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[Adventure] Trouble in Moonwatch (Judge:TwoHeadsBarking)

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I'm a bit excitable, sorry bout that...:-S

Well, I don't want to step on River's toes, with the religion thing.

The heal check is supposed to go along with the bluff check, but if I only get to pick one... History would be my top choice.

Looks like Pok was just finding an excuse to touch Sheeva ;)


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Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
Feall rouses slowly the next day, bending and twisting his body through a torturous series of stretches to work out the kinks.

"Gods, it feels like I've been running a gauntlet all night! That may be the worst rest I've had since I found . . . um . . . that was terrible."

Nevertheless, he's ready to travel when the rest are, and gratefully accepts Perren's offer of breakfast. Once on the trail he perks up considerably, and makes his way nimbly through the boulders and along the narrow paths of the pass. He almost seems to be gaining energy as the group travels!

[sblock=Skill Checks]Endurance, Athletics Checks (1d20+2=16, 1d20+2=22)[/sblock]


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The paladin awakes. His companion's disturbance caused him more anxiousness than his own rest did. They needed to stick together through this, especially after last night. While Lanharath points out hazards of nature, the paladin does his best to identify them. Rockfalls, hunter's animal traps, foul weather. The battle last in night in the short term exhausted him, but in the long term, it set his body ready for the challenges to come. The kalashtar has little trouble keeping up with the others through the mountains.

[sblock=rolls]Success! endurance nature (1d20+2=22, 1d20+6=21) [/sblock]


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The gnome does manage to recall some information about the area.

Droaam is a region ruled by monsters. Few of the civilized races dare to test its borders. Their connection with the rest of Khorvaire is limited to a single House Orien roadway that passes through Graywall and into The Great Crag.

Droaam shares a tenuous border with The Shadow Marches to the west while the Byeshk Mountains keep it from expanding into the Eldeen Reaches to the north and the Graywall Mountains keep Breland safe from monstrous invasion, while the Barren Sea borders the nation to the south.
edit Society

The Daughters of Sora Kell have changed the land of Droaam with will, intelligence, and a small army of ogres. The ogres have created roads that link the few major communities. The Daughters have also created racial diversity that you would not think could work in a kingdom of monsters. You can find harpies, ogres, and orcs in the same street going about their own business but you could only find these in the major cities. The rule of the land is the strong rule the weak. The Hags only care about major threats like: raids and battle between monsters communities, raids on caravans, or anything that will look bad to the other kingdoms. Lesser crimes are mostly ignored, unless you are doing something to one of the warlord or their minions. A rare few, mostly the followers of the Queen of Stone, look at law with a sophisticated view. Government is a form of despotic feudalism, the most powerful warlords give tribute to the Daughters of Sora Kell and they get to rule sections of Droaam. The tribute is paid in gold, goods, or soldiers and laborers. This works because the Daughters have an army of ogres and mass magical abilities at their back.

The group navigates the mountains with relative ease, somehow finding it easier to travel in than the rough terrain than the relatively easier terrain of your previous travels. Maybe it's the camaraderie that was developed during your last evening together, but what matters is that you're doing much better.

With Lanharath in the lead, his keen eyesight combined with Pok's knowledge of the area, keep you from straying off course and you're doing well following the trail. Lan spots a corpse under a pile of rubble and a pouch next to it. Inside is a scroll case, although the seal is broken.

[sblock=If you read the note (and speak Elven)]
From: "Iokaste," Droaam Redstone Envoy

To: "Kalistos," Droaam Redstone Principle

Kalistos --

It is done.

I trust you have arranged for my payment. Our mutual friend in Sharn will be attending to the transaction with House Kundarak. You requested a detailed account of the proceedings, and so I shall set to paper here my account of the relevant events.

After commissioning a coastal skiff from a village south of Breland's Shadowlock Keep, I made landfall on Droaam's rocky, southern shores three nights ago. Traveling in Orcish guise, I moved by night into the lands of the Daughters of Sora Kell. By dawn I had arrived at the gates of Vralkek.

This is indeed the Land of Monsters, and I have never seen the like. Filthy shanties ringed the perimeter of the town proper with thousands of goblins and orcs squatting amongst rock mounds and tents. Bands of gnolls appeared to be patrolling these warrens, harnessing vicious worgs and other dire beasts. Outside the gates, a crew of several hundred ogres labored among newly constructed fortifications, employing monstrous draft horses and laying a stone road headed north along the Scar River.

Within the gates, a vision I shall not soon forget. A bustling coastal town, spilling over with commerce and industry -- and not a single representative of the common races in sight. Ogre smiths bartering with bugbear soldiers, uniformed minotaurs drinking with brightly-dressed harpies and medusae. And worse -- shambling, squamous things moving about the shadows, fiendish shapes circling overhead.

I also observed several detachments of troll infantry moving purposefully through the city. To my eyes, Vralkek serves as evidence enough that the Daughters are succeeding in their efforts to unite the monstrous denizens of all the Barrens. If their reach has encompassed this southernmost port, I tremble at the thought of what is being wrought in the strongholds of Graywall and the Great Crag. The sister hags command a great power indeed if truly they rule this nation of monsters. Perhaps they should have been invited to parley at the Thronehold Accords after all.

