(Adventure) Of eggs and desires [GnomeWorks judging]

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GPEKO said:
Baeron retreives a sheet of paper, writes a few things and gives it to one of you. “If you don’t have anymore questions, I’d like you to all write down your name on this. It’s just to formalize what we discussed here.” Those of you who can read see that the contract basically says that you’re hired for the sum of 500 gp to find proof of what happened to Marion Oldrey and his partner. The gold is to be delivered upon completion of the task. It also notes that the lost of any Raddanors’ property (including horses and other animals) during the course of the mission will be deducted from your salary.

"Don't the creatures you want us investigating eat horses rather regularly? I'm not sure I want to be sitting on such expensive bait. If the target area is so far away that horses are required, I want the contract to set out their value in advance... shall we say a reduction in fee of 25 gp per horse lost?"


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"They eat horses? Hmm, well I suppose they would at that. Didn't you say that they were part horse? Anyway, I'd rather not have our fee eaten, especially when our quarry may already have been eaten, and we're busy all the while trying to avoid being eaten ourselves. Horses would help get the boring part of the journey over much more quickly though, thank The Dog for that."

After mumbling something in elven,
The whole business makes me hungry.
Planus helps himself to some more bread and cheese.


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After reading the document in its entirety, Devlin readily signs his name to the agreement and then passes it on to the next person.

"Do you expect us to depart immediately, or will we have some time to take care of any personal preperations we may have need of?"


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Rika sits and ponders for a moment. Horses would speed up our journey, but they ruin any chance we have of closing unnoticed. They make a lot more noise then travelling on foot, and if Ironwolf and Planus ar right, we become likely targets for the hippogriffs. I say we use them to ride to Apple Glade, then leave them stabled while we head for the nests, if we do. Ofcourse, if the egg-hunters are alive, this becomes another situation entirely.


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"Sounds like a good plan, Rika." says Planus with a smile. He will quickly sign the paper, his letters surprisingly awkward for an elf. With that done, he hops out of his chair and looks generally impatient to be off. "I only have a few days rations left from my journey here. Either more will have to be supplied, or I'll have to go ... ugh ... shopping." His face suddenly brightens, "Or we could live off the land." Then downcast again, "But that will make the trip take longer."

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