[Adventure]: Shards of Eldanarth (DM: MadAzolin, Judge: ??)


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Kane grimaces as his lungs continue to burn. He internalises the burn and ensures his ball of flame continues to burn just as hot. Kane's thumb rubs over the ruby in the centre of his sword hilt, its power responds immediately and Kane's most effective defensive spell returns instantly to his mind. With a grin he twists his blade sending another lick of flame at the beast as he tries to push the pain from his lungs permanently.

[sblock=Actions] Start of Turn: Take 10 poison dmg (-2 DR -5 Resistance) = 3 dmg; Regenerate 3 HPs
Minor: Sustain sphere (Fire dmg at start of Horror's turn = 1d4+9=12 fire dmg
Minor: use Power Jewel to regain use of Dimensional Vortex (which is his priority Interrupt)
Standard: Flaming SPhere vs REF of Horror 29=Hit for 11 fire dmg
Save vs Ongoing poison: 1d20=1 Fail

[sblock=Kane Arcane]
PC:Kane Arcane (jbear1979) - L4W Wiki
Human Hybrid Swordmage | Wizard 8
Passive Perception/Insight 16
AC:26 , Fort:21, Reflex:22 , Will:21, Speed:6
HP: (+0 THP) 63/65, Bloodied:32, Surge Value:16, Surges left: 2/11
Initiative +4
Action Points: 1 (encounter): USED


MBA: Frostbrand Longsword +2, +11 vs AC, 1d8+4 damage
Freezing Burst, Phantasmal Assault, Sword Burst

Glorious Presence:
Aegis of Shielding:
Channelling Shield: USED
Dimensional Vortex: USED & Recharged
Charm of the Defender:
Frostbrand Longsword (Freezing Blast):
Frostbrand Longsword (Extinguish Fires):
Evil Eye of the Vistani:
Boots of the Fencing Master:
Viper Belt:
Second Wind

Flaming Sphere: Active; Sustained TENT
Swordmage's Shielding Fire: USED
Fire Shield: Active
Dislocation Longsword:
Amulet of Psychic Interference:
Power Jewel: USED
Raven Cloak:

Combat notes:
Resistances: 7 Fire; 5 Necrotic, Cold, Poison
Boots of the Fencing Master: +1 item bonus to AC & REF TENT when Kane shifts.
White Lotus Riposte: When an enemy Kane has hit with an At Will Power attacks him on his next turn, they take 4 dmg (type is equal to the damage type dealt by at will power)
Gauntlets of Arcane Might: Kane gains 2 THP when he hits an enemy he marks with an Arcane power
Shimmering Cloth Armor: Kane's ranged and area attacks do not provoke OAtks
War Wizard's Expertise: Kane's arcane attacks vs allies take a -5 penalty to hit.

Jade, Feybeast HP (+0 THP) 0/32; AC 21 F/R/W 23/19/23
Status: unsummoned
Perception +9
MBA: Claw: +13 vs AC; 1d12+4 dmg
Aura +2 dmg to all allies vs enemies in Fey Beast Aura; Kane gains CAdv vs enemies in aura
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[MENTION=6747396]MadAzolin[/MENTION], [MENTION=75065]jbear[/MENTION]

On the round the mists moved over Jade and Kane, I slid Kane out BEFORE he was affected by the mists (unless they poison you before you get to your turn - that is immediately upon entering).

IF the effect activates at the start of players turn, Kane should be taking damage from the mists.


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@MadAzolin, @jbear

On the round the mists moved over Jade and Kane, I slid Kane out BEFORE he was affected by the mists (unless they poison you before you get to your turn - that is immediately upon entering).

IF the effect activates at the start of players turn, Kane should be taking damage from the mists.

OOC: My understanding is that you receive the condition as soon as you enter the mist or the mist comes into contact with you.

Don't worry too much about it, if anyone is to be poisoned by the mist, Kane is the best person. He has Resist 5 poison. With the DR 2 and Regen 2 or 3 it is not really doing any damage.


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GM: Review of PC actions:
- Kane: interrupt horror's attack: Cyr takes -9 damage, reducing damage from 25 to 16
- recharges vortex
- burns horror for 11 damage and 12 damage
- Lerrick heals Cyr for 24 HP (total HP: 12+9+24 = 45)
- Lilli: Visions of Avarice, Bladed Vine is affected (S16), pulled to Q15 and immobilized (save ends)
- Martelai: Feast of Horror: horror 15 psychic damage (-10 resist for total of 5), phased vine 9 psychic damage (total 0 after resists)
- puts cold zone in U10
- Cyr: regen 3 (total 48 now), teleport, blades against horror: 14+5 = total 19 radiant damage; Martelai gains +5 AC
- Vermithrax: tries to activate pillar, fails, pillar U13 is deactivated

GM: Review of damage and kills:
- phased vine (T12) dies from Martelai's Feast of Horror cold damage zone
- Bladed vine (Q15) is pinned by Visions, marked it green to make it obvious
- Horror: takes total of 62 damage (23 from Kane, 19 from Cyr, 5 from Martelai and 15 from Martelai's zone)

GM: Monster and PC stats before monster action
- Affected by Iron to Glass (-8 to damage to next attack)
- Dazed
Horror of The Swamp of Tears: AC 27, Fort 26 Ref 23 Will 26; HP: 305/540

- 1 minions slain, 4 left, 1 immobilized
Crushing vine: AC 27, Fort 25, Ref 25, Will 25; HP 1/1, minion
Bladed vine: AC 27, Fort 26, Ref 24, Will 24; HP 1/1, minion

