[Adventure] To Serve a Dragon: Act 1: A House is Not a Home (Judge: stonegod)


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Can we discuss the upcoming mission or should we establish your superiority over the island itself as well?" He tone is genial.
Why..you...uargggg! Mythra says, his face (which is a testimonial against the stereotype that all Eladrin are good looking) turning beat red. Mal's words furthur comfirm his belief that all creatures not under his control are dolts.

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Varykk shakes Mal's hand with a friendly smile. Good to meet you as well. It sounds like you've been around a bit. Any idea where we are?

Varykk surveys the area trying to discern anything that might give away a clue as to where they are.


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"I"m going to guess somewhere in the Lhazaar Principalities. Just going from some simple deduction. I've only seen that kind of glacial erosion on two mountain ranges, and the other was west of our location before we even departed."


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Tock waves politely as he's introduced, but refrains from further aggravating the wizard.

[sblock=ooc] He's always been told they have stubble and are quick to anger. Clearly at least half true here..[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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