[Adventure]: Shards of Eldanarth (DM: MadAzolin, Judge: ??)

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I'm already on it Lerrick replies back to the wizard. the clerick shouts Lerrick moves a little closer to Kane, then sends a wave of healing warmth which mends many of Kane's wounds. (ooc: out of healing words for this encounter) After healing Kane the glaze of Lerrick's emerald eyes lock onto the swamp horror. As she does so the beast roars in discomfort as the cleric's magic takes hold.


movement: two square (see map)
minor: healing word on Kane: 3d6+5 +Kane HS for 14 + 16 = 30
attack: bane vs horror +12 vs will: Hit (26)
[TABLE="width: 700"][TR][TD="colspan: 2"] Until the end of Lerrick's next trun, the target takes a -4 penalty to attack rolls and all defenses.[/TD][/TR][/TABLE]

[sblock=Lerrick Stats]
AC: 22 Fort: 20 Reflex: 19 Will: 24
HP: 53/63 Surges: 8/10 Surge Value: 15
CURSED: none
STATUS: none


  • Ritual Caster: Lerrick can preform and master rituals my level or lower
  • Pacifist's Reward: Lerrick, if her attack doesn't do damage, receives +2 temp hitpoints at the end of her turn.
  • Healer's Implement: +1 to healing power when ally uses a healing surge as a result of a power used by Lerrick
  • Pacifist Healer: an additional 1d6+5 to hp for each heal word Lerrick uses
  • Improved Defenses: +1 feat bonus: Fortitude, Reflex, and Will
  • Group Vigor: Everyone within 10 feet of Lerrick receives 1 extra hit point when they spend a healing surge

Astral Seal
Sacred Flame

Knack for Success:
Channel Divinity: favor of the Gods
Channel Divinity: Healer's Mercy
Noble Presence
Healing Word (2)
Hymn of Resurgence
Bastion of Health

Life transference
Moment of Glory:
Iron to Glass:

Medic's Dagger: (Power)
Potion Bandoleer: Currently stocked with 6 healing potions
Healer's Broach: (Power)
Gleaming Diamond Bracers: (Power)
River of Life Gloves: (Power)
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GM: Round overview before monster action(s):
- Vermithrax kills vine and hits horror for 37 damage (and prones and immobilizes it) (I assume 12+25 is 37 rather then 27 listed in post); also kills another vine
- Martelai hits horror for 39 psychic damage (-10 for resistance for total of 29); horror is dazed, immobilized and prone
- Cyr hits horror for 50 damage (vulnerability included); horror will take 5 more damage if it ends turn next to PC(s)
- Lilli moves away
- Kane hits horror for total of 73 damage
- Lerrick heals Kane for 30 HP

PC stats:
Martelai: HP 37/68 AC 21 Fort 19 Ref 20 Will 21; on hit, 1d6 dam to attacker, foes who end turn beside him take 5 psychic
Cyr: tHP 0, HP 49/50 AC 22 Fort 16 Ref 20 Will 22;
Lilli: HP 41/46 AC 21 Fort 16 Ref 20 Will 20
Kane: HP 35/65 AC 26 Fort 21 Ref 22 Will 21; flaming sphere active; taking 10 ongoing poison damage (save ends)
Jade: unsummoned
Verm. HP 54/54 AC 22 Fort 20 Ref 22 Will 22
Skel HP 29/29 AC 22 Fort 20 Ref 23 Will 23
Lerrick: HP 51/63 AC 21 Fort 20 Ref 19 Will 24

Monster stats:
- 3 vines are active
- Horror took 189 damage, it is now at 83/540 HP; horror is dazed, immobilized, knocked prone and suffers bane (-4 to attacks and defenses)

Companions rain blows and magic upon monstrosity, blood-red glow of druidic pillars filling them with inhuman might and fury. Creature reels under the attacks, helplessly roaring its fury as massive chunks of rotting flesh and bone are stripped from its form. Yet as fury of heroes' assault vanes, monster twitches and howls, shaking its broken, frozen and burnt form. Obviously terribly hurt, but still moving, it lets loose high pitched howl preparing for what will surely be its last attack.

Stench of countless rotting corpses spreads around it, permeating the grove, filling area with black poison mist:
[sblock="monster action, free on being bloodied"] Creature activates aura:
Fetid swamp: aura 30: at start of creature's turn, all living subjects in aura take 5 poison and necrotic damage.
Note: strictly speaking, aura was activated as it was bloodied, but will resolve it here for simplicity.

