AGELESS Campaign Characters & Out-of-Game Talk

orchid blossom

I am waiting for SM to get his character together. However, I had some unexpected issues pop up that consumed a lot of time. We may roll with the concept of Callum if need be.

Stuff happens. I just wanted to make sure the thread didn't languish and become forgotten to the sands of time and then we'd all be sad.

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Queen of Everything
Also, super old version of Ruby, to see if it posts or I have to re-do all of it. She's 8th level now, possibly 9th with whatever XP we get. I'm trying to decide what to do with those levels. This past module was a LOT of fighting and shooting...

edit: This sheet needs a LOT of work, my goodness lol. But at least it's somewhat here.

"Ruby" Constance Grace West
1st Level Rogue, 6th Level Bard
5'8 with long, deep red hair and hazel eyes, 18 years old
Female Human, Follower of Aphrodite

CR 7; Medium Humanoid ; HD 1d6+2(Rogue) , 6d6+12(Bard) ;
HP 56; Init +4; Speed 30;
AC:14 (Flatfooted:10 Touch:14);
Attack +4 base melee, +8 base ranged;
SV Fort +4, Ref +11, Will +4;
STR 10, DEX 18, CON 15, INT 15, WIS 8, CHA 17.

Current XP: 34,726 {7311+1525+780+1180+1970+905+2435+740+1375+4483+4170+702+3625}

  • Appraise +5,
  • Bluff +10
  • Diplomacy +13
  • Disable Device +10
  • Escape Artist +6
  • Gather Information +11
  • Heal +1
  • Hide +6
  • Intimidate +10
  • Profession (Poker) +10
  • Listen +0
  • Move Silently +5
  • Open Lock +11
  • Perform (Sing / Dance) +13
  • Ride +6
  • Search +5
  • Sense Motive +9
  • Sleight of Hand +17
  • Speak Language +2 (Spanish, French)
  • Spot +0
  • Use Rope +5.
Languages: English, Spanish, French

  • Armor Proficiency: light
  • Shield Proficiency
  • Simple Weapon Proficiency
  • Nimble Fingers +2 Disable Device and +2 Open Locks
  • Persuasive +2 Bluff and +2 Intimidate
  • Skill Focus (Sleight of Hand) +3 to any skill
  • Empty

Spells Known (Bard 3/4/3):
Rogue Abilities
  • Sneak attack +1d6 Any victim denied their DEX bonus to AC can be the target of a sneak attack.
  • Traps The character can use the Search skill to locate traps when the task has a DC higher than 20

Bard Abilities
  • Bardic Knowledge: (+5) The character is well versed in many forms of knowledge. The knowledge check receives the listed bonus (equal to level) + Intelligence Modifier
  • Bardic Music Uses: 6/day The character can inspire courage, countersong, fascinate, inspire competence, suggest, or inspire greatness. Dependent on the perform skill
  • Bardic Music: Countersong: Each creature within 30ft of the bard may use the bard’s perform in place of their willpower check in attempts to save vs. sonic or language dependant magic
  • Bardic Music: Fascinate: Able to fascinate creatures within 90ft
  • Bardic Music: Inspire Competence: Can give a +2 competence bonus to any creature within 30ft
  • Bardic Music: Inspire Courage (+1): Allies within 30ft gain +1 morale bonus to Attack and Damage rolls as well as to saving throws vs. charm and fear effects
  • Bardic Music: Suggestion: The bard may make a suggestion to any currently fascinated creature

Magical Cowboy Dagger
Derringer, 2 shot
Pistol, 6 shot, double action
Dagger (hair clip)
9 shot repeating rifle and shotgun
Rifle from the farmhouse with 10 enchanted shells
Pistol from farmhouse, 6 shot, double action
Mexican Fire Rod 32 charges remaining
5 Magical Wands of Fireball Teutonic made, activation words the 7 hills of Rome
- Activation Word -2nd hill of Rome - Quirinal

5 sleep bullets from Judge Isby
Cowboy Ammo
1- 41-calibur rim-fire cartridges that induce sleep once the shell is into the blood stream for a Remington Double-action Derringer
4- 41-calibur Magic Weapon rim-fire cartridges for a Remington Double-action Derringer
9 - 10-guage acidic shotgun shells (as per Melf’s Acid Arrow spell) usable with any 10-guage shotgun

Potions from Dorita…

Silk Robes of the Grace of Aphrodite
Masterwork Thieves Tools
Heart shaped silver earrings with the Queen of Hearts design etched into them, part of a set, gift from Mr. Cook
Ruby and Diamond ring, also from Mr. Cook
Diamond engagement ring from George Eastman, value $2000
Clothes, including lots of new stuff
Perfume and jewelry given to her as gifts by would be suitors
Horse and saddle, stabled at the El Parador Cantina
2 puppies, Mischief and Lucky

All new clothes and items purchased on her New York City birthday shopping spree.
Healing balm acquired by Jane to heal Ruby's scars. Used.

The Lucky Lady Dance Hall, Saloon and Hotel (formally the Lone Star) (25% ownership), owned with Jake Cook, Job Kane and Niles Hoover (now deceased and left to his nephew). Ruby resides at the Lucky Lady.
Ruby's House on Freemont and Main Street Ruby bought the house to avoid unwanted Vampire advances.
Silver Trust 7% share of Silver Mine trust left by Niles Hoover.
The Three Gods Meeting Hall 5% share

Singer Ruby West has a hard time blending into any crowd and that’s the way she usually likes it. She stands tall at 5’8 and has limbs that are long and graceful. Her hourglass figure is set off by a small waist which curves into rounded hips. She considers her best feature to be her full bust and likes to show it off with tight low cut dresses that hug her curves. Her skin is flawless and fair, yet turns a light tan in the hot Arizona sun. Her face has a touch of the exotic, full lips and almond shaped hazel eyes that change color with her mood, green to gold to gray. Her wavy deep red hair reaches to the small of her back. Wild and hard to keep under control, she normally wears it half pulled up and the rest left loose.

Ruby projects an attitude of worldliness and experience. Yet without the attitude and fancy dresses she looks like a young girl, her face untouched by care or worry. Her demeanor is free spirited and carefree.

Constance Grace West was born June 2 of 1863 to William and Alma West of New York City. Being born with a full head of deep red hair immediately put her at a disadvantage, the Harrington Family Curse they called it. The last person in her family who had the same red hair was her grandmother on her mother's side, known to be able to manipulate magic. She was cast out of the family and spent her life traveling the world, occasionally sending Ruby letters. Her parents were highly disappointed with their new baby and never attempted to have any other children. They always kept her at arms length and Ruby spent most of her youth running away from the nanny.

Ruby had no love for school and while her parents constantly pushed her, she did not excel. The only lessons she enjoyed were her singing and dancing lessons, and even those got tedious with constraints and rigid rules. She knew she had other unique talents to fall back on instead and concentrated on manipulating people to get what she wanted, a lesson well learned from her parents. She had few people she trusted and those she did were not the right sort for a daughter of someone with her father’s position to be consorting with.

At the age of 14 Constance was told she was being shipped off to boarding school, to prepare her for marriage to Mr. George Eastman of Rochester. Not wanting to marry or go to finishing school she stole money from her parents and ran away, heading west.

Ruby Doll
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Silver Moon

Experience Points for Story Hour Chapters #92 to #145

Playing Characters
Ruby 5,775
George 5,050
Abigail 4,225
Lawrence 2,875

Mina 1,325
Callum 850
Hardin 825
Cetan 625
Fish 350

Voidrunner's Codex

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