[Adventure]: Shards of Eldanarth (DM: MadAzolin, Judge: ??)

ooc: @neroutic thank you kind sir :)

Lerrick screams from the pain endured from the vine attack. However, in an instant the vine was gone. Lerrick wondered briefly what happened to the vine, but then realized that the one of her comrades must have destroyed it. Thank you she mutters under her brief still wincing from the pain. Now it's my turn to aid my friends. She looks to around and spots Lilli being thrashed about by a vine similar to the one that grab herself. She quickly reaches into a bag attached to her belt and pulls out a whistle. She blows it. In an instant Lilli appears at her side. I thought maybe you could use some help. Lerrick then mumbles a prayer while touching Lilli on the shoulder. She then closes her eyes. Seconds later a wave of healing warmth flows through Lilli's tattered body, healing must of her wounds. She opens her eyes an smiles. Flashes of bright silver light flicker in the cleric's otherwise emerald green eyes.

Actions for this round...

Minor: grab whistle
Movement: Guardian's Whistle (Daily): Effect Close burst 10 (one ally in burst) The target (in this case Lilli) is teleported to an unoccupied square next to Lerrick.
minor: Bastion of Health (Encounter) Lilli spends a healing surge + 4 hp for a total of 15 hp
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OOC: Fire Shield deals 2d6+5 fire dmg to bladed vine that attacked Kane so it is destroyed

The vine that lashes out at Kane shrivels and blackens before crumbling into ash as it reaches futiley through the fierce flames that surround him.

With the bulk of the creature submerged Kane is only able to move the sphere next to another of the vines to sear it with the heat it eminates and turn his attention to the other menacing tendrils that the foul creature continues to sprout even from beneath the ground.

The poison continue to sear his lungs although the effect is lessened both by his magical snakeskin belt and the protective ruins that for now remain awake. "The stones" he croaks, "While it submerges, light up the stones. Give them your blood before this horror takes it instead." As he says this, unable to move himself in his efforts to sustain the flaming sphere alive and burning bright, he fires a n explosion between two fo the disgusting tendrils and drives his blade into the ground, forcing the icy explosion to expand beyond its normal limits, reaching two of the vines. He curses as in his efforts to reach both vines he destroys neither. He hoiks up a glob of black mucus and spits it, eyes narrowed waiting for the creature to appear somewhere close by.

[sblock=Actions]Start of Turn: Take 10 poison dmg -> resist 5 -> DR 2 -> 3 dmg -> Regen 1 -> 2 dmg total
Move: Sphere next to Crushing Vine which takes 1d4+9 fire dmg at start of turn and is destroyed
Standard: Freezing burst centred at O15 and expanded to explosion 2 (-2 atk) vs REF of Phasing and Bladed Vine: 1d20+10=22 Miss 1d20+10=12 Miss
End of Turn: Save vs Ongoing Poison 6=Fail

Immediate Interrupt: Dimensional Vortex; on a hit transport next to sphere (O,P, 12, 13) and have it bite itself

No Action: If it attacks Kane it will take 2d6+5 fire dmg[/sblock]

[sblock=Kane Arcane]
PC:Kane Arcane (jbear1979) - L4W Wiki
Human Hybrid Swordmage | Wizard 8
Passive Perception/Insight 16
AC:26 , Fort:21, Reflex:22 , Will:21, Speed:6
HP: (+0 THP) 61/65, Bloodied:32, Surge Value:16, Surges left: 2/11
Initiative +4
Action Points: 1 (encounter): USED


MBA: Frostbrand Longsword +2, +11 vs AC, 1d8+4 damage
Freezing Burst, Phantasmal Assault, Sword Burst

Glorious Presence:
Aegis of Shielding:
Channelling Shield: USED
Dimensional Vortex: USED & Recharged
Charm of the Defender:
Frostbrand Longsword (Freezing Blast):
Frostbrand Longsword (Extinguish Fires):
Evil Eye of the Vistani:
Boots of the Fencing Master:
Viper Belt:
Second Wind

Flaming Sphere: Active; Sustained TENT
Swordmage's Shielding Fire: USED
Fire Shield: Active
Dislocation Longsword:
Amulet of Psychic Interference:
Power Jewel: USED
Raven Cloak:

