[Adventure] The Sibylline Idol (Judge covaithe)


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Rurdev takes the box and opens it. Seeing the brooch inside, "Th-Th-Thank you for the g-g-gift. If there is anything e-e-el-el-else that you ever need, just l-l-let me kn-know."

[sblock=ooc]Sweet, Level! Well perhaps we should talk about the group, anybody know of any adventures coming up?[/sblock]

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ooc: yup thats a level for Rurdev and Incarnation. Re: gold that is to split with a majority going to the two who didn't get any items. The 'time gold' as far as I understand is a minimum for the time you've spent (1yr) which is about 912gp each. You've each got way more than that because I went with the LEB reward system though I may have butchered that too. Over all I have to say that treasure is still a pain in 4E.

There are two amounts that were gained. 1390 in the altar and some gems, coins and potions that I don't think anyone split earlier valued at 520. There is also 100gp for Vashik and Dane from the sage as their original agreed upon payment.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Incarnation nods at the sage, taking what he is given. The gauntlets seem to be part of his plating, almost snapping into place. They are part and parcel of the warforged now. The mysterious warforged says nothing else, and takes his leave.[sblock=OOC]Still interested in the answer to my question, but otherwise alls good.

Don't know about addies. There is a few already in the bar. I'm moving Incarnation there to RP.[/sblock]

Walking Dad

First Post
"Thanks for everything, good sage. You know where you will find me." Riardon says before he takes his leave, too.

Riardon will be back in the hanged man.


Everyone in 20 sq around Riardon gets a +2 to initiative.
When you spend an AP, you get a +3 on attacks.

[sblock=Mini stat block]
Perception: 16 Insight: 11 Low-light Vision
AC 18 Fortitude 15 Reflex 14 Will 13
Hit Points: 24 / 24 Bloodied: 12
Temporary Hit Points: 0
Resist: -
Saving Throw: +5 vs Charm
Action Points: 1 Second Wind: 1
Healing Surge:6 Surges per day: 4 / 8
Encounter Powers: Inspiring Word 2/2, Scorching Burst, Warlords Favor, Feystep
Daily Powers: Lead the Attack

Condition: -


[XP Reward]
Sept 9 - Oct 9 = 1 month = 104 xp ea.
2nd level major quest = 125 ea.
2nd level puzzle = 125 ea.
Bonus for solving puzzle = 50xp for Dane.

So here are the totals I have you at:
Incarnation 1941+104+125+125=2295
Rurdev 1941+104+125+125=2295
Riardon 1495+104+125+125=1849
Dane 1208+104+125+125+50=1612
Vashik 1646+104+125+125=2000

[Treasure Reward]

So everyone should have 2 items and 150gp.

Incarnation (Rod of Deadly Casting +1 [lvl(1)+1] & burning gauntlets [lvl(2)+4])
Riardon (Sylvan Hide +1 [lvl(1)+2] & Sunsword +2 [lvl(1)+3])
Rurdev (Lighting Scimitar +1 [lvl(1)+4] & Brooch of Shielding +1 [lvl(2)+1])
Dane (100gp as promised) & Shield of Protection [lvl(1)+2] & another item of level 3.
Vashik (100gp as promised) & Orb of Ultimate Imposition [lvl(1)+2] & another item of level 3.

Gold gained by Party (3 gems [100/ea], 2 small vials (potion of healing [50gp ea], 120gp) = 520
Gold owed = 750+2 lvl 3 items worth (1360-200) = 1910.
Final = 1390gp found.


The 'time gold' as far as I understand is a minimum for the time you've spent (1yr) which is about 912gp each. You've each got way more than that...

Time gold is treasure that corresponds to the XP gained from time XP. The purpose is to allow DMs to plan treasure based purely on the encounters and quests they prepare, and ignore the factor of how long it takes. DMs are certainly welcome to fold the time gold in as part of a larger reward, if they prefer; that seems to be what's going on here.



ooc: meant that the 1390 was one amount to be divided and that there was no other amount forthcoming. As long as everyone is good with the final treasure rewards I don't really want to revisit it. Time gold + packets = confused GM.

Other than that good game all and thanks for sticking with me this whole year. I hope you all enjoyed the game. My favorite part was trying out my new critters, the slivers :)


First Post
Dane nods his head proudly at the gift of the shield and his gold.

Ahhh, I can get me some dinna' ta'nite. I don't tink I could eat any more rat stew. HAR-HAR-HAR!! Oye, me sore. Need to go get a gnome to rub out da aches. Tank ya, Masta' Sage.

Dane gathers up his belongings and heads out the door, shielding himself from the winds.

[sblock=Treasure] So I want to confirm, Dane is at 1612 XP.
He just received 250 gp along with a Heavy Shield of Protection +1 and a 3rd level magic item (+1 Reckless Waraxe).
Thanx for the game Erekose13. Those slivers kicked my ass all over the place, so I'm sure you got enough of a test run with those baddies[/sblock]


ooc: ah now I see the confusion. I had intended to have it split like this:
Incarnation (Rod of Deadly Casting +1 [lvl(1)+1] & burning gauntlets [lvl(2)+4])
Riardon (Sylvan Hide +1 [lvl(1)+2] & Sunsword +2 [lvl(1)+3])
Rurdev (Lighting Scimitar +1 [lvl(1)+4] & Brooch of Shielding +1 [lvl(2)+1])
Dane (100gp as promised) & Shield of Protection [lvl(1)+2] & gp value of a lvl 3 item (680).
Vashik (100gp as promised) & Orb of Ultimate Imposition [lvl(1)+2] & gp value of a level 3 item (680).

Leaving the following for the group to decide how to split:
3 gems (100gp ea)
2 healing potions

But I can see that is not what I actually wrote and had signed off on.

So lets go with the alternate interpretations which is:
Incarnation (Rod of Deadly Casting +1 [lvl(1)+1] & burning gauntlets [lvl(2)+4])
Riardon (Sylvan Hide +1 [lvl(1)+2] & Sunsword +2 [lvl(1)+3])
Rurdev (Lighting Scimitar +1 [lvl(1)+4] & Brooch of Shielding +1 [lvl(2)+1])
Dane (Shield of Protection [lvl(1)+2] & another item of level 3.
Vashik (Orb of Ultimate Imposition [lvl(1)+2] & another item of level 3.

Party to decide how to split:
Gold gained by Party (3 gems [100/ea], 2 small vials (potion of healing [50gp ea], 120gp)
and gold found in the altar = 1390gp

does that make sense?

Voidrunner's Codex

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