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Adventures of Darryl the stone sword


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Well at least I can honestly say that I didn't help with the burning. I was at the bar toasting in a rather pleasant manner.

As for a city, well, I'm more of a dungeon crawler type gal. I leave the pickpoc..er...city acquisitions to TickleBerry. I would rather mess with traps. And remember, when I say "OOPS" that means, duck, dodge, roll, parry, or just plain run!

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First Post
Look, I know nothing about this "city aquisitions" stuff, I simply do whatever duties are given into my capable hands. Being a friendly person, I associate with a wide assortment. Can I help it if some have dubious reputations? Can I help it if I hear cautionary tales? Wouldn't ANY sane person make sure his associates would not succumb to the same affliction that caused another to, hmm, change skins?
Right, as I thought. As to what others have done, what can I say?
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First Post
Allow me to introduce myself I am Kol`n Starbringer. No matter how every one else spells it this is the only right way. Yes, I am the elf now known as "floppy" to my wonderful sword Darryl.

I am now going to give you the PRE-Darryl history. At least enough so that you, the reader of this history, can understand where I come from.

I was born of a human father and an elven mother. Yes, I was borna half breed. We lived together in the city of Safeton, which is in under the rule of Greyhawk. Growing up was not fun or easy. I was bullied by every to bit human that thought i need to be beaten upon. So my father took it upon himself to teach me the finer points of fighting. He was a carrer military man so this of course came natural to him. But to me it was hard and tideous work. But Ienjoyed it because of how proud I made my father. So there after I bagan to win the fights with the bullies of Safeton and so started my reputation. But I still had my elven ancestry to up hold so my mother started to tutor me in the was of the arcaine arts. I was even worse at this than I was at fighting. At least I was at first. I complete dumb founded my mother by casting spells with out the aid of a spell book. I hated her spell book. I could barly read it and found it not very useful. I excelled in the use of the bow over all other weapons. (to my mother delight) I found that the broadsword was to heavy to use comfortably so I started with the rapier and have never changed. And life continued until the day my father died.

When my father died my mother up and moved us back to her home town to live among the elves. (dont ask me the name I still have a hard time pronouncing it) And the bulling started all over again. Only this time the bulling quit as fast as it started thanks to my father tutoring. I was more skilled than most of the children of the same age. But I was still just a half breed. But one very good thing came from me living with the elves. I learned that they no matter how supperior they THINCK they are they have the same faults and liablities as the humans. They will never admit that but it is true. Actually that was a just a small thing to learn the thing I learned that was going to change the course of my life was the a group of elves known as The Arcaine Archers. The things they could do with a bow was asstonding. I vowed to myself that I would one day lead them. So with this in my heart I left the elven city to gain the experience that I need to join there ranks. It was this outing that brought me into the group af adventures that would eventially find Darryl.

But my life changed completly only a short time before the finding of Darryl. While down in Glitterham we meet with a trog that did not take kindly to our presence and so we were forced to dispatch him. WE did not mind one bit but apparently he had some family that did. And they attacked but they brought bears along to help. It was the swip of the bear that removed my soul from its body. and I will tell you that is an experience I do not wish to have again. There I was floating blissfully towards no where when I felt some thing or Some one grab my soul and throw it back into my body. THAT is an experience I did not wish to have again either. But now I found myself in the presence of a god. Olidammara to me exact.
"you have to choice" was the first thing he said to me, " you can Die again, or you can live but it will cost you. You will renounce your god and become one of my disipales."
What could I say but, "My master how can I serve you." Like I said did not want to repear either of these experiences. And so it was I became a Cleric in the Brotherhood of Olidammara. But, there is always a but, It was Olidammara that took the human from my blood and stretched my ears so that all would see and know I was an elf and nolonger a half breed. A blessing in disguise. I have not fingured that out yet. For although I am now and for the remander of my days will be an Elf I still have the personnality of a halfbreed. I am not a procrastinator like most elves but I will probaly develop this over time. I still feel time pass liek a human but I know I will not die by natural causes.
And so this brings us the the finding of Darryl.

It was the paladin and myself that had the push and shove match to open the cript that help Darryl. And It just so happens that the rapier is my holy symbol so it was I the snatched up the sword to take possection of it. And to my surprise it talked. and talked and talked and talked.