Combat notes:
Resistances: 7 Fire; 5 Necrotic, Cold, Poison
Boots of the Fencing Master: +1 item bonus to AC & REF TENT when Kane shifts.
White Lotus Riposte: When an enemy Kane has hit with an At Will Power attacks him on his next turn, they take 4 dmg (type is equal to the damage type dealt by at will power)
Gauntlets of Arcane Might: Kane gains 2 THP when he hits an enemy he marks with an Arcane power
Shimmering Cloth Armor: Kane's ranged and area attacks do not provoke OAtks
War Wizard's Expertise: Kane's arcane attacks vs allies take a -5 penalty to hit.

Jade, Feybeast HP (+0 THP) 0/32; AC 21 F/R/W 23/19/23
Status: unsummoned
Perception +9
MBA: Claw: +13 vs AC; 1d12+4 dmg
Aura +2 dmg to all allies vs enemies in Fey Beast Aura; Kane gains CAdv vs enemies in aura
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Dashing through the undergrowth, deva comes to the closest pillar that the mage failed to affect and murmurs a quick prayer to Mireva, Lady of Mysteries. In response, the pillar hums with renewed power.

"Vermitrax, go, activate the one over there. We have a chance of having them all active before the beast resurfaces."
[MENTION=51271]Voda Vosa[/MENTION], use the surge, Luke ;)

Minor: recall the gauntlet
Move: M19
Standard: Religion roll with surge to activate pillar N18 (1d20+15+10=43) - too bad about the surge :)

[sblock=Cyr Stats]
Deva Invoker Scholar 8
STATUS: none
* Interrupt: Miraculous Fortune (damage reduced by 5, one ally get +1 power bonus to attack) - trigger: surprise attack by non-necrotic attack or critical hit by a non-minion
* Reaction: Preserver's rebuke

Initiative +12; Senses Passive Insight 25, Passive Perception 26
HP 49/50, Bloodied 25, Surge Value 12+1, Surges 2/7
AC 23; Fortitude 18, Reflex 22, Will 24

Resist 9 radiant; Resist 9 necrotic

* Battle Intuition - +2 to initiative, use Wisdom modifier instead of Dexterity
* Superior Implement (Accurate Staff)
* Coordinated Explosion - +1 to hit with blast and burst attacks if ally is in the area
* Staff Expertise
* Superior Will
* ImprovedDefenses

0/1 AP
Saving Throws:

Speed 5

Vanguard's Lightning
Hand of Radiance

Blades of Astral Fires
Second Wind
Memory of Thousand Lifetimes
Miraculous Fortune
Falling Leaves
Demand Justice
Use Vulnerability
Preservers Rebuke
Rebuke Undead
Tide of the First Storm

Silent Malediction
Searing Orb

Staff of the warmage (daily free enlarge spell)
Clearsense powder (consumable minor)
Iron Skin Belt (daily minor): gain DR 5 TENT
Curse Eye Tattoo (action point free): one enemy takes -2 to saves (save ends)
Gauntlets of Remote Action (daily move): switch places with floating gauntlet
Steadfast Boots (encounter minor): +2 all defenses TENT or until moved
Storm shards (free): Trigger: use 5- level thunder or lightning power: push the target 2 squares. If it cannot be pushed it falls prone

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Lilli was very happy to suddenly find herself next Lerrick, "Oh, thank-you Lerrick, dear! Thank-you so much!"

Lilli tries vainly to activate her magical visions, but the aura doesn't work, except against the single tentacle that her magic worked against previously.

Lilli doesn't hang around, however. She activates the pillar that Lerrick had thoughtfully teleported her towards. She then runs off to the nearest unactivated edifice.

[sblock=actions]Appeared in T13!

Regeneration: 1

Bladed Vine in Q15 is still Immobilised (save ends).

Round 8.

Minor Action: Casts Visions of Avarice Secondary Attack in square P14, creating zone.

Phased vine in M16 to O15. Will is 24. Total to Hit = 14. Miss.

Bladed Vine in Q15 to P14, the zone's square. Will is 24. Phantom Echoes grants Combat Advantage. Total to Hit = 19. Miss. Bollocks.

