[Adventure] The Sibylline Idol (Judge covaithe)

How do I level up? Are the XP here (http://www.enworld.org/forum/4935778-post642.html) official?


Everyone in 20 sq around Riardon gets a +2 to initiative.
When you spend an AP, you get a +3 on attacks.

[sblock=Mini stat block]
Perception: 16 Insight: 11 Low-light Vision
AC 18 Fortitude 15 Reflex 14 Will 13
Hit Points: 24 / 24 Bloodied: 12
Temporary Hit Points: 0
Resist: -
Saving Throw: +5 vs Charm
Action Points: 1 Second Wind: 1
Healing Surge:6 Surges per day: 4 / 8
Encounter Powers: Inspiring Word 2/2, Scorching Burst, Warlords Favor, Feystep
Daily Powers: Lead the Attack

Condition: -

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ooc: yes as per Covaithe, those XP totals are confirmed. I have some more to hand out but was hoping for a bit of rping to close out the adventure with the sage. If everyone wants to move past the conclusion to rewards and closure thats fine too. I know its been a long haul everyone and I'm glad you all stuck with me.

ooc: yes as per Covaithe, those XP totals are confirmed. I have some more to hand out but was hoping for a bit of rping to close out the adventure with the sage. If everyone wants to move past the conclusion to rewards and closure thats fine too. I know its been a long haul everyone and I'm glad you all stuck with me.
ooc: Just wanted to know if I can propose my second character. With the first having enough xp for 2nd level, this shouldn't be a problem.

And Riardon wants to move back to the sage now ;)

Incarnation manages to retrieve a significant number of coins. It seems the inside of the stone altar was filled with them. Once they are all pulled out the crew heads back up to the surface and back to the sage's place. Knocking on the door you are greeted by the elderly gentleman who wheezes a heavy phlegmy cough as he invites you inside. He appears to be back to normal or a little slower than in the past and he looks tired.

"Please... come in. Can I get... you a drink?" he says.

OOC: We are already there guys

... Knocking on the door you are greeted by the elderly gentleman who wheezes a heavy phlegmy cough as he invites you inside. He appears to be back to normal or a little slower than in the past and he looks tired.

"Please... come in. Can I get... you a drink?" he says.

"We think we closed the portal. Can you now identify this sword?"

Thanks Nebten. Got a bit confused.


Everyone in 20 sq around Riardon gets a +2 to initiative.
When you spend an AP, you get a +3 on attacks.

[sblock=Mini stat block]
Perception: 16 Insight: 11 Low-light Vision
AC 18 Fortitude 15 Reflex 14 Will 13
Hit Points: 24 / 24 Bloodied: 12
Temporary Hit Points: 0
Resist: -
Saving Throw: +5 vs Charm
Action Points: 1 Second Wind: 1
Healing Surge:6 Surges per day: 4 / 8
Encounter Powers: Inspiring Word 2/2, Scorching Burst, Warlords Favor, Feystep
Daily Powers: Lead the Attack

Condition: -

The sage coughs again seemingly dislodging some of the phlegm that was preventing him from speaking, "Well done. I felt a presence leave my mind and had hoped that it signalled a success on your part. Had it taken longer to close that portal I dear say that something far worse would've come through. From my research it was a rift exactly like that one that had brought the terror that the Five faced above Daunton. Your quick thinking has saved the city. While in the past the actions of the Five were very public, your's I'm afraid will remain less so. Daunton will remain clueless to the imminent danger that it was in due to your timely action."

"Riardon, the sword is quite special, its known as a Sunblade." he says pointing to where it is sitting in the study.

"As a token of my appreciation and in recompense I have a few items that I'd like to bestow upon you. I'm afraid I'll need your help again Rurdev, for they are all stored in the basement." he says leading the shifter back past the closet where the armor and orb were stored. The two head down a narrow set of stairs and return after many minutes bearing a number of small boxes.

Inside you find:
A brooch of shielding +1
A pair of Burning Gauntlets
A Shield of Protection
An Orb of Ultimate Imposition +1

Astrepius also produces the 200 gold coins for Vashik and Dane.

The coins retreived from the altar amount to 1390 gold.

[XP Reward]
Sept 9 - Oct 9 = 1 month = 104 xp ea.
2nd level major quest = 125 ea.
2nd level puzzle = 125 ea.
Bonus for solving puzzle = 50xp for Dane.

So here are the totals I have you at:
Incarnation 1941+104+125+125=2295
Rurdev 1941+104+125+125=2295
Riardon 1495+104+125+125=1849
Dane 1208+104+125+125+50=1612
Vashik 1646+104+125+125=2000

[Treasure Reward]
This is where I struggled the most and why I've taken so long to post. I'm going to apply the LEB rules to help as guidelines (1 item + 1/5 level gold per level of the adventure) and I'm going to count that as 1.75 levels because only two party members advance to 3rd.

So everyone should have 2 items and 150gp.

Incarnation (Rod of Deadly Casting +1 [lvl(1)+1] & burning gauntlets [lvl(2)+4])
Riardon (Sylvan Hide +1 [lvl(1)+2] & Sunsword +2 [lvl(1)+3])
Rurdev (Lighting Scimitar +1 [lvl(1)+4] & Brooch of Shielding +1 [lvl(2)+1])
Dane (100gp as promised) & Shield of Protection [lvl(1)+2] & another item of level 3.
Vashik (100gp as promised) & Orb of Ultimate Imposition [lvl(1)+2] & another item of level 3.

Gold gained by Party (3 gems [100/ea], 2 small vials (potion of healing [50gp ea], 120gp) = 520
Gold owed = 750+2 lvl 3 items worth (1360-200) = 1910.
Final = 1390gp found.

[sblock=OOC]Yay! Thanks, E13! Incarnation's 3rd now? (I don't have my books)

I'm confused on the last post. So we found 1390gp in the altar (to split). I'm not sure about the rest of that, though. Since there is now 'time' gold, is there another 1390 that we each get (i.e., don't split)?[/sblock]

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