The story relayed by Darryl and lana and Tickleberry so far has been close enough that I Will not bore you with my point of view for all of the events but I will Highlight a few things.

First most people ask, "What were you thinking Jumping on the back of a dragon!?!?!?!" Well I was filled with a ferver I could not complely explain. I held in my hand a DragonSlayer, I was a made a disiple to Olidammara by his own hand. What is a dragon in comparison to these things. (A big reptial that could eat me in a single bite. THAT is what a dragon is) And in the end We slayed the dragon. With the help of Darryl and the rest of the party we killed the dragon and the only casualty was the Druids animal friend. A monkey, I for one was glad to see it go it stunk.

When we encountered the skeletons that is when I found the wonderful ability to turn or destroy undead creatures. It was great. I have only heard of such things in stories but to feel the power of a God coarse threw your body gave me a bigger rush thatn all the spells I had ever cast before. Then to watch as the skeletons turn to dust. That was great.

I notice now that most people look at me funny because I shot liek and expert marksman (which I am) I can cast arcane spells on a whim and now I can heal and turn undead. It has been an exsiting life so far. And I can forsee that it is only going to get worse..... aaaa... Better.

Well that will be all for now. Now that I know this book is being writen I will be sure to put in my two coppers. I can t have someone else write my history. You never know exaclty how the bards will monify the story to fit them selves. I know this I have listneed to our own bard tell the stories and I tell you believe only half of what he says he did. Because the other half someoen else did. Isn't that right Celwyn.??? hmmmmm.


First Post
Hello and greetings. My name is Cellwyn Nightbreeze, I am an elven bard. I apologize for having been so silent during this story, but you see I've been a little bit busy saving the party and investigating the history of this strange sword called Darryl. So far, what I have is pretty skimpy, but it's more than we knew before. The earliest owner of Darryl that I could find was someone named George. George was the owner of a bar and apparantly made a move on the wrong girl, because her boyfriend, the assassin, used him for practice. After George's demise, the sword passed to a man named Cliff, who met his end with a succubus. A lady named Charlene owned the sword next, in a moment of clear thought, she decided to quit adventuring, and passed the sword on to her son, who was promply killed by dwarves and eaten by troggs. That's all I've been able to find so far, but believe me I'll keep looking. I'm still not entirely sure whose side the sword is on (especially after that back stabbing thing!) As far as the story goes, the rogues are doing a pretty good job (for nonbards) , but everyone keeps leaving out the part where I killed a white dragon with one shot from my crossbow. Oh well, it's not easy being a hero. AS far as that remark from Kolin, I think it's the other way around, instead of only doing half of what itake credit for, I only get credit for half of what I do.
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First Post
Well, Cellwyn. <sigh> A white dragon with one shot. I probably should just let it go. But no! You usually at least tack on that little mumbling sound of "the party helped." But not this time! So this time, you will be brought up for it. You can't get credit for a weak, already hurt, BABY dragon! Barely out of the eggshell. Shame on You!



First Post
Believe it or not . . .

The truth of the matter, as far as that goes. . . Cellwyn killed it, and it wasn't hurt. He just got a lucky shot on the hatchling. I do remember that much about it. For a hatchling, it was dishing out some serious damage. We kinda sorta stumbled onto it, and it flew out(after crystalizing Meepo), and was about to get away. Cellwyn lifts his crowbow up, says a prayer, and skewers it's brain. That's all I remember. :rolleyes:


Rotten DM

Where was I dudes? Oh Ember the unconscious is dead. Floppy and his gang had just finished smoking the peace pipe with the bacon smelling Lt Shelia. The pimply paladin was tripping out that his sword was now glowing since the banjo bard lay out the magic weapon spell. He tried to turn it off but the sword kept glowing! Cool pretty colors! Dig it man.

Suddenly dudes this eavesdropper drops in. This gnome cleric of Pelor had been spying on the party and the bacon man Shelia. As soon as the pig leaves, the glad gnome starts trying to horn in on the party. Floppy and the others agree. Just as Floppy about to down a pint of brew. Guess what happen?

Dudes a dragon flew in!

