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[Adventure] The Darkest Night (DM: johnmeier1, Judge: Ozymandias79)


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//We're on a ship, and we WON'T be attacked by pirates?! No!//

During the journey, Tonk exemplifies the term, "projectile vomiting".

The first three days, he spends his time in the hold, huddled in the fetal position in the middle of a coil of rope, occassionally hanging his head over the side to let vomit dribble down into the bilge. By the fourth day, he manages to get to his feet, and though still ridiculously ill, he attempts to assist the crew in day-to-day duties, earning their respect.

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[sblock=KenHood] //We're on a ship, and we WON'T be attacked by pirates?! No!//
Just for you :)

After setting off you hear some shouts above decks. When you go to investigate you see your old comrade Janus wrestling with something in the crows nest. It seems to be a miniature dragon, but rather than fighting they seem to be arguing a bit. Janus insisting that the creature come down and it playfully avoiding him. After a while, the mage sullenly comes down to join you, and while you are talking the dragonling lands impishly on his shoulder.

The voyage DOES go quickly. The first mate "Wimmy", though he mutters to any that inquire that his name is actually Whimelestrough Quentillion, does not seem to sleep at all and keeps the ship sailing at full sail through the night and during the day. The captain spends the time he is not drinking and carding, asleep in his cabin. The other half dozen sailors are companionable, and get into the "punchy" spirit with Tonk when he feels better. Murphy seems to talk the ship with ease, slipping to and from the rigging and along the decks.

Tomorrow we arrive in Allaria notes the captain late one afternoon just as the sun is setting. He points off the bow ahead and hands his spyglass to anyone who wishes to look. There is not much to see, it seems as if the coast along this area is swampland and wretched looking trees with large roots standing atop the water. From here we head south along the coast, but the wind is dying and we may not make it to Old Daunton until after dawn.He beckons you all down to his cabin for one last night of revelry. I have a bit of good dwarven ale saved for tonight.

It seems to all of you that the ship has almost completely stopped moving once you are downstairs, which settles your stomachs and you have a warm but tasty sip of ale. But from above come a shout of alarm and stamping feet. You rush up the stairs to find a gruesome sight in the dark night.

Two pairs of hobgoblins dressed in scale armor with heavy shields and flails have just cut down a sailor each on the deck before you. Your eyes are drawn up to the aft deck where Wimmy is knocked to the ground by another accompanied by a hobgoblin in robes, who then head towards the stairs down. At the far back of the desk are another pair of hobgoblins in robes coming over the side of the boat and moving towards you.

[sblock=OOC] The moon is but a sliver in the sky, so if you do not have low-light vision, any of the enemies have concealment (unless you create some light). I have posted a map of the ship and the combat map, note the stairs leading to the fore and aft decks and the stairs from below (you are coming up). You can occupy any square on the map: the masts provide cover, the cargo hold is difficult terrain, and you climb/jump up or down from decks. Dextyr doesn't seem to be leveled up yet, but I have increased his initiative and if DMDanW does it before his turn, then he can be at a higher level for the encounter.

[sblock=status] Initiative has everyone but Dextyr, then the hobgoblins
Name Pos HP Surges AP
Tonk L2 44/44
8/8 AP 1
Saraz J2 38/38 6/6 AP 1
Shorrin L1 50/50 13/13 AP 1
Janus J1 34/34 7/7 AP 1
Murphy K2 37/37 8/8 AP 1
Hobgoblins (Soldiers at O1, P1, M5, N5, P6. Robes at P5, R2, T5)
Dextyr K1 ??/?? ?/? AP 1

[sblock=your ship]




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Have I really been on this site for over 20 years!
"Ah, what do they want? Where are the guards? Isn't anyone going to stop them?" Saraz wisphers.


Sorry guys, Saraz is not a warrior and doesn't have it in her head that it's her job to fight, so she'll sit this round out.