As creature twitches its tendrils, preparing for attack, unstable runes detonate, explosions missing companions, but hitting the
monster itself, tearing into its crumbling form and causing it to phase out, becoming barely visible and mist-like.
[sblock="runes explode"] all PCs are out of blast radius (close burst 1 around rune), but monster is hit Rift explodes (attack vs horror) (1d20+18=21), creature takes 15 force damage and is phased until end of its next turn

However, as creature phases out, it does not prevent vines from attacking. Tendrils cut into Lerrick and Martelai and try to crush Vermithrax, inflicting moderate wounds to companions apart from warlock who seems totally unhurt by monster's assault.
[sblock="vines attack"]
Bladed vine rends Lerrick for 11 +5 (vuln.) = 16 damage (Vine vs Lerrick, attack vs AC (1d20+18=25)
Bladed vine misses Martelai (and dies)
Crushing vine crushes Vermithrax for 14 +5 = 19 damage (Vine vs Vermithrax, attack vs AC (1d20+18=23))

Still letting loose its howl, horror finally attacks, retching poison, rising new vines from the depths of the swamp
and finally swingings its tendrils toward Martelai. It grabs warlock, but being only half-way here, it inflicts only minor wound,
lessened even further by touch of holy energy coming from Cyr
[sblock="horror actions"]
-> Aura: everyone takes 5 necrotic and poison damage (+5 for vulnerability for total of 10)
-> Free: new vines appear (see map) [Note: 6 of them this time]
-> Standard: tendrils against Martelai: hit, 16 damage -10 for iron to glass, halved as monster is phased to 3 (Horror vs Martelai (vs AC) (1d20+14=26))
-> Cyr prevents 5 damage, grants Martelai +1 to hit; Martelai takes 0 damage and is grabbed

Damage overview:
- all PCs took 10 damage from horror's aura
- horror took 15 damage (dropping it to 74) and is phased; it is also prone, immobilized, dazed ...
- vines hit Lerrick for 16 and Vermithrax for 19
- Martelai was hit by horror for 0 damage (and is grabbed)

PC stats:
Martelai: HP 27/68 AC 21 Fort 19 Ref 20 Will 21; on hit, 1d6 dam to attacker, foes who end turn beside him take 5 psychic
Cyr: tHP 0, HP 39/50 AC 22 Fort 16 Ref 20 Will 22;
Lilli: HP 41/46 AC 21 Fort 16 Ref 20 Will 20
Kane: HP 25/65 AC 26 Fort 21 Ref 22 Will 21; flaming sphere active;
Jade: unsummoned
Verm. HP 25/54 AC 22 Fort 20 Ref 22 Will 22
Skel HP 29/29 AC 22 Fort 20 Ref 23 Will 23
Lerrick: HP 25/63 AC 21 Fort 20 Ref 19 Will 24

Pillars are still at full power (same as last round)


Lilli yelps in pain from the necrotic poison as she hops sideways for a better position.

Raising her magical crystal to her eye, she extends the range of her magic to strike at the Horror's mind from afar. The monster's concentration is somewhat affected as rousing power of sunlight apparently beams into what accounts for its mind.

Lilli feels the presence of the Horror's 'thoughts' close to hers, but she prepares to use this to make the Horror an easier target for her next spell.

[sblock=actions]Starts X13.

Round 10.

Move action: Lilli shifts to X12.

The Horror of The Swamp of Tears is still subjected to this from a previous round:

Orb of Far Seeing +1
Power (Encounter): Minor Action. Choose a target within 10 squares of you. Until the end of the encounter, this target is considered half as far away for the purpose of ranged attacks made with this orb.

Standard Action: Lilli attacks the Horror with Illusory Ambush. It is essentially effective to 20 squares, what with the above Power in effect. Total to Hit = 28, Potential Damage is 37, minus whatever resistance it has to Psychic keyword.

Illusory Ambush (At Will Standard Ranged 10 ✦ Arcane, Illusion, Implement, Psychic)
Target: One creature
Attack: +10 vs. Will
Hit: 1d6+6 Psychic damage and the target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls until the end of your next turn.

Effects end and are changed with following:
- PCs gain +5 to hit and +25 bonus to damage of all attacks and cause critical hits on roll 19-20

FEAT - Phantom Echoes: When you use an arcane illusion power and hit a target, you gain combat advantage against that target until the end of your next turn. If the illusion power has an effect that a save can end, you instead gain combat advantage against the target until it saves against that effect.

[sblock=Potential Interrupts]If Lilli is attacked and use of her Shield power will cause a miss, then Lilli will use it:

Shield (Encounter Immediate Interrupt Personal Arcane, Force)
Trigger: You are hit by an attack.
Effect: You gain a +4 power bonus to AC and Reflex defence until the end of your next turn.