I announce the fact rather matter of fact. Floppy sprays the Paladin and the cute cleric. Thock the half orc jumps up so fast that he knocks himself out on the ceiling. Elf babe and Tickle beer disappear and start trying to hide in each other shadows.

Then the dragon flew out of my detection range. Tickle beery tries to say the wet spot on her pants was because she slipped and felled into some beer. Lame! Lame oh! Man what an L seven answer!

Once they dragged the half orc up to his bed most of the party decides to check out the fair. The paladin and cute cleric stays behind with the half orc. We start trucking down south spur street. Did no one else notice this was not Mr. Roger's neighborhood? No. Well dudettes, Floppy stopped at a cotton candy booth and was scoping the stage play across the street. It was a far out play man. I mean more far out that Doors and Monkey's team up in the movie "Head". Elf babe is uptight and starts trash talking the actors. They cool with it and ignore her. She starts more trash talk. You know I was downwind of her and could have swore I smelled bacon.

Any way, in the middle of the act a legion of white-bellied accountants crash the scene and start to cut the scene with their axes. I heard of cost cutting but this is ridiculous! These guys are about six feet tall. They have not seen the sun in years. Their skin is a grayish white from smoking and hiding in the fluorescent-lighted offices. Their eyes are closed so they could not see the beauty of the play. About eight of crash the scene, two hit the stage and the others try to make an adventurer sandwich with Floppy as the center meat. The party starts! Hobbits and dogs howl, Elf babe and the torchbearer charge left. And the actors split. Well the pigs crash the party at the end just before the final cut delivered by Floppy. The head pig um Lt Shelia has put the word out that we are cool. So the pigs get to clean up the mess and send us our merry way.

We go visit the grandma dwarf smith Shoe mama! She is in tune with crowd and has heard about Floppy's big hero scenes. We get top prices from Lurch's pals armour and weapons. In fact, she cuts a deal and scores on some top quality magic weapons. No brownies thou. Bummer!

Later after we start to crash at the Happy Hobbit, the town's people throw us a party at the Crusty Crab. Lots and lots of munchies dudettes. Floppy is putting the moves on one stoned waitress. I thought I saw Tickle berry and Elf babe lift some pouches but could not be to sure. Elf babe gets uptight when one of the merchants pinches her on the cheek and blows the party with the torchbearer. About midnight, the party shuts down and Floppy and gang head for the Happy Hobbit.

Suddenly from out the dark alley an deep throated voice yells, "hey Heroes"

Floppy replies "yes you zero!"

Then Floppy chills out. Way out! An icicle hangs off his nose, and more icicles are forming are his ears. An ogre turns around and farts in our general direction and all but Floppy gives chase.
Well the party starts. The halfling and gnome cut loose their dog pack after the ogre. Tickle beer start climbing the walls. And the party starts.

When it ended, the ogre was down, the dogs had chewed two rogues up, and two more of the accountants had their ledgers closed. And sorcerer sung spells no more. We also found two more rogues deep in the alleyways which Ember chick killed. It appears she got turn around in the darkness and ran forward into them. And on her way back to the group the accountants cash her chips and closed book on her.

Well the party winded her in a couple of cloaks and looted the dead. They scored lots of potions, some nice crossbows, a few rings, and some pipes.

Dudes you know what they then did?

In the morning they threw Ember into a coffin. Then they left the bard and dogs behind to discover what the ring was. The big cheese eater himself the Mayor was going to speak at eight in the morning. What a god awful early time to speak in the morning. Dudes. Guess what?

The head pig is a Republican and is lay down the LAW! He orders the fair shut down. The gates closed and lock. And is going on a man headhunt against EVIL! And those who just enjoy a drag or two off of the good stuff. And what was it he said. Oh "Those transient elements which are well known to cause disruption to the peaceful and lawful order of the town." Pigs speak for adventurers.

Dudettes! Guess what? Something major uncool. This Ralph Nader hater, big band lover, has called up Lurch to be the head pig. Floppy and his buds slide out the back of the crowd and Dee Dee back to the inn.

Well it about four o'clock and the bard is still strumming on the old lute.

I am going looking for some brownies. And some incense, Ember chick is getting ripe!