[sblock=Saraz stat block]Saraz bint Farad bint Aquilah- Female Human Psion 5
Passive Perception: 17, Passive Insight: 17
AC:17, Fort:13, Ref:17, Will:19 -- Speed: 6
HP:38, Bloodied:19, Surge Value:9, Surges Per-Day 6/6
Initiative +0 Action Points: 1, Second Wind: not used
Power Points: 4 ****
Mind Thrust
Memory Hole

Distract Distract
Send Thoughts Send Thoughts

Ravening Thought
Telekinetic Lift
Crisis of Identity

Crystal Orb of Unfailing Concentration +1(Enc)
Flowform Cloth +1(Enc)
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First Post
Murphy curses as he sees the hobgoblins on the ship, "Gods damned Bacarte pirates lassie, they be lookin' fer bounty. If ya know whats good fer ya, pick up a weapon and defend yerself. These rats ain't gonna be givin' no mercy and they better be expectin' the same from me" Murphy says angrily, more angry at their lookouts for letting the enemies sneak up so close. He points one of his empty hands at the nearest hobgoblin and some of the shadows of the night swarm over the enemy.

Murphy then moves past the female and towards the bow of the ship, running up the stairs and turning back around. He quickly straps his light shield to his right arm and draws his blade with his left hand, ready for action.

"Janus! Can you be lightin' up the deck?" Murphy calls out.

*John - Murphy's now got 45 hp after the level up
Free: shrouds on hobbo at M5
Move: To G6
Standard: Equip shield - boo-urns...
Minor: draw bastard sword

[sblock=ministats]Murphy Tang Male Human Assassin 4
Initiative: +6, Passive Perception: 17, Passive Insight: 14, Senses: Normal
AC:22, Fort:17, Reflex:20, Will:20
HP:45/45, Bloodied:22, Surge Value:11, Surges left:8/8
Action Points: 1
Executioner's Noose
Shadow Storm
Assassin's Shroud
Shadow Step
Changeling Disguise

Shadow Darts
Army of the Night
Sneak Attack
Changeling's Trick
Cloak of Shadows
Slayer's Escape
Shade Form

Targeted for Death
Twilight Assassin
Talon Amulet
Deathcut Leather Armour


Important Stuff: When Murphy kills with a melee attack, gains 5 thp.
When attacking with CA, add +1 damage (Talon Amulet)

Full sheet: [/sblock]


First Post
//Pirates! Yeeeeeeaaaaah! :lol://

Two pairs of hobgoblins dressed in scale armor with heavy shields and flails have just cut down a sailor each on the deck before you.
"No! Queekweg! Nelson!" shouts Tonk in dismay, "Nasty, evil hobgoblin! You die!"

With a roar, the half-orc readies his mace and attacks the hobgoblin who cut down Nelson of the Crooked Peg-Leg, knocking the monster the air and bowling over its allies. [Minor: Ready Mace; Move: to M4, Standard Action: Crazy Mace Master Hit of Awesome! -- 1d20+10=30 CRITICAL HIT! -- Apply Sneak Attack (2d8) and Furious Assault (1d8) -- total is 6d8+9 -- 57 damage + 1d8=3, for a total of 60 damage. Target suffers -2 to attack rolls until Tonk's EONT. Target slides to O6 and is prone. All adjacent allies are knocked prone.]

"For Qweekweg!" yells Tonk, flipping into the air and landing on another hobgoblin. [Action Point: Charge! to N2 -- Stomp and Splat on Hobgoblin at O1 -- 1d20+10+2+1=21 v. AC, 2d8+6+1d8=21 damage. Hobgoblin is knocked prone.]

Tonk flips backwards, ready for another assault. [Free Action: Shift to M2. Tonk's AC increases by +1 until EONT.]

[sblock=Tonk's Stats]Tonk - Half-Orc Rogue 5
Passive Perception 19, Passive Insight 19
AC 21, Fort 17, Reflex 19, Will 15
HP 44/44, Bloodied 22, Surge Value 11, Surges 8/8
Speed 6 (+2 on charge), Initiative +9
Action Points: 0, Second Wind
At-Will Powers: Clever Strike, Disheartening Strike
Encounter Powers: Designate Prey, Furious Assault, Guarded Attack, Jumping Blade Assault, Luckbender Gloves, Rebounding Shuriken +1, Tumble
Daily Powers: Bat Aside, Hounding Assault, Marauder's Armor +2, Vanguard Mace +1

Voidrunner's Codex

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