D&D (2024) After my players tried to break it, we discovered that the new half-race rules are hilarious and terrible.

one flaw with that it will be used to min-maxing beyond the levels even the godhead intended.
It's hard to say if A5e's way of dealing with mixed heritages could lead to min-maxing. Plus heritage isn't the only thing being considered when designing the origins for your character. There's Culture, Background and Destiny too.

I do believe, however, that some heritage/heritage gift combos are better than others.

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I crit!
I think the way to fix it is to make it a background and give each race a feat that any other race can take as that background if they are of mixed origin.

Leave the rules as they are now just add these feats if a mixed race player wants something more.

The 1dnd rules treat half races as if they were wizard experiments or mutants, randomly getting "traits" from either parent. (and actually, this is mostly a consequence of dnd looking at 19th century race science and saying, "hmm, what if our fantasy world actually did operate that way?" I suppose next they add a spell that allows you to determine blood quantum).

That being said, OP is a great idea generator for a science fantasy game


I think the way to fix it is to make it a background and give each race a feat that any other race can take as that background if they are of mixed origin.

Leave the rules as they are now just add these feats if a mixed race player wants something more.
So like an elf-human (with human stats) taking a background with the Elven Accuracy feat, and a human-elf (with elf stats) taking the Prodigy feat?

Voidrunner's Codex

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