Rotten DM
Dudes kell wind is mostly right.

George was an adventurer. In town one day he pinched an exotic dancer. Her boyfriend an assassin took exception to this.

Sorry about the backstabbing thing. Floppy got excited and thrust too early.

I let the party buy a couple of +1 due to fact I have rotating players and want to level out the magic. So most everyone would have access to magic in combat.


First Post
Let someone lucid speak. . .

:rolleyes: Leave it to ole wind-vane-should-be to get it wrong! I never even heard about the dragon! After cleaning out the temple as much as possible we went back to the fair to do some odd jobs(No, I wasn't in the temple, one near death experience was enough, thank you. I was speaking of the group as a whole). We didn't know what to do with the temple, so we left the gate open. Stupid us, if only we knew that we could close it! Ah well, here's how it all went down:
we were as usual, congregated at the happy Hobbit. Healing and recuperating, and a gnome cleric, known to some of us, decides to throw in with us to earn money to LEAVE!
There's not that many jobs out there, and we KNEW we weren't ready to deal with the gate at the temple, so we decide to collect bounties on were rats. We had taken the items garnered from the temple fight to a reputable armorer, and exchanged them for magical weapons that could HURT things. I even got a magic bow, and sword! (As you will soon see, this is a VERY good thing.)
Out and about at the fair, we view a silly, rotten play. Thing is, things get so rotten, some ugly creatures come out to disrupt it. I think the things are called grimlocks. All I know is that they are tough, and Ugly. Taking up my usual vantage point (one of Billen's dogs buys me the necessary time) I start shooting the things. The fight doesn't last long after that. The guard shows up just in time to view the aftermath. How helpful.
After all this, the town decides to throw us a major shin-dig. We can't help but go, even as tired as we were.
Cool party, lots of smoozing. I don't spot any thing even remotely interesting to flirt with. I'm rather happy when it peters out. The only thing to recommend it is the food, and drink. At least they got the mushrooms right. Ah, well.
Leaving was interesting.
We didn't get halfway down the block when this voice, like something heard from the bottom of hell, cries out " . .. . heroes.. .", or something like that, and Kol'n replies "Yes?" Suddenly, Kol'n is covered in ice. Billen sics the dogs down the alley after the voice. Ember charges in, and I take the high road. I do my best work from a distance. The rest of the party, minus Kol'n follows suit. ( I don't think Lana was there, she went on to bed early, with the new guy.)
I catch up in time to see these thieves down in the alley fighting Billen and the dogs. THen trouble shows up. It looks like an ogre mage? Are those allowed? Between me and the bard, he goes down. I shoot an extra arrow to make sure the thing is dead. It doesn't move. I think my job is done.
Grimlocks arrive. I am really starting to hate these guys. I plunk arrows into them until this obscuring mist closes in. Oh, I am gleeful! Don't these guys know they just handed the fight to me? I climb down under the cover of the mist. I can now here Kol'n and Cellwyn adding their collective spellcasting backup. I'm carefully making my way toward the grimlocks. I want behind them, and I don't want to get hit in return. I find my vantage point, and stick my sword in their kidneys. I get three real good strikes on the both of them, while Billen, dogs, and someone else, I couldn't see who, keeps them busy. Oh, sometimes, it really pays to be a (ahem) procurer.
Unfortunately, I find at the end of the fight, that we have lost Ember. She had gotten lost amid the mazes, and killed, separated from us. We will find a way to bring her back, so we brought her back to the Happy Hobbit. The cleric, in asking for divine intervention, got instructions for closing the evil gateway. Luck! Then we were summoned for announcements from the Baron(?)
Cellwyn is in the middle of identifying the interesting things we found on the grimlocks from the alley, so the rest of us decide to find out what the decrees are, and boy, are we surprised.
He is closing the fair, and the gates, and the priests of Pelor are now outlaws (including our new friend). No one is to leave, and no one is to fight, and the new "sheriff" is none other than that ugly monstrosity from the temple! I thought they killed it! Well, if something is to be done right, I guess I'll have to see it done. No rest for the cutie!
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First Post
Hee Hee Hee, I beat that stupid sword to the punch!

Warning! Continued spoilers from Speaker in the dreams, or something like that!

