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[Adventure]: The Missing Professor (DM: H.M.Gimlord, Looking for a Judge)


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Where have I heard of this before the warlord mummbles to himself as he focusses his attention to the papers on the bed, sifting through them, looking for a possible link between them and the thieving ring.

history check: 1d20+12 = 19

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First Post
Gloom walks in the streets and notice everyone reaction, every detail. He enver liked much cities, having been raised in a nomad tribe. His disklike for the city might be strengthen by the events of last days.

He follow the group inside the gatehouse. Feeling stared by all the people around him doesn't help him to feel at ease. So when he finally sit down in the office and the discussion starts, Gloom only sight at the forthcoming long discussion (and making a terrible impression to the professor), which is not his kind of situation, and listen. Even if he is bored, he doesn't lower his vigilence and listen to make sure Professor Masetin is a trusting person.

[SBLOCK=OOC]I assumed that I didn't had to roll for all Perception with DC under or equal to my Passive Perception (22) and I rolled for the other two.

Perception (1d20+12=25)
Perception (1d20+12=24)
Perception; Perception; Dungeoneering; Diplomacy; Insight (1d20+10=15)
Diplomacy (1d20+7=15)
Insight (1d20+17=28)

So, less than 17 on the Diplomacy. For the skill challenge I start with a 28...[/SBLOCK]

[SBLOCK=Gloom's Stats]Gloom
Longtooth Shifter Paladin 10
Initiative +5
Passive Insight 27; Passive Perception 22; Senses Low-Light
HP 53/81; THP 0; Bloodied 40; Surge Value 20; Surges Per-Day 11
AC 26; Fortitude 23; Reflex 18; Will 23
Speed 5
Action Points: 1

Current Effects: None

Basic Attack: Blood Fury Fullblade +16 vs AC 1d12+10 damage

[ ]Ardent Strike
[ ]Holy Strike
[ ]Divine Challenge
[ ]Iron Wolf Warrior

[ ]Longtooth Shifting
[ ]Iron Wolf Charge
[ ]Channel Divinity (Divine Mettle or Divine Strength)
[ ]Heedless Fury
[ ]Fortune Spurred Smite
[ ]Crescent Moon
[ ]Benediction

[5]Ardent Vow
[ ]Blood of the Mighty
[ ]Frenzying Smite
[ ]Death Angel
[ ]Aspect of Ferocity

[ ]Blood Fury Fullblade [E]
[ ]Lauto's Shroud (The Raven Queen's Shroud) [E]
[ ]Verve Layered Plate Armor [D]
[ ]Frost Gauntlet [D]
[ ]Lauto's Shroud (The Raven Queen's Shroud) [D]
[ ]Belt of Lauto Righteousness (Belt of Sonnlinor Righteousness) [D][/SBLOCK]

Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
While waiting for the man to answer his questions (if he does), Dante glances surreptitiously at the desk to see what the documents say while Virgil sniffs around and nibbles at a bookshelf.