PC stats:
Martelai: HP 50/68 AC 21 Fort 19 Ref 20 Will 21; on hit, 1d6 dam to attacker, foes who end turn beside him take 5 psychic
Cyr: tHP 0, HP 49/50 AC 22 Fort 16 Ref 20 Will 22;
Lilli: HP 34/46 AC 21 Fort 16 Ref 20 Will 20
Kane: HP 63/65 AC 26 Fort 21 Ref 22 Will 21; flaming sphere active; taking 10 ongoing poison damage (save ends)
Jade: unsummoned
Verm. HP 54/54 AC 22 Fort 20 Ref 22 Will 22
Skel HP 29/29 AC 22 Fort 20 Ref 23 Will 23
Lerrick: HP 63/63 AC 21 Fort 20 Ref 19 Will 24

Link to combat grid: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet...dHpvWTk1ellPTlhjZ2I4VVF6eVdGVEE&usp=drive_web

GM: Pillars:
- 7/10 active: PCs have DR 2; Regeneration 1; +2 to break grabs

OOC: Notes:
- mist applies ongoing damage on contact - basically as soon as it moves into your square or you into its; theoretically,
interrupt that would prevent such movement or move subject (or mist) away would work
- IC is down, will play monster bit later
- double check your HP please
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First Post
[sblock=HPs Check]I have gone through to check Kane's correct HPs as requested.

He took 10 poison dmg: DR2 -> 8 Resist Poison 5 -> 3 dmg
65 - 3 = 62 HPs +1 Regen = 63 HPS
Next round: 10 poison dmg: DR 2 Resist poison 5 -> 3 dmg
63 - 3 = 60 HPs +3 Regen -> 63 HPS

Kane's correct current total is 63 HPs


First Post
As monstrosity reels under assault of companions, its tendrils surge forth in attempt to crush, grind and cut
anything in reach, reaching for Lerrick, Lilli and Kane.
[sblock="vines attack"] Crushing vine vs Lerrick (http://www.coyotecode.net/roll/lookup.php?rollid=48485): hit, 14 damage (-2 for shield for total of 12); Lerrick is grabbed
Phased vine dies from Feast of Souls
Bladed vine against Lilli (http://www.coyotecode.net/roll/lookup.php?rollid=48486): hit, 11 damage (-2 for total of 9), Lilli is grabbed
Bladed vine against Kane (http://www.coyotecode.net/roll/lookup.php?rollid=48487): miss [/sblock]
Bladed vine is immobilized, so it stays in place; save: fails (http://www.coyotecode.net/roll/lookup.php?rollid=48488)

While Kane easily deflect thing's attack, Lerrick and Lilli are less fortunate and vines wrap around them preparing to squeeze.
Meanwhile, charred, frozen, pierced and burnt by holy energy, monstrosity roars in fury. Finding nothing in reach and
still slowed from aftermath of wounds it sustained, it submerges under swamp...

As it submerges, one more vine erupts from the swamp and prepares to attack and clouds of gray mist
creep closer to companions.
[sblock="horror"] Burrows down into swamp
New vine: phasing vine on M16
Clouds: move 1 toward closest living (see map)

- didn't fire anyone's interrupts, please do so if you want
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First Post
GM: ---- NEW ROUND ----:
Monster and PC stats:
- Affected by Iron to Glass (-8 to damage to next attack)
Horror of The Swamp of Tears: AC 27, Fort 26 Ref 23 Will 26; HP: 305/540

Crushing vine: AC 27, Fort 25, Ref 25, Will 25; HP 1/1, minion
Bladed vine: AC 27, Fort 26, Ref 24, Will 24; HP 1/1, minion
Phased vine: AC 27, Fort 26, Ref 24, Will 24; HP 1/1, minion

PC stats:
Martelai: HP 50/68 AC 21 Fort 19 Ref 20 Will 21; on hit, 1d6 dam to attacker, foes who end turn beside him take 5 psychic
Cyr: tHP 0, HP 49/50 AC 22 Fort 16 Ref 20 Will 22;
Lilli: HP 25/46 AC 21 Fort 16 Ref 20 Will 20
Kane: HP 63/65 AC 26 Fort 21 Ref 22 Will 21; flaming sphere active; taking 10 ongoing poison damage (save ends)
Jade: unsummoned
Verm. HP 54/54 AC 22 Fort 20 Ref 22 Will 22
Skel HP 29/29 AC 22 Fort 20 Ref 23 Will 23
Lerrick: HP 51/63 AC 21 Fort 20 Ref 19 Will 24

Link to combat grid: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet...dHpvWTk1ellPTlhjZ2I4VVF6eVdGVEE&usp=drive_web

GM: Pillars:
- 7/10 active: PCs have DR 2; Regeneration 1; +2 to break grabs
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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Not really an interrupt, but free upon death of phased vine:
Instead of gaining +2 to one roll TENT, I choose to use Rod of Corruption and curse everything within 5 of the phased vine (S13 and Q15)
Free Action: Slide everything cursed
vine in S13 -> R14 - releasing Lerrick
vine in Q15 leave as-is: will the mist affect it too? Should, I think :) - if/when it does, spread the curse again (phased and bladed next to Kane) and I'll slide them around a bit :)
unfortunately, horror goes last so I cannot dig it out...yet
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GM: As result of shift, Lerrick is no longer grabbed.
As for vines, strictly speaking they are affected by cloud(s) and do take poison damage,
however, they have enough poison resistance to suffer no ill effect from

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