Hokay, we are offically hiding out in the Happy Hobbit. Kol'n, Lana, and some of the others could care less. Our Gnomish cleric of Pelor does some serious talking with his higher up, and four potions appear in his hands. He wants me to try one out! Hey, if he doesn't trust his God, I ain't gonna play Guinea Pig!
As we sit talking, and waiting, and waiting, Ember's body is getting riper and riper. Whooh! I cannot stand it! We gotta do something. Celwyn goes out and procures (legally) a big chest. Into the chest goes Ember's body (we keep a lock of hair, though).
Celwyn goes out to see where we might store the chest. He gets stopped by guards, who point him in the right direction. Then he gets stopped by the put together monstrosity from the temple. What luck ( and skill)! The monstrosity doesn't recognize him from the fight. Celwyn did an amazing disguise job. Third time he's stopped, the guards direct him to a supposedly trustworthy storage facility. Sheeyeah, right! The guy wants a gold a day! Celwyn, being a smart bard, looks for an abandoned warehouse. He finds one with no difficulties. So he goes back for the body in a chest.
EERmm, how much help is two hobbits, and a gnome in loading a body on a cart? Riiight. So bump! bump! bump! he drags it downstairs, and this fellow takes pity to help him load it.
"'Cor, guv'nor, whotcha got in there? A body?" Asks the unsuspecting dolt.
"Well, since we are stuck here for the duration, we thought we'd store some of our unnecessary supplies, like cookware and whatnot."
"Right." the helpful, and surprising insightful fellow goes on about his business.
A cat gets very interested in it, and tries to get into it. Surprisingly, he has an uneventful trip back to the chosen spot, and stores the chest. Boy, is somebody gonna be surprised if they open that thing up!
Well, he comes back, and the moment of truth is upon us. Celwn, brave soul, dares the first potion. Then Billen, and I try it. We go invisible. The cleric who summoned them drinks last. Boy, with his faith, you wonder that he became one!
Well, now we are invisible, and we make our way silently to the temple and that column of fire. We go around to the side door. It's locked, but not for very long. I open it in jig time.
"Ta da!" Lord, what am I doing here? I sure don't wanna be HERE, of all places, HERE!? Oh, well, I said I would have to handle this thing, didn't I? Sheesh.
We-ell, we get to the room, and it has footprints everywhere, and that pillar of fire is bigger than ever, having crumbled the roof as it got taller.
The priest moves into the center, mumbles to himself, and gestures at the fire. It's still there. He scratches his head, mumbles some more, and gestures at the fire. It flickers, but its still there. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Then he smacks himself on the forehead, yells "Of course!" mumbles some more, sprinkles holy water around. Then he mumbles and gestures, and a whole lot of flickering goes on. He mumbles louder, gestures and the flames goe out! Just in time, too.
A tiefling comes prancing in, looks around, and can be heard to say "Either they left in a hurry, or they are still here, somewhere. I must get Alpha and Omega." Yowsers! We left in a hurry then!
Guess who we met on our wild scramble back to the Happy Hobbit. Go on, guess. Yep, none other than old spooky-ugly-Mr. Monstrosity himself. Luckily, he either didn't notice us, or couldn't see us. Either way, we were sure lucky, and don't you know, we really appreciated it!
Well, now we were back to square one, we were stuck in town, but no longer in a smelly room. Unfortunately, plans out of town were Very fragrant: THE SEWERS! The invisibility potions were still going strong, so we loaded up, and headed out of town, via the sewers. Oh, joy.
We got to the entry point, and found it a fairly busy spot. There were a few abandoned buildings that made a nice distraction, once they were set on fire. We got out (I used my riding dog. I'm not a great swimmer). UUUUUUggggghhhhh! The smell was horribly hideous! I thought I was going to have to bathe for a week. As we were climbing out of the river, one of the dogs disappeared. We cleared out, fast. I decided a bath could wait.
We found the halfling encampment, and talked to the old lady there. For one thing, all they could do for us is offer a bath. That we took with gratitude.
Once cleaned, we headed for the city we had brought the dogs from. We found a fighter school, and got two instructors and three students. Oh, boy, send in the halfling army!
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