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Airwalkrr's Temple of Elemental Evil (IC)


He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
Aredal approaches the prosperous looking farmhouse and two dogs start barking. As the woman appears in the doorway Aredal walks closer. "Goodday my good woman. I am Aredal, a humble servant of Pelor, and these are my fellow travelers. I was wondering if I may ask you a few questions about this village of yours?"

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The goodwife smiles politely at Aredal and replies in a thick country accent, Oh my, but you're welcome to ask any sorts of questions, young man. What is it you be wanting? As she speaks, you see a few young children step up to the doorway behind her and peer out at your group with curiosity. The littlest one, a girl of no more than two years, hides under the goodwife's skirt as she looks on.


He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
"Ah yes. We have heard of the recent bandit activity around here and came to investigate. Could you be so kind as to tell me who to speak about that? We would also like to know where to find a decent inn. The road has been long and me and my fellows could appreciate a good meal and a place to store our gear while we're in the village. I would also like to speak to the local priest of Pelor, or if there's none in the village maybe a priest of our allied faiths, Heironeus or St.Cuthbert." Aredal smiles at the little girl hiding behind her mother's hem and feels a little ashamed that he doesn't have any of the wooden bead-bracelets he used to make in Crockport. It would have brought a shining smile on the face of this small angel. He decides to make one at the earliest possibility and bring it to this girl.


First Post
Drynethael hangs back, listening to the conversation between the cleric and the local woman. He makes brief eye contact with the goodwife and her children, and a forced smile appears on his face - an all too infrequent sight for the normally stony visaged elf. His long years spent studying and training with the Knights of the Hart in Celene left little room for socializing with those outside the Order. As a result, Drynethael often feels a bit awkward around strangers - particularly strange humans.

It is fortunate, then, that Drynethael met his present companions along the road, the more world wary among them more than capable of making up for his somewhat insular upbringing among the wealthy of Celene. In particular, the cleric Aredal's warm and friendly demeanor allows Drynethael to silently observe the idiosyncracies of human interaction without making a fool of himself in this unfamiliar setting.

As Aredal begins to politely question the woman about bandits, Drynethael's thoughts are brought back to his mission. He dare not disappoint his superiors at the Order. Drynethael intently listens to the woman's answers, attempting to pick up any subtle visual or vocal cues that would indicate anything less than a truthful answer. (//OOC: Sense Motive, if applicable, I hope this is the right way to ask to make a check?//) As he does so, he takes a mental note of apparent prosperity of the farm house and surrounding homes.


First Post
Dolan nods sympathetically. It's that very bandit activity that has brought us here. Thanks for giving us Ashstaff's name. We'll talk to him. May your fire run hot, and your steel temper true.


Vicroar stands patiently by and listens to Aredal's questions and is somewhat amused at the apparent family. All children are similar, he thought to himself. They are so full of life, so curious and amazing, and so innocent. At what point in a child's life does evil take hold? How does one learn to love the darker paths? Aredal had finished his questions and had gotten his answer by the time Vicroar had finished his line of thoughts. Vicroar bowed to the family, Tae si kyr shaer sor cyri eil eir shai paer shorol air. May the gods bless this house and all who live within it. He handed the children two gold coins each and said to the mother, The gold is for them, buy them something to play with. We appreciate your help.

**edit**wrong name
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To Aredal's inquiry about the bandits, the goodwife replies, Well, I suppose you could speak with Rufus and Burne. They live in the tower on the east edge of town and serve as something of the local law enforcement. You could also talk to Jaroo Ashstaff in the grove. He is an elder and would probably know more than I.

Upon mention of an inn, she lights up, as if with pride, Just down the road, she says, pointing to the north, you'll find the Inn of the Welcome Wench. Finest tavern and inn within 10 leagues they say.

However, at the mention of St. Cuthbert, her face grows a bit dour, Followers of the cudgel, she says, are nothing but a nuisance. But if you really wish to speak with them, Terjon heads the church up north, not that I've ever been there. We follow the Old Faith in this family.

When Vicroar hands the children the coins, the children look at them with bewilderment. The goodwife blushes and ushers the children back inside the house. Flustered, she exclaims, Oh my! Well... um. I thank you, I suppose. Good day. She then closes the door.


The blacksmith responds to Dolan's kind words with gratitude, Thank you, friend. I appreciate your good wishes. If you don't mind, I'll be getting back to my work. Health and long days upon you.

Voda Vosa

First Post
"I could use an inn you know? My father use to say 'Mulnock my boy, you are an idiot!' no! wait... thats another story..." the gnome thinks for a few seconds, scratching his pointy beard "Ah yes! he said 'Mulnock my boy, there is no rest to the body and the spirit as the one an inn can provide. Even your bed would get green for the envy an inns bed would rise!' So I said, we should go there. Oh yes. Definitely. My vote