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Adventure: Love Bites


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Hacker curses under his breath, marshalling all the hatred in his heart (and it's a lot) and focusing it upon the dragon. [Minor: Designate Prey - +2 to attacks and damage until EONT.]

Hacker moves to the other side of the cactus. The strings of his banjo twang with the rage of the universe, creating a simulacrum of Atreus that leaps from the revenant's position, swats the dragon on the nose, returns to Atreus's location, drops its trousers, wags its buttocks at the dragon, makes a highly inappropriate comment about the dragon's mother, and vanishes. [Move: to F19, maintaining cover. This puts Atreus within 5 squares of Hacker. Standard: Misdirected Mark - 1d20+6+2=25 v. Reflex, 1d8+5+2=15 Damage. The dragon is marked by Atreus until Hacker's EONT.]

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ooc: Atriden is right; you're only taking 5 og. The potion takes you up 10 to 13. Then you take 5 at the start of your turn, putting you at 8. You take actions (yet to be determined). You fail the save (already rolled), so you take 5 more at the start of your next turn, which still leaves you standing. (For now, of course.)
[sblock=OOC]Sorry. So used to taking the 10OG, I forgot that I saved for both of those that last turn. I updated my post.[/sblock]
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First Post
As the sudden ring of flame spreads out to surround the dragon, it happens to pass through Woe. Though the fire is harmless to allies, this unfortunately startles him just at the wrong moment, messing up his own attack.

“Whoa, Kath! I thought we were on the same team here!”

“... Oh, wait... this isn’t so bad, actually. It sort of makes for nice dramatic scenery, in fact!”

Woe is so distracted by playing around with the magical fire - “On fire! Off fire! On fire! Off fire!” - that he leaves himself open for a tail cut in the gut. The dragon’s assault puts it off balance though, enough for Woe to slip around it with a quick series of feints through the flames.

[sblock=Actions and Tactics]
Standard: Tide of Iron misses (have to override Atreus’ mark, though, to keep Woe’s Fighter mojo on). I guess this triggers that “warding tail” attack that hits Woe for 10 damage.
Move: Pass Forward to K10.
Minor: Play around more with the magical fire.

Damn, tried to push it into the fire. That would’ve dealt 4 damage on entry and another 4 when it started turn (note that Fire Seed works on entry, whether voluntarily or forced). I’ve moved Woe into a position where the dragon cannot include anyone else in a breath blast without triggering Combat Challenge.

Woe Chinua - Human Fighter 3
Passive Perception 12, Passive Insight 12
AC 20, Fort 19, Reflex 17, Will 14
HP 36/46, Bloodied 23, Surge Value 11, Surges 10/11
Speed 5, Initiative +3
Action Points: 1, Second Wind
Powers: Cleave, Knockdown Assault, Tide of Iron; Pass Forward; Spear of Myrdroon's Shard, Heavy Throwing Shield;
Passing Attack, Rain of Blows;
Comeback Strike, Inspiring Word; Spear of Myrdroon's Shard, Heavy Throwing Shield


Round 7

Atreus forgoes an opening for a nasty blow to feed a potion to Mikara, bringing the elf away from the brink of oblivion again.

Mikara takes advantage by feathering the dragon with a pair of deep-striking arrows.

Kathalia hurls a spark of flame at the dragon, which explodes against its skin into a ring of magical flame that doesn't harm her allies. The success inspires her to shake off the clinging remnants of the dragon's acid breath.

Tristan drinks a potion, and focuses all his strength on hitting the dragon with focused prayer. His effort falls short, but at last he manages to force his legs to move.

Hacker ducks behind Atreus, and by his skill summons a phantasmal Atreus, which strikes the dragon before retreating, injuring it surprisingly badly.

Woe attempts to shove the dragon into the flames, but receives a barbed tail to the stomach for his trouble. He rolls with it, coming up behind the dragon.

The dragon moves away from Woe, surprising the warrior into a feeble stab. It lashes towards Kathalia with its sharp tail, but its attention too focused on Mikara to direct the blow accurately. Mikara, on the other hand, is nearly shredded by a long claw that leaves her gasping with pain, bleeding and trembling on the verge of collapse yet again.

