D&D 5E Advice on Order Cleric/Enchantment Wizard ASI and leveling


I am playing a Mountain Dwarf Oder Cleric 6/Enchantment Wizard 3 who is in Plate and Shield and has shield spell. She has 8 strength, 8 dexterity, 16 Intelligence and 18 Wisdom with Fey Touched on Wisdom with Dissonant Whispers.

This is the first time I have played either of these subclasses. I don't play a lot of clerics to start with and most of my wizards are bladesingers. So this is a unique and different style of play for me.

She is usually in the front and is survivable because of the shield spell, Absorb Elements a high AC and decent hit points. She is awful at attacking though and her best cantrips (shocking grasp, Chill touch) do poor damage.

However since she made 6th level in Cleric I find it pretty awesome to use hypnotic gaze as an action and then cast an enchantment as a bonus action using embodiment of law or use my bonus for healing word/mass healing word (giving an ally a reaction attack) or spiritual weapon. This is usually what she does most turns (maintaining the gaze if she lands it or using it on someone else next turn if she doesn't). She has a ton of enchantments to use for this between her classes: Charm Person, Bless, Dissonant Whispers, Heroism, Command, Hold Person, Tasha's Mind Whip, Suggestion and she even hung onto sleep, which is decent upcasting on a wounded enemy.

So the questions are
1. what stat to boost at Wizard 4 - 18 Intelligence or 20 Wisdom? 20 Wisdom would let her use Embodiment of Law 5 times a day instead of 4, but Intelligence would help her intelligence save DC for Hypnotic Gaze, which she uses A LOT and for her Wizard spells, which are generally the more powerful enchantments she uses.

2. After level 4 should I take more Wizard or more Cleric? The campaign goes to level 12. Either way I have the same number of slots. More wizard will get her 3rd level wizard spells, she would prepare Enemies Abound and probably Summon Fey which upcasts really well and could be upcast ahead of battle. 6th level also gives her instinctive charm, although that might compete with shield. 8 levels in cleric would give her another ASI and 4th level Cleric spells, including Compulsion, Death Ward and Aura of Life. 8th level Cleric would also give her blessed strikes, but I don't see that being used much. If she is not casting a spell, using a magic item or using Hypnotic Gaze as an action she is probably going to either dodge (to support concentration) or help the Monk or Barbarian.
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1. Boosting wisdom allows you to boost spiritual weapon (to hit and damage), since it's non concentration it's a nice alternative the 8 Str (interferes with other bonus actions but that can't be helped).. Also helps with spirit guardians and the like - always nice. Hypnotic gaze is good, but charm effects tend to suffer as levels increase (your mileage may vary). So that's my preference.

2. This REALLY depends on the rest of the party! But from a practical perspective (since we know you top out at 12 and we know what levels your at already), do you want 4th-5th level Cleric spells or 2nd-3rd level wizard spells? Personally, I'd go for the cleric levels. Not as flashy but there's some nice stuff there!


1. Boosting wisdom allows you to boost spiritual weapon (to hit and damage), since it's non concentration it's a nice alternative the 8 Str (interferes with other bonus actions but that can't be helped).. Also helps with spirit guardians and the like - always nice. Hypnotic gaze is good, but charm effects tend to suffer as levels increase (your mileage may vary). So that's my preference.

2. This REALLY depends on the rest of the party! But from a practical perspective (since we know you top out at 12 and we know what levels your at already), do you want 4th-5th level Cleric spells or 2nd-3rd level wizard spells? Personally, I'd go for the cleric levels. Not as flashy but there's some nice stuff there!
Thanks. Rest of the party is a Berserker Barbarian a Cobalt Soul Monk and an Aberant Mind Sorcerer.

I am definitely taking Wizard 4 next for the ASI, so I won't get 5th level Cleric spells, but 4th would be nice I think and a good trade for 3rd level wizard spells, so going Cleric after taking Wizard 4 is the way I am going to go. Since I am the only healer, Death Ward would be good to have I think.

Thinking about it, with spiritual weapon plus 5 uses of embodiment of law from a 20 Wisdom, plus healing word, I will probably have all my bonus actions covered in most fights. I am high enough level that the spells slot for spiritual weapon is not really a big resource drain.


Thanks. Rest of the party is a Berserker Barbarian a Cobalt Soul Monk and an Aberant Mind Sorcerer.

I am definitely taking Wizard 4 next for the ASI, so I won't get 5th level Cleric spells, but 4th would be nice I think and a good trade for 3rd level wizard spells, so going Cleric after taking Wizard 4 is the way I am going to go. Since I am the only healer, Death Ward would be good to have I think.

Thinking about it, with spiritual weapon plus 5 uses of embodiment of law from a 20 Wisdom, plus healing word, I will probably have all my bonus actions covered in most fights. I am high enough level that the spells slot for spiritual weapon is not really a big resource drain.

Yeah, Not getting the ASI is likely too much, even at the cost of 5th level cleric spells. 4th level cleric spells, 2nd level wizard spells and being able to upcast to 6th level should be sufficient, and provides LOTS of versatility.

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