On the off chance the Horror itself can be affected below the earth - Total to Hit = 15. Miss. I hope my share of crap rolls are being expended.

Visions of Avarice Secondary Attack (Daily Minor Close burst 5 centered on the zone. ✦ Arcane, Illusion, Implement, Zone)
Requirement: Visions of Avarice power must be active to use this power.
Target: Each enemy in burst
Attack: +10 vs. Will
Hit: The target is pulled up to 4 squares towards the zone.

FEAT - Phantom Echoes: When you use an arcane illusion power and hit a target, you gain combat advantage against that target until the end of your next turn. If the illusion power has an effect that a save can end, you instead gain combat advantage against the target until it saves against that effect.

Standard Action: Lilli attempts the Lilli tries to activate pillar in U13 - Total Arcana roll = 34 Success!

Move Action: Moves to S18.

The Horror of The Swamp of Tears is still subjected to this from a previous round:

Orb of Far Seeing +1
Power (Encounter): Minor Action. Choose a target within 10 squares of you. Until the end of the encounter, this target is considered half as far away for the purpose of ranged attacks made with this orb.


[sblock=Potential Interrupts]If Lilli is attacked and use of her Shield power will cause a miss, then Lilli will use it:

Shield (Encounter Immediate Interrupt Personal Arcane, Force)
Trigger: You are hit by an attack.
Effect: You gain a +4 power bonus to AC and Reflex defence until the end of your next turn.



Female Gnome Wizard, Level 7.
Initiative: +3, Passive Perception: 14, Passive Insight: 19. Senses: Low-light vision.
AC: 21, Fort: 16, Reflex: 20, Will: 20.
HP: 41/46, Bloodied: 23, Surge Value: 11, Surges left: 1/7
Speed: 5 squares. Size: Small. Languages: Eladrin, Allarian, Draconic, Dwarven.
Saving Throw Bonuses: +5 Racial bonus against Illusions.
Action Points: 0
Orb of Deception
Second Wind - Used
Use Vulnerability
Illusory Ambush
Nightmare Eruption
Grasping Shadows
Horrid Whispers
Ghost Sound
Mage Hand
Fade Away
Maze of Mirrors
Visions of Avarice - Used [Visions of Avarice Secondary Attack - Used]
Skald's Aura [Used]
Experienced Arcana
Phantom Echoes
Orb of Far Seeing - Encounter Power - Used
Orb of Far Seeing - Daily Power
Feyleaf Sandals - Daily Power
Amulet of Elegy +2 - Daily Power
Illusionist's Gloves - Daily Power
Harp of Deeper Slumber - Daily Power

Note: Shimmering Cloth Armour - Lilli does not provoke opportunity attacks when she makes ranged or area attacks.
If Lilli falls and is about to take a punishing amount of damage, her Feyleaf Sandals will likely save her.

Conditions: None.[/sblock]

Not willing to risk turning more of the pillars off, Martelai moves away from the area where the horror submerged and destroys another vine.
Its death triggers another wave of spasms from his insect-leg-like implement and the phasing vine in the vicinity is cursed.

Free: regenerate 1
Minor: sustain Feast of Souls
Move: S11 -> P11 -> O12 -> N13 - gain shadowwalk concealment
Standard: Eldritch blast vs Bladed vine Q15 (1d20+12+1=26) - hit, kill
Free: curse Phasing vine (rod of corruption)
Free: slide Phasing vine N16->N15
Free: slide horror one square UP - if it enters Feast of souls zone it takes 1d8+5 cold dmg

Immediates: if the horror force-moves Martelai, Martelai slides 1 square away from the monster at the end of the forced move (surf-surge boots property)

[sblock=Martelai Stats]

AC: 22 Fort: 19 Reflex: 21 Will: 21
HP: 51/68 Surges: 5/9 Surge Value: 17
CURSED: Swamp Horror, Phasing Vine
STATUS: resist 5 necrotic, +2 all defenses vs. cursed, resist all 3, enemies attacking in melee take 1d6 damage per attack, enemies ending their turns next to Martelai take 5 psychic damage
Total defenses :
AC: 24 Fort: 21 Reflex: 23 Will: 23
vs cursed
AC: 26 Fort: 23 Reflex: 25 Will: 25