[sblock=ooc]Atreus takes 5 ongoing and regens 5, coming out even. He teleports and feeds Mikara a potion. He makes all his saves.

Mikara takes 5 ongoing (at 8 now). She hits twice for 25 damage. See, this is why the dragon keeps picking on you. ;) Hitting it heals Mikara by 4, to 12. She fails both saves.

Kathalia takes 5 ongoing acid. She hits with flame seed for 8 fire, and heals 4. She makes her save.

Tristan takes 5. He drinks a potion and misses, but makes a save and is no longer immobilized.

Hacker moves... F19 leaves him 6 squares from Atreus by my count. Did you mean D18? That's the only square I can see that has cover and is within 5 of Atreus, so I've put you there. Misdirected mark hits for 15.

Woe misses with Tide of Iron. That does indeed trigger warding tail, which hits for 10 damage, and Woe takes 5 ongoing untyped (se). This one doesn't immobilize, so he can still Pass Forward.

The dragon fails to recharge breath. It shifts northeast, taking 4 fire damage and provoking a combat challenge attack from Woe (which I'll roll because it has a chance of preventing further events): 11 vs. AC misses. It attacks Mikara and Kathalia with slicing fury. 27 vs. AC hits Mikara for 11 damage and 5 ongoing untyped and immobilized (se both). Mikara's about to keel over again. 10 vs. AC misses Kathalia. I forgot the screaming armor penalty, but it doesn't change either result.

I just noticed that Hacker's banjo has an effect of giving an ally +1 to damage rolls until their next rest, when you take a short rest. I don't think anyone's been using that bonus, have they? You should probably do that.


[sblock=Initiative and status]

  • Atreus 19/39 hp, 9/9 surges, regen 5
  • Woe 36/46 hp, 9/11 surges, 5 ongoing (se)
  • Mikara 1/34 hp, 2/7 surges, -2 to attacks (se), bloodied, 5 ong acid and immobilized (se both), 5 ong untyped and immobilized (se both)
  • Dragon 240 damage, mikara's quarry, enemies heal 4 when hitting, bloodied, 2 shrouds
  • Kathalia 30/36 hp, 7/9 surges, fleet pursuit
  • Hacker 36/36 hp, 6/9 surges
  • Tristan 20/34 hp, 5/9 surges, -2 to attacks (se) bloodied

Resources Used:
  • Kathalia: AP, Fires of Life, Fleet pursuit, Healing Word, Predator's flurry, Elven Accuracy, screaming hide
  • Atreus: AP, Targeted for Death, Nightshade's Kiss
  • Mikara: AP, Hunter's Bear Trap, Evasive Strike, Elven Accuracy, Cut and Run
  • Hacker: AP, Concerted effort, Stirring Shout, majestic word x2, dissonant strain, blunder
  • Tristan: AP, Luckblade, 1 daily magic item power, channel divinity, second wind, elven accuracy
  • dragon: APx2, frightful presence, breath


[sblock=enemy stats]Dragon: HP 260, AC 23, Fort 22, Ref 21, Will 21. BMA +10 vs. AC, 1d8+5 damage and the target is immobilized and takes 5 ongoing damage (save ends both)
Aura of Terror: enemies within 5 take -2 on saving throws.


The hill near T30 is low, only 5' higher at the top than at the bottom. It could theoretically give cover or possibly improved cover in the right circumstances.

The cactus takes up all of the square that its trunk is in; it can be used for cover or improved cover like any tree.

The rock in M5-N7 is about 3 feet high, and can provide cover.

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First Post
The assassin teleports once more through his allies shadows and ends up next to the dragon, flanking with Kathalia. He strikes the dragon with his axe. The dragon parries the blow easily but not without a cost of a few bruises to its arm. " It's almost down, someone put it out of its misery "

Free Action: Shrouds the dragon twice
Move Action: Teleports to flank with kathalia
Standard Action: Activates shrouds and attacks with his axe, uses leaping shadows power. Hits AC 15 and misses, but his shrouds do 14 damage.
Minor Action: Nothing
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First Post
// If possible, I'd like someone besides Kathalia to take down the dragon this turn - then Kathalia can run over and throw her amulet over Mikara - it has a daily item power to re-roll a save, and we may need it...