In any event, you may inform your superiors in Flamekeep that their suspicions are confirmed -- Vralkek appears firmly in the control of the Daughters of Sora Kell. As to our other bit of business ...

I rendezvoused with the fire giant warlord Gorodan at the meeting place you specified. He arrived with a retinue of three rather clannish-looking ogres, who promptly (and predictably) attempted to extort by force and intimidation the materials with which I came to barter. I restrained myself, and it's likely all three will recover enough to walk again at some point. Gorodan was reasonable after that little dance, and we made the exchange with no further unpleasantness.

Indeed, he seemed very pleased at the trophies you had secreted in the haversack. He's really rather bitter about his banishment from Xen'drik, you know. I assume the severed heads he pulled forth once belonged to those who had wronged him. That gift was an inspired touch, Kalistos -- Gorodan became quite friendly after that. We bartered in peace, he and I, and even shared a mulchmead sinister before we parted.

Included here are the maps Gorodan provided. The first details a concealed route into the territories of the Battalion of the Basalt Towers in Xen'drik. I'm told Gorodan enjoyed an intimate affiliation with these fiend-worshippers before his exile to Droaam. I suspect this map will fetch a premium in Stormreach.

The second is a map to the seasonal gathering point, in southern Droaam, of the Dark Pack lycanthropes your Thrane patrons wish to hunt. As you are aware, I disagree with passing this information to the Thranes. If the Silver Flame wants to continue its war against the shapeshifters, let them do so openly. I am uncomfortable with abetting clandestine race murder. Nevertheless, I pass this information to you as per our agreement. I can only hope you have another purpose in mind. Otherwise, the burden is upon you.

Most truly,


After a few hours the mountains turn into foothills, then finally back into more level terrain. Unfortunately, the weather seems to be turning against you as the wind begins picking up and thunderclouds are visible on the horizon. As dusk approaches of the second day, you stumble upon an ancient ruin shrouded by stunted spruce—a shrine or temple reduced to a foundation pit and half a dozen pillars among the trees.

With Lan, Valahad, Feall, (and the group's success on Endurance) you have enough to complete the challenge. (although River's roll was a fail on Religion)

Skill Challenge: Locate the Black March

12 successes before 6 failures: 12 successes, 5 failure


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Instead of copy paste all the information r1 gave Pok, just let it be understood that the gnome explained most all that at one point or another on the day long journey.

Pok can read elven if the note gets passed to him, and he will relate the information to the group, though he still thinks two members (looking at you drow) are spies.

Can we do any checks on the remnants of the structure?



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Religion or History might help. Also, Drow don't speak elven as an FYI, they speak Giant in Eberron


"Ok, I don't like this. If the letter belongs to the corpse here, he is probably either the sender or the receiver. If it is the sender and I think this likely based on our current geographical position, then we might have a problem. If it is the same person, then he was able to kick the snot out of three ogres while 'restraining himself', but still got killed. That doesn't bode well for us. Anyone tough enough to take on three ogres would be hard to kill, even buried under rubble. Course, it's possible that this is just a courier, but this Iokaste sounds too intelligent to leave such an important missive in the hands of a courier out in a wilderness like this."

"Lan, you might want to search over this corpse carefully. Maybe he has a dragonmark or something. Is it even a male? What race is this person? How long has he been dead?"


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Did you read the errata on Storm Pillar, I point this out because of the saying in your signature.

(I won't be doing this, as I'm not a #%&@)
Now if you place Storm Pillar in a square, and ready an action to Thunderwave if an enemy move in front of the Storm Pillar, it does huge amounts of damage. This is because the enemy moved into the affected squares during it's own turn.

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Yes, I read the errata. I disliked it. They erratta-ed it to make it less potent. It was not that potent to begin with. 0 damage on round one in order to get D6+Int on round two, possibly multiple foes, via forced movement. Or, D6+Int via ally forced movement.

Sure, it could do a lot of damage with forced movement via multiple PCs, but so could Wall of Fire. Will they nerf Wall of Fire next?

Forced movement is often not guaranteed and the hindering terrain save makes it less so. Even as originally written, I would rarely take this power. Now, I never will since they have hit it with the nerf bat.

A better errata solution (if they were so worried about it) was to change the "enemy only" targets to any target. That way, good for the goose, good for the gander. Enemies could slide PCs into the effect as well and that makes the power less potent overall, but at the same time maintains the idea.

I dislike the concept of lightning (or any elemental attack) being intelligent enough to pick and choose targets.

This is yet another case of the mechanics driving the power instead of what makes sense based on what the power is supposed to do.

Note: your idea works, but it requires an action point. Is it worth it to use an action point, just to potentially do double damage on one foe? Thunderwave has to hit to get the Storm Pillar damage and the pillar only damages one foe out of the group that gets hit by the wave, the foe whose turn it is. Remember, hindering terrain is still in effect, so even the foe you try to send in it might make the saving throw.[/sblock]

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