Paizo After the PF Savage Worlds Kickstarter...what other RPG systems would you like to see Paizo team up with?

Given the awesome success of Savage Pathfinder, and the good feelings and win-win-win synergy it engenders, I wonder if Paizo might replicate that "easy money" by teaming up with other RPG companies that have done enormous Kickstarters.

Such as Monte Cook Games, since at $4M, their Numenera videogame was one of the largest Kickstarters ever. A Pathfinder Cypher System Kickstarter would convert the key Pathfinder classes/ancestries/spells/etc to Cypher, along with the world of Golarion, and at least one Adventure Path. Even though it's not PF2, it builds the Pathfinder/Golarion "culture" and player network.

What other systems/companies could be a fruitful team-up for Paizo? There are several metrics. Even if the game doesn't have huge fanbase in terms of, say, active campaigns on Fantasy Grounds or Roll20, if the game has a track-record of supporting large and successful Kickstarters, then it could be a fruitful venture for Paizo. For example, the Classic RuneQuest Kickstarter raised $200K, which isn't pocket change. Imagine a Pathfinder RuneQuest? Or a Pathfinder Old-School Essentials ($490K in two recent Kickstarters)? Or...

Unlike D&D/Hasbro, which for scale reasons, can't/won't collaborate like this, this sort of team-up could even become a specialty of Paizo. Imagine if by 2030, we'd seen twelve Kickstarters for converting Pathfinder/Golarion to twelve different RPG systems?

What team-up/conversion would you like to see?

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A Pathfinder Cypher System Kickstarter would convert the key Pathfinder classes/ancestries/spells/etc to Cypher, along with the world of Golarion, and at least one Adventure Path. Even though it's not PF2, it builds the Pathfinder/Golarion "culture" and player network.

Wait, is this actually happening?

In any case, I know it's not likely, but I would love to see Pathfinder/Golarion and a couple of adventure paths converted to Chronicles of Darkness, probably using some combination of the base rules, and the powers for Werewolf the Forsaken, Mage the Awakening, Changeling the Lost, and Vampire the Requiem.

CofD is simply an excellent system. Highly underrated IMO. It has depth, completeness, and complexity, but that depth is intuitive and serves narrative play. The mechanics are slick, consistent, and very easy to learn, and it can even be adapted to miniature play.


I would be interested in seeing Paizo pair up with some wargame-style game for an alternate take on starship (and mech?) combat. For example, a conversion of starships and starship rules into Full Thrust, X-Wing Miniatures, the FASA rules, the starship rules from Stars Without Number, etc.


Wait, is this actually happening?

In any case, I know it's not likely, but I would love to see Pathfinder/Golarion and a couple of adventure paths converted to Chronicles of Darkness, probably using some combination of the base rules, and the powers for Werewolf the Forsaken, Mage the Awakening, Changeling the Lost, and Vampire the Requiem.

CofD is simply an excellent system. Highly underrated IMO. It has depth, completeness, and complexity, but that depth is intuitive and serves narrative play. The mechanics are slick, consistent, and very easy to learn, and it can even be adapted to miniature play.
Carrion Crown and Tyrants Grasp are the APs I'd think that would be most in the spirit to convert to that system, though they don't occur in the modern age.


Make PF2 seem simple by releasing HERO Pathfinder.
I laughed, but my late GM would probably jump all over this, being he was a published Hero System/Champions author who also was strong PF1/Golarion supporter. (Alas, he passed before PF2 was announced, so I don't know what his thoughts on that would have been.)

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