Sacrifice to Caiphon, Improved Fate of the Void, Superior Implement(Accurate Rod)
Rod Experise, Bloodied Boon, Ulban's Flare

Eldritch Blast
Dire Radiance

Knack for Success
Ethereal Stride
Delban's Deadly Attention
Mirror Darkly
Cast Fortune

Decree of Khirad
Flames of the Smoking Crown
Feast of Souls

Armor of Dark Majesty (daily, minor): place your curse on any enemy you can see instead of only closest one
Talon Amulet (daily, minor): until the end of the encounter any creature that hits Martelai in melee takes 1d6 damage
Rod of Avernus: (daily, minor): until the end of the encounter any enemy that ends it's turn adjacent to Martelai takes 5 psychic damage
Blackleaf Gloves Teleport: (encounter, boon): teleport 3 in addition to other effects of the pact boon
Sanctuary's Poise: (daily, move) teleport 5
Diamond Cincture: (daily, minor): heal surge hp
Surf Surge Boots: (encounter, immediate reaction): if you are subject to forced movement, slide 1 square
Surf Surge Boots: (daily, move): move your speed without provoking, vertical movement allowed, but has to end on solid surface

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Vermitrax rolls his eyes. "People are so impatient these days." he states, as he calmly walks towards the last pillar and draws some cyan runes in the air with his finger to harness the power of the primal worlds.

Arcana: 31

"Maybe we would prefer more direct help." answers Cyr at the retreating back.
"Sacrificing your own energy to the ritual shouldn't be anything new for the mage of your caliber especially with this kind of obscure natural off-plane kind."

OOC: that was good lucky shot, Voda Vosa...but the chances are 1 in 4 without surge sacrifice...please consider doing it expediently next time.

Vermitrax rolls his eyes. "People are so impatient these days." he states, as he calmly walks towards the last pillar and draws some cyan runes in the air with his finger to harness the power of the primal worlds.

"That's because we're bleeding here while you walk around all smug like, mage! Put your back into it, if this thing breaks loose, you'll be the closest meat after it defeats us!"
taunts the warlock.
"I was given an impression that you think mages are superior in power and knowledge, but so far, I've seen more power in illusions of Lilli then in your incantations."

OOC: just go as you think best, we seem to be able to survive this, although, soon we will have to rely on at-will and we're only bloodying it now.

As Vermithrax chants his incantation over last obelisk (followed by no small amount stench of death and smug smile), pillars flare with pale emerald radiance. Sense of serenity comes over the grove and radiances washes over companions, bringing sense of safety and protection... at least for a moment.
[sblock="pillar effects"] Everyone gains damage reduction 5 to all attacks and regeneration 5 [/sblock]
However, sense of serenity seems to last for but a moment. With sound of shattering glass, pillars crack and flicker, hues of light changing from radiant emerald to reddish sinister tone. Sense of serenity changes with it, overpowering rage and visions of destruction cutting through peace and tranquility...
[sblock="pillar effects"] Effects end and are changed with following:
- PCs gain +5 to hit and +25 bonus to damage of all attacks and cause critical hits on roll 19-20
- PCs do not expend encounter and daily powers while this effect lasts (all powers expended are instantly recharged)
- PCs suffer -5 penalty to all defenses
- PCs lose all damage resistance and gain vulnerability 5 to all damage
- PCs suffer -10 to healing surge effects (minimum being 0)
[sblock="arcana DC 20"] Something has happened to druidic circle of protection, might be overload from amount of magical power put into it. However it seems that effect is very temporary, will probably last no more then several seconds (translated: one round)
[sblock="arcana DC 30"] You can detect powerful influence coming from... somewhere, as if someone or something is here and is directly playing with effects of druid magic - this cannot be its original function. Whoever or whatever it is, it seems to be nearby, perhaps even in the vicinity and observing the show. You cannot help but feel being no more then pawn in some twisted game...
[sblock="Martelai"] Familiar voice echoes in warlock's head: 'Dear stinking one... how do you like my touch to the game? Time to dance, you know, you are almost making me bored' [/sblock]

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