First Post
Woe looks down at himself and realizes that the dragon has finally managed to cause him bodily harm. All his dreams about subduing and turning it into a pet are gone in an instant, leaving only bloodlust in their wake.

“Guys and gals, I hope you like your wyrm-meat tendered, skewered, and just about minced to a pulp. Fire up the rotisserie, folks, ‘cause there’s dragon-kebab coming up!”

Woe leaps off the dragons trashing tail and on to its back, impaling it relentlessly as he goes - both to cut it up, cling on, and gain ground. The beast struggles violently, tossing its menace back and forth like a ragdoll while trying to take to the air, yet Woe still manages to hang on and stab-&-lodge his way forward until he eventually reaches its head. With a triumphant howl he runs his spear deep through its neck, perforating it on one side and re-entering on another, until he finally manages to tear his way up its head.

There’s a sickening crunch as skull gives way to steel, and then Woe’s spear emerges from the dragon’s mouth in a bloody spray that drowns out the acid. The wyrm goes airborne in brief violent death-spasms before suddenly freezing in its tracks, rolling its eyes into the back of its skull, and spiralling to the ground with a mighty crash.

The dust finally settles and Woe emerges with a big grin and a big chunk of dragon-brains skewered on his spear.

Start of turn: Woe bleeds for 5 damage.
Move: To L11 or 12 (doesn’t matter).
Standard: Charge into flanking position (next to Atreus). Woe hits AC 31 for 6 damage .
Action Point: Rain of Blows hits twice for a total of 16 damage.
End of Turn: Woe saves (thanks to the dragon being dead!).

That’s 22 damage and Woe heals 12. By my count that kills it, but I’d be happy to stack Spear of Myrdroon’s Shard power on top, if necessary. :D

If possible, I'd like someone besides Kathalia to take down the dragon this turn - then Kathalia can run over and throw her amulet over Mikara - it has a daily item power to re-roll a save, and we may need it...
Can do. :cool:

Woe Chinua - Human Fighter 3
Passive Perception 12, Passive Insight 12
AC 20, Fort 19, Reflex 17, Will 14
HP 43/46, Bloodied 23, Surge Value 11, Surges 10/11
Speed 5, Initiative +3
Action Points: 0, Second Wind
Powers: Cleave, Knockdown Assault, Tide of Iron; Pass Forward; Spear of Myrdroon's Shard, Heavy Throwing Shield;
Passing Attack, Rain of Blows;
Comeback Strike, Inspiring Word; Spear of Myrdroon's Shard, Heavy Throwing Shield
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Lord Sessadore

As Tristan's feet finally unfreeze he begins a charge at the dragon, leaving a trail of glittering ethereal leaves, sword ready to strike the final blow ...

And then Woe makes dragon-kebabs.

Tristan pulls up short, not wanting to get stuck by a stray spear thrust. He sighs. "Well, that wasn't very much fun. First dragon I fight and my sword doesn't even get to touch it."

Looking very put upon, he instead turns to Mikara and begins administering to her wounds halfheartedly.
[sblock=OOC]Heal to give Mikara a save (1d20+5=13) Fails. Story of the fight for Tristan :erm:[/sblock]


First Post
Kathalia dashes over to Mikara, frowns briefly, and then hastily removes her amulet and throws it over the neck of the ailing elf.

"Earth Goddess," she says, raising her arms to the sky, "though our sister Mikara is not my favorite elf, nonetheless, she does not deserve to die. Not today, at least. Or next week. Well, maybe next week. Oh, I don't know... Just, protect her, okay?"

// Amulet has a daily power to reroll a failed save - hopefully it won't come to that, but if she's about to die, Mikara can use it


First Post
Hacker trots over to Mikara. He chuckles a nasty chuckle at Kathalia's "not my favorite elf" comment and makes a half-arsed attempt at treating Mikara's wounds. (Heal: 1d20+1=13) While he does so, he says, "Okay, folks, new plan. We chop this ***** dead hunk of money into portable bits. Then, assumin' our tracker here survives the next few minutes, she'll use her skills to find the home of the monster, and we'll loot its hoard. Finally, after a nice rest, we go back and wring the dung out of Dungwringer."

Voidrunner's Codex

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