[sblock=Perception 26]1d20+15=26, 2 points and +1 to Dante's skill checks next round.[/sblock]
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...I bet you teach history here! And maybe sword fighting?
The professor blushes, "Oh, dear no. I teach agrarian science. Jahred's men do the martial training. The University is solely an academic enterprise," His voice falters a little, "And I'm afraid that it was Professor Aramista who was responsible for teaching History. Unfortunately that subject has become a gap in our curriculum until he returns."
Could you please describe this so called "adventurer" party. Perhaps thou have been deceived by blackguards disguised as noble adventurers!
"They seemed quite legitimate to me, or at least what little I saw of them. They actually visited Professor Aramista shortly before he disappeared, though." he pauses, "Now that I think of it, that party did disappear at about the same time that Professor Aramista. They were asking him questions about a fellow named Shear [pronounced "Sheh `Are"] who they claimed was a sorcerer in league with the thieves they exposed. Those men were far too noble to be 'blackguards' as you say, but perhaps Professor Aramista went off after them to help them in their quest."
"This one has questions. Why create a maze to travel short way into this place and why underground? Is there an attack expected so a maze to confuse attackers?
"Oh dear friend. The University complex used to be the southern guard tower of the original city. Then other additions were added on as The University was established. No two buildings were erected during the same decade or by the same artisan. The passages between them are not direct because they are simply a connection of preexisting and separately built structures."
Why only humans but the blue dragon-smith? This city is few generations old, where came it from?
"Now those are curious questions. According to Professor Aramista, the city was founded by people from the region of Cythar on Erkemhest, an almost exclusively human population. Word has certainly spread of Rioc Alair's fame, but most business moves through hear. Few people come to Rioc Alair to become colonists. The city's population is mostly descended from its original settlers." Professor Masetin backtracks in his thoughts, "Oh, and Firebyrne? Oh he is a curiosity, isn't he. He just showed up one day, about seven years ago, saying his village oracle prophesied that he should come here. Ended up joining hands with only other 'freak' in town, that blacksmith dwarf Hankel Mast. He's the one who went off with Lord Hallmaster, no telling what's happened to them either," he pauses, "Lars Hallmaster was one of Professor Aramista's prize pupils before the boy went off to Erkemhest to complete his education. Lord Hallmaster came back only a few months ago after his father died, and now it appears that he may have been up to no good the whole time."
Why does refuse go beneath the city fountains? Into city waters?"
"Ah yes. The Ulmar flows under the city through a network of tunnels. A complex system of sewers is constructed beneath the city that carries refuse and rain water off into the Ulmar before it runs out into the gulf. Fresh water is transported to the plateau using a long aqueduct that feeds the numerous fountains scattered throughout the city." Proffessor Masetin looks out the narrow window, and points downward, "If you look here, you can see where the river plunges beneath the city." Looking out the window, the group sees that they are below the level of the street, the they are a good twenty feet above the level of the river, the city, evidently being on a plateau. The river flows along a high retaining wall that forms the southern boundary of the plateau, and disappears into a cave under the city. A large grill of iron blocks the cave extending from the cave roof, to well below the waterline. The water is so brackish and turbid, it is impossible to tell how deep the river is, but it is about sixty feet wide. Trash and debris clog the iron grill to a height of about seven feet. On the northern side of the river is a walkway leading all the way up to the cave where, inset into the iron grill, a small iron door has been fashioned. Even from here it is possible to see that the door is secured with a rather large padlock.
...the warlord ...focusses his attention to the papers on the bed, sifting through them, looking for a possible link between them and the thieving ring.
On the bed, max finds the following papers:[sblock=Letter]
[/sblock]This map is also on the bed. You recognize it immediately as the same map that Jahred showed you back at the Hanged Man in Daunton.[sblock=Map]
[/sblock]The letter appears to be a draft that was not completed. It is not clear if a completed copy was sent or if Professor Aramista left before he had the chance.
While waiting for the man to answer his questions (if he does), Dante glances surreptitiously at the desk to see what the documents say while Dante sniffs around and nibbles at a bookshelf.
[sblock=Items on the desk]Several codices are open to pages depicting machinery for smelting metals:


One document lies next to these codices written in a strange script
[sblock=History DC 25]It is a form of dwarven script. If you can read dwarven you can ask the DM for a translation.[/sblock]Three maps are also on this table[sblock=Map 1]

[/sblock][sblock=Map 2]
[/sblock][sblock=Map 3]
[/sblock][sblock=History DC 25]The languages are draconic and dwarven dialects. If you know how to read dwarven, draconic, or both, you can ask the DM for translations.[/sblock][/sblock]
GM: Can someone take on the job of RPing and playing Auntie Mab? I can't help but feel a strong conflict of interest by playing her. I know too many answers to make it fun ;).

Also: It appears that Max has yet to roll Diplomacy, and Draglin has yet to choose a skill for this round's skill check (the diplomacy, perception, dungeoneering and history checks in the spoilers of the previous post do not count toward this rounds skill check, nor do they count toward repeated skills (in other words, you can still use one of these skills without penalty, but the intent of the check must be relevant to searching the office for clues).

I'll post round results when Mab, Draglin, and Max have completed their turns.


First Post
Um Shear, he is with some thieves? What are their names and the name of their guild? Maybe I've heard of them... Draglin says. The mercenary guild he used to belong to mingled with some unsavory characters.

OOC: Streetwise=14


First Post
Nice place you've got here dearie. My name is Mab, but you can call me Auntie Mab, everyone does. she says shaking the man's hand.

I've never had a formal education myself, mostly self taught in the arcane arts you might say. Oh and Luran the fey lord helped too, but that is a long tale she says.

Now what were those nasty thieves young Draglin were talking about? They sound awful! Perhaps we should find out about them first and start from there.

OOC: Guess I'll take over for Mab. :)

Diplomacy = 30 Streetwise=33

Go IC!



First Post
ooc: Sorry about the delay. It wont happen again...i promise :): Diplomacy roll: 25

ooc: Luinnar: nice RP of Mab...ya speak just like her.
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OOC: I, of all people, have no right to complain about delays ;). I'll post an update tomorrow. Just posted update to Land Ho. You're on deck.

Voidrunner's Codex

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