[Adventure] Underneath Hadeys' Door: DM ScorpiusRisk, Judge Renau1g


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Kamotz comes to, hugging Corvus, I like to bleed a little during a fight, so don't go all field surgeon on me, how long was I out? after looking around the shifter realizes he wasn't unconscious on a battlefield, Oh, show and tell...

Kamotz eyes Hunzu, a mixture of respect and anger, Hunzu is a good edition Illarion. the shifter moves to his companion, and mounts up again. Turning back to Hunzu, Next time, you won't get in. Kamotz isn't sure if that is what he means, but those are the only words he can ascribe to the sensation of the well dressed shardmind's influence.

OOC: In case that wasn't clear, Kamotz wants to be bloodied before receiving healing in most battle situations. After activating longtooth shifting, bloodied or not, healing is fine.


Kamotz (Cleric|Paladin)
Initiative +2 Passive Insight 21 Passive Perception 21 Senses Low-Light
HP 40/40; TempHP 0; Bloodied 20; Surge Value 10; Surges Per-Day 9/9
AC 23 Fortitude 17 Reflex 16 Will 18
Second wind; Not Used
Action point; 1
Speed 5
At-will: Holy Strike, Death's Shadow, Divine Challenge
Encounter: Longtooth Shifting, Healing Word, Heedless Fry, Call of Challenge Healing Strike
Daily: Blood of the Mighty

Whiggins (Dire Wolf)
Initiative +7; Passive Perception +19, Insight +14; low-light vision
Resist 5 all damage while ridden (Impenetrable Barding)
HP 67/67; TempHP 0; Bloodied 33; Surge Value 16; Surges Per-Day 1/1
AC 19; Fortitude 18, Reflex 17, Will 16
Speed 8 (9 while ridden, riding boots)
Bite (standard, at-will) melee 1
+10 vs AC; 2d8+4 damage, 3d8+4 damage vs a prone target, terget falls prone if whiggins has CA.
Pack Hunter (while mounted by a friendly rider with the mounted combat feat; at-will) Mount
Whiggins rider gains CA vs any enemy that is adjacent to an ally other than Whiggins.
Alignment Unaligned Languages -
Str 21 (+6) Dex 14 (+3) Wis 14 (+3)
Con 18 (+5) Int 2 (-3) Cha 10 (+1)

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"Indeed that may very well be true. Your mind lay heavily shielded."

*He nods in respects to Kamotz, then turns and makes his way to board the ship at hand.*


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"Alright, come on then ye whats an things!" Barks the captain to the party as they approach. "This be a cargo run first and most for, so I want to make good time on this here side trek." His works were gruff but the tone still kind. He waved them all toward the ship.


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Approaching at a leisurely gate, Whiggins and Kamotz both pause before boarding. They eye the water as if it will reach up and bite them. After several moments hesitation, the pair finally step gingerly onto the deck of the ship. Can do captain. the shifter is obviously uneasy about being on open water.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Illarion approaches the plank and carefully tap-taps his way across, only bumping the railing at the very top and getting safely up there.

"I hope we will have nice weather for this trip."


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GM: I will be pushing forward a bit now, to the meaty stuff.

Our band of mismatched heroes found themselves with little to do as they made their voyage on the cramped boat for several days. It became clear early on that the rest of the crew didn't support their captains idea that they should be the one's to help have the island investigated. In fact, they would have been much happier to have never seen the place again.

On the fourth day of sailing the island finally came into sight. The captain steers the ship at a bit of curve, to angle into the bay. It gives you an opportunity to get a little insight into the lay of the land.

The Island is just under a mile across at its widest point. Two hills mark the center, one larger than the other. The island is primarily covered with thick forest. The outer edges vary between sandy beaches and rough rock, sometimes jagged and sometimes forming a cliff. A curve in the island forms a small bay.

At the base of the smaller hill, sits a small stone structure, only one floor, looking a bit like a large mausoleum. No other buildings can be spotted as you cruise into the bay. The area around the building is starkly clear of jungle, with a clear path from the beach.

The crew drops anchor in the bay, offering to take you to shore in two row boats. The captain give some brief final words.

"We be making this run on a reglar basis, so I can stop by again about every ten days or so. If you are not on the beach. . . I dunno. Leave a sign or some such. I ain't really equipped for now searchin party. . . well best of fate to ya anyway."


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After four days aboard a ship, Kamotz and Whiggins smell like some mixture of wet dog, and fetid corpse. The shifter looks as if he may pass out at any moment, spending most of his time below decks, pretending he wasn't at sea. Every so often a moan of deathly sickness sounds from the shifters cramped space, and and it is occasionally followed by a stream of curses. Kamotz smacks his lips, attempting to rid himself of the taste of bile, and crawls above decks, Whiggins in tow.

After the captains speech Kamotz frowns deeply, Will the trip back be any faster?


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*Hunzu spends his days upon the ship standing watch at the bow of the vessel. He never eats, never sleeps. Just a statue watching over the ship as it makes it's long journey to the isles at hand. Upon reaching the isles he climbs down into one of the row boats and settles himself to wait patiently for the others to climb aboard as well.*


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"I just came from the island, much like this. In the abandoned temple there was guarded portal into demon realms. Somehow, lesser evils got through and worked to bypass the wards to let others in. We came in just in time to collapse the portal before something passed through. Let's hope this isn't one of those again."


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Let's hope it is, at least the trip would have been worth it. chirped Kamotz, the prospect of a glorious pilgrimage lifting the shifter's spirits greatly.

Voidrunner's Codex

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