[Adventure] To Serve a Dragon: Act 1: A House is Not a Home (Judge: stonegod)

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As you are returning to the Tower's Shard from your latest endeavor for Morgrave and its enigmatic Professor, a hobgoblin approaches you. He details an offer for you from an unnamed benefactor. You will be well compensated in both gold and magical items for your assistance in clearing out a set of caverns for his clan. You come to an accord and the hobgoblin asks you to meet him at the docks that night. He has a small skiff waiting, saying you'll meet up with the main vessel shortly. You notice another half-orc on the vessel in addition to your benefactor. Like you he seems well outfitted. After a half-hour or so, when the City of Towers is but a small glimmer in the horizon, a dark shadow descends on the ship, scooping you and the half-orc up in steel talons, and taking you high into the sky. Any thoughts of struggling against its grip are immediately placated by the sight of the ground far below you. After some indeterminate amount of time the sun rises and you realize that the creature holding you is some sort of dragon construct, something you've never even heard of before. Later that evening it nears a large island and lands in a clearing, dropping you off rather roughly. (move to sblock "Mythra/Varykk")[/sblock]


As you are heading to the Tower's Shard, the place known throughout the lands as a gathering place of heroes, adventurers, and treasure seekers, a hobgoblin approaches you. He details an offer for you from an unnamed benefactor. You will be well compensated in both gold and magical items for your assistance in clearing out a set of caverns for his clan. You come to an accord and the hobgoblin asks you to meet him at the docks that night. He has a small skiff waiting, saying you'll meet up with the main vessel shortly. You notice an eladrin on the vessel in addition to your benefactor. Like you he seems well outfitted. After a half-hour or so, when the City of Towers is but a small glimmer in the horizon, a dark shadow descends on the ship, scooping you and the eladrin up in steel talons, and taking you high into the sky. Any thoughts of struggling against its grip are immediately placated by the sight of the ground far below you. After some indeterminate amount of time the sun rises and you realize that the creature holding you is some sort of dragon construct, something you've never even heard of before. Later that evening it nears a large island and lands in a clearing, dropping you off rather roughly. (move to sblock "Mythra/Varykk")[/sblock]

"Greetings mortals, I am Calmachia. My agent hired you and you will join some others to complete the task that was detailed for you. The caverns are needed for my tasks and you will more than fairly compensated for your efforts. You can leave now or wait for them. I have to retrieve a method to travel with all of you. I will return shortly" it states coolly, apparently not waiting for your answer as it takes off into the evening sky. Before you have much time to discuss or collect your wits you notice a trio heading your way, a minotaur, a genasi and a human.[/sblock]

[MENTION=79628]twilsemail[/MENTION], [MENTION=62300]raion[/MENTION], [MENTION=83014]ShadRS[/MENTION]

You complete any purchases required and return to the clearing as instructed. You happen to see the dragon's shadow as it curiously departs the area. In said clearing you see a bedraggled half-orc and eladrin.


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Oh joy, more humans and part humans and demi-humans. Mythra says dryly, glancing at the surrounding people. He was happy to note that a dwarf was not among the group, that at least was something.

Are you perhaps the jailors? I assume this is a prison of some sort, as I was kidnapped and taken hostage and lied to without my consent by what appeared to be a Warforged Dragon. You may clap me in irons now. I assure you that before the day is out this whole place will be burned to the ground and you all will be begging for mercy however, Mythra promises.


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Mal leans over to Talos and stage whispers. "You're sure you don't eat people?"

The look of disgust and the firm head shaking from Talon are enough to make Mal chuckle. The Genasi looks the mage up and down and frowns. "Mage? Damn... Once... Just once..." The wishing peters off as he collects himself.

"Calmachia drop you off then? You get two choices, same as the rest of us. Do the job or enjoy life in the small village yonder until the dragon eats you. And he does eat people."

He sighs and asks, "Can you at least hurl a fireball in a straight line?" The question is asked in a way to imply that the last one could not.

OOC: Hi there Luinnar. Long time no see. :p


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OOC: Hi twilsemail! Last time I saw you was on the L4W boards, it seemes like ages ago.

I think it was a whole hour! :p

I am a summoner, I am not a Sorcerer, a Pyromancer, a Mage, or a swordmage/wizard hybrid. I am a real wizard. Not one who only cares about bangs and explosions and pyrotechnics. Mythra says stuffily.

I am not afraid of your threats. My arcane powers could take on this "dragon" you speak of as easily as swatting away a fly.


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Mal leans patiently on his staff as the Eladrin rants. "That is between you and the dragon, seems to me. I wasn't threatening you. I was stating a fact. He's not a gentle beast."

"Now, then. Kidnapped? I was under the impression that Calmachia was recruiting peoples of a mercenary persuasion. That's usually done with..."

"I'm being rude... Introductions are in order. Names make the posturing easier, don't you think?"

He gestures to the minotaur with his glaive, "To my right is Talos. Bard and brute extraordinaire."

Next to the rake, "Tock. Son of a long time companion and a rogue few can match."

He brings the glaive back and leans on it once more. The feathers dangling beneath the sharpened jawbone dance in the wisp of darkness rolling off his head "I... I am the Anomaly. Most call me Mal these days. I... I read a lot."

With a smile he asks, "And you, Master Summoner? Who are you and your friend? And how on earth did an Eladrin come to travel with a scion of House Tharashk?"
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Varykk sits down on a nearby rock. He rifles through his bag finding a rag and some oils, removes his armor and begins to clean it. Once he has finished removing the dust and dirt from his journey he begins to polish the coat of arms of House Tharashk that is etched into the hide.

"I came here by choice." He says smiling "I suppose that he seems a bit less sure of how he came to be on that ship."

He puts his rags and oils away and refastens his armor, throws his pack over his shoulder and stands back up.

"I take it you are the fine folks it was suggested that we wait for? Assuming that's the case my name is Varykk Deward, I'm a Ranger of House Tharashk and I'm pleased to meet you all."
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"Well met Varykk! Pleasure to have you with us. And well me to you too mister wizard. Sorry to hear you've been press ganged." He looks thoughtful for a moment. "I was once press ganged, the experience helped turn me into the minotaur you see today. I hope yours goes as well." With that Talos gives a slight bow to the pair. He walks over to a nearby rock, leans against it and begins to tune his lute, badly.


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More bards, great. Mythra thinks to himself. He hated bard just about as much as...just about as much as everything else he hated, which was a lot of things.

My name is Mythra Stelwart. If you know anything about the arcane you would have heard of me...

And I do not know anyone here. The dragon picked up me and this half-human on the boat we were on...

I was promised a reward for services.... Mythra says, looking around, doubtful that the dragon could have anything useful to him.


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Mal strides toward Barykk and offers a hand. If it's taken, he shakes with a firm grip. "It's a pleasure to meet you Varykk. I've done plenty of work with your house in the past. I was a Captain in the Lion's Roar until I Reti.... er... changed professions." Mal's superstition about the word "retired" gets the best of him again.

He turns to Mythra and addresses him. He'd offer a hand, but he's reaconably certain that Mythra wouldn't touch another person were he paid to do it. "A pleasure, I'm sure, Magus Stelwart. We were all promised some coin for our efforts. I'm sure a dragon can deliver on that front. Can we discuss the upcoming mission or should we establish your superiority over the island itself as well?" He tone is genial. He's assumed Mythra is posturing and doesn't mind admitting that a fireball is generally more dangerous than a pointy stick. While waiting for an answer he begins loosening the cap of a new waxed-leather scrollcase.
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