "Ooooh Jahr'd. Evnin' t'ya." The fat bartender nods a little too politely.

"These men," Jahred explains, "Say that you've been running a den of thieves down here. Now, I don't yet know the truth, and I've never seen any of them before, except for Firebyrne, here," He acknowledges the dragonborn with a nod, "If it were only these strangers, I would arrest them for drunken murder and be done, but Firebyrne swears by their word."

"Nor d'I know 'oo they are, but I know they met Mr. Firebyrne this vary evnin'. They took'im inta a dark room an' tald 'im a stary 'bout thieves an' such so's he takes'em dan stares ta' show'em nothin's wrang. Then these strangers..."

"Oh shut it Blagarm!" The bound thug has had enough, "Don't you see it's all over!? They're all dead!" The man looks at Jahred, "He's given us room and board to run the jobs. He's in it just as much as we are. When these blokes told him they were the ones set the fire two weeks ago, he warns us they're coming downstairs. We came in ready, but they killed everyone."

Jahred's eyebrows pop up, but Blagarm responds quickly, "Dan't lissen ta 'im. 'E's 'fraid they'll off 'im."

"Oh no I'm not!"
The thug yells back, "Go ahead and knock the wall down like the slanty-eyed man said," he nods in the direction of the patched wall, "You'll see."

Blagarm goes red with rage, "No'ne's ganta knock ani walls dan!"

Suddenly Riardon remembers something. There is another way into the thieves' den. He remembers that an underground river ran to a back entrance. If Jahred is led to this entrance, no one would have to knock down a wall, and perhaps Blagarm wouldn't be the wiser until Jahred had his evidence. [sblock=status]SC1: 3 Successes / 1 Failure
SC2: 4 Successes / 0 Failures Congratulations on completing SC2[/sblock][sblock=WD]Though this concludes SC2 with success, I'll let you RP the response Riardon has to this information[/sblock]

Walking Dad

First Post

"I can say some more thinks to proof that we speak the truth. But I would prefer to say it in private without to many ears listening." Riardon says, looking at Blagarm as he says the last words.


http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2551027/say when we can do a short rest.


Everyone in 20 sq around Riardon gets a +2 to initiative.
When you spend an AP, you get a +1 on attacks.

[sblock=Mini stat block]
Riardon d'Caelis
Perception: 18 Insight: 13 Low-light Vision
AC 20 Fortitude 18 Reflex 17 Will 16
Initiative: +4
Hit Points: 43 / 44 Bloodied: 22
Temporary Hit Points: 0
Resist: -
Saving Throw: +5 vs Charm
Action Points: 0 Second Wind: 0
Healing Surge:11 Surges per day: 6 / 8
At-Will Powers: Directing Strike, Opening Shove
Encounter Powers: Inspiring Word 0/2, Aid the Injured, Chilling Cloud, Warlords Favor, Steel Monsoon, Feystep
Daily Powers: Calculated Assault, Sunblade Burst




First Post
[sblock=Fenwick]I'd like his to take the last skill challenge roll. He has a +9 for diplomacy.[/sblock]

"They didn't just come in ready; they jumped us, trying to kill us. They didn't want us to tell you what's going on down here," Jin added.


First Post
Fenwick approaches Jahred.

"Fenwick pleased to make acquaintance of officer," he says politely, but enthusiastically. "Fenwick understand concerns, but wish to offer point of information. Fenwick and associates strangers in this land, which makes for lack of immediate trust, perhaps. Association with Firebyrne is mitigating factor, but still suspicious. Something fishy obviously going on. Why complete strangers come into tavern straight after disembarking ship arrving from far country, insist on going into basement, and then get into very violent fight resulting in fatalities?

"What reason we have for such action is mystery. Obviously something going on in basement, otherwise we have no reason to do anything in tavern except drink and talk. People who want to prevent people going in basement say 'hey, do not go in basement!' and do not pull out knives and arrows and attack mercilessly.

"Fenwick request that investigating officer--Jahred, if Fenwick have name correct--bear out listening to Fenwick and companions, and speak to Riardon," he points to the warlord "out of range of prying ears. May be enlightening."

He smiles, looking--well, not entirely innocent, but certainly not immediately threatening.

[sblock=roll]Diplomacy Roll (1d20+9=21)[/sblock]


First Post
Woot! I love your posts, man.

However, I think the remaining roll is needed for the SC vs the prisoner, getting him to talk (though, maybe I am mistaken, since he pretty much spilled all the beans).


[sblock=back!]Hey guys, I'm back! OMG I LOVED the idea of a skill challenge "against" Mervin! That was hilarious! :) Thanks for NPCing him, HMG. I think you did a great job![/sblock]
[sblock=ooc]So at this point I don't know if HMG had much more planned for Mervin to say, but I'd suspect he's at least convinced enough that a) you guys aren't going to kill him, b) something pretty serious is going on now, c) you may not be his only ticket out of here but you're certainly the best chance he's got at the moment. He's also grateful for the warlord's healing help (although once we get a short rest he'll just heal like normal).

I don't know how much Mervin would suddenly speak up in your collective defense - again, like the battle, he's mostly watching the two sides just yet - but if the officer suddenly starts arresting everyone or does something that involves Mervin, you better believe he will speak up.

HMG: Does Mervin recognize any of the new people in the room?[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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