D&D 5E Advice Redemption Paladin 8th level ASI/Feat?


Hi Folks. I would love some advice on 8th level ASI/Feat my Paladin should take

I am not there yet but am looking at the future of this build

At 4th I took Telekinetic for the +1 Cha and the Jedi-like Shove

I am an 8th level Redemption Paladin (Leonin). Relevant Stats: Str 16 Cha 18 Con 14. The other 2 party members are an Evoker Wizard and a Land Druid.

I think I'm going to need more HP due to my 7th level Redemption feature which takes other’s damage for them.

Which would be most advisable at 8th level:

  • +2 CON gets me 8 HP and affects my Lion Roar DC and my Concentration
  • Inspiring Leader buffs the other 2 squishy’s as well as me per short rest
  • Tough gets me 16 more HP

I’m very much a support/protector tank so am assuming that the main answer will be Inspiring Leader.

Also, can I afford to go until 12th before bumping my Strength to 18? (I also have Sacred Flame from Blessed Warrior btw)

Many Thanks for your comments/thoughts/time.

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As long as i get to be the frog
I'd stay focused on Charisma. Here's the benefits.

  • Your Control Spells (Hold Person and Hpynotic Pattern @ level 9) become better and controlling enemies tends to be more effective at preventing damage than a little extra hp/temp hp.
  • Spells like wrathful smite and compelled duel can be better for your hp by incentivizing enemies to attack your higher AC instead of your allies lower AC's. Charisma increase the chances these work.
  • Heroism is a great spell to stay alive when you are taking alot of damage. The Charisma helps with the saves and boosts the hp it will provide.
  • Your saves and the parties become much better. Having a 3 person party means you never want to have even a single member disabled and also means everyone is much less likely to lose concentration.
  • It improves your ranged DPR (incentivizing you to stay back with the casters and keep them in your aura's).
  • It improves your social out of combat abilities (persuasion/deception/intimidation).
  • You may very well find a strength enhancing item which would make the investment in strength be pointless
  • *Not related to Charisma but Aid also can improve your hp (and parties). I highly recommend it for your character.
  • *Not related to Charisma but both the wizard and druid can use summons meaning having a better ranged attack becomes more valuable.
Anyways, that's my thoughts.
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I'd stay focused on Charisma. Here's the benefits.

  • Your Control Spells (Hold Person and Hpynotic Pattern @ level 9) become better and controlling enemies tends to be more effective at preventing damage than a little extra hp/temp hp.
  • Spells like wrathful smite and compelled duel can be better for your hp by incentivizing enemies to attack your higher AC instead of your allies lower AC's. Charisma increase the chances these work.
  • Heroism is a great spell to stay alive when you are taking alot of damage. The Charisma helps with the saves and boosts the hp it will provide.
  • Your saves and the parties become much better. Having a 3 person party means you never want to have even a single member disabled and also means everyone is much less likely to lose concentration.
  • It improves your ranged DPR (incentivizing you to stay back with the casters and keep them in your aura's).
  • It improves your social out of combat abilities (persuasion/deception/intimidation).
  • You may very well find a strength enhancing item which would make the investment in strength be pointless
  • *Not related to Charisma but Aid also can improve your hp (and parties). I highly recommend it for your character.
  • *Not related to Charisma but both the wizard and druid can use summons meaning having a better ranged attack becomes more valuable.
Anyways, that's my thoughts.
Wow. Thanks loads for your thoughts, time to sift through this and all your advice. Would you advise Charisma to 20 above all else? This seems like a courageous move but am happy to do so.


As long as i get to be the frog
Wow. Thanks loads for your thoughts, time to sift through this and all your advice. Would you advise Charisma to 20 above all else? This seems like a courageous move but am happy to do so.
It depends a lot on if you will adopt a playstyle that supports it. Hanging back near casters and using ranged cantrips until enemies approach. Using defensive and control spells more than smites. Using heroism, healing and aid as your method for supporting taking hits for them. Using fewer smites.

This doesn’t mean never melee or smite but mostly do so when enemies are closing in on your caster allies instead of just charging forward.

If your going to charge forward to engage then I’d suggest going inspiring leader.

but if you are willing to adopt that playstyle (I feel it will be the most effective) then I would advise 20 cha above all else.
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