Against the Giants - your experiences


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I ran my first gaming group through all three adventures in a single night in which we stayed up gaming and didn't sleep at all (we were 15, I think). We had a huge amount of fun, though by the end several guys got killed because people were too groggy to think straight.

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First Post
I'm running G1 in WFRP 2E right now. much lighter in treasure but there is still more loot to be had than most WFRP games. Party is stalking the area outside the keep first trying to kill as many stragglers as they can before they head in. So far they've managed to slay 3 giants in a single encounter, massacred a few lone giants and have not alerted the complex yet. They are very experienced 3500-5000+ XP and even more lucky, having already survived a trip to Lustria.

Voidrunner's Codex

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