Female Gnome Wizard, Level 7.
Initiative: +3, Passive Perception: 14, Passive Insight: 19. Senses: Low-light vision.
AC: 21, Fort: 16, Reflex: 20, Will: 20.
HP: 31/46, Bloodied: 23, Surge Value: 11, Surges left: 1/7
Speed: 5 squares. Size: Small. Languages: Eladrin, Allarian, Draconic, Dwarven.
Saving Throw Bonuses: +5 Racial bonus against Illusions.
Action Points: 0
Orb of Deception
Second Wind - Used
Use Vulnerability
Illusory Ambush
Nightmare Eruption
Grasping Shadows
Horrid Whispers
Ghost Sound
Mage Hand
Fade Away
Maze of Mirrors
Visions of Avarice - Used [Visions of Avarice Secondary Attack - Used]
Skald's Aura [Used]
Experienced Arcana
Phantom Echoes
Orb of Far Seeing - Encounter Power - Used
Orb of Far Seeing - Daily Power
Feyleaf Sandals - Daily Power
Amulet of Elegy +2 - Daily Power
Illusionist's Gloves - Daily Power
Harp of Deeper Slumber - Daily Power

Note: Shimmering Cloth Armour - Lilli does not provoke opportunity attacks when she makes ranged or area attacks.
If Lilli falls and is about to take a punishing amount of damage, her Feyleaf Sandals will likely save her.

Conditions: None.[/sblock]

Martelai remains in the beasts embrace, his armor turning shining black for a moment as its magic is activated and the horror cursed again. Raising his black tipped rod over his head, he concentrates and deep darkness from above comes down on earth, smothering everyone and everything for hundred feet around.

When the pall lifts most of the vines are dead, none is where it was before and the only one living is next to Kanes sphere of fire, slowly crisping to death. The dryad in the tree sways as the dark power curses through and over her, but as she was not under the majestic view of the stars, she is not harmed.

"That's what I call power. Let's clean this up."

On horror attack Immediate reaction: Delbans deadly attention vs horror (necrotic damage) (3d8+11=28) - +25 bonus, 10 resist = 28+25-10 = 43 necrotic damage

Start of the turn
Free: Take 10 poison and necrotic damage

Minor: Curse Horror (using Armor of Dark Majesty)
Move: Move feast of souls zone next to Lerrick from R9-T11 to P10-R12, it kills bladed vine
Standard: Cursebite vs Horror Fort; Phased Vine I12 Fort; necrotic damage; curse damage (1d20+12+5+2=29, 1d20+12+5=25, 2d8+3+25=37, 1d6=5) - this should kill the horror
Cursebite vs L16 Fort; P18 Fort (1d20+12+5=19, 1d20+12+5=31, 2d8+3+25=36) -- [MENTION=6747396]MadAzolin[/MENTION], these were cursed last round, but they are moved now, so I'm not sure which is which - one is for sure that bladed vine in O20 (which was thrown out of the stone circle, one is crushing)
NOTE: This is burst 20 so it affects huge area, but only those cursed are damaged (that is , horror and former two vines) - I also hope I got all of this right :(

On horror death: rod of corruption curses L8 bladed vine and O14 phasing vine
L8 bladed vine is shifted to M9, O14 phasing vine is shifted to O13
On I12 phasing vine death, L8 bladed vine is shifted to M10, O14 phasing vine is shifted to P12 and dies from the zone, triggers another shift
On P18 (probably crushing next to Vermitrax now in Q17) vine death, L8 bladed vine is shifted to M11,
On bladed vine death, L8 bladed vine is shifted to M12
On phasing vine (from P12) L8 bladed vine is shifted to L13 and dies at the start of its turn

End of turn: feast of souls disappears
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Lerrick moves to a point where she knows that what she plans to do next will heal all who are badly hurt by the beast's brutal attack. He emerald eyes begin to flicker as she states the words of power. As she continues her chant, silver mist appears and begins to swirl around the cleric, slowly at first, but increasing in speed. Soon it looks as if Lerrick is sphere of bright silver, where the observer can barely see the cleric's shape. Suddenly, she thrust both arms outward, which in term triggers a blast of silver light outwards from the center. As the mist moves past her wounded allies they feel the true healing powers of the cleric. Seconds later the mist disappears into darkness and the cleric buckles, but steadies herself. it is clear that the cleric will need a moment to regain her physical strength.

move to current location on map
action: Healer's Mercy: All bloodied allies within burst (which is everyone bloodied: Mar, Kane and Vermitrax) get heal surge +5 hp

She turns to the warlock and puts her arm on him in order to steady herself and speaks softly...I can do this again if needed. Thank you for telling me about the medic's dagger.
OOC: : lol...I couldn't resist saying that
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Kane hoiks up another ball of balck spit, maintaining the burning sphere sizzling and crackling, burning away the dead flesh of the horror, even though the foul creature no longer poses a threat. With magic still pumping through his veins he turns his good eye upon the fey nymph in the tree. "We have danced your dance. We hope you are amused. Now honour your word and let us rest free of threat until the morrow. And on the morrow when we arise, honour your word still and sends us on our way with your fey boon of protection upon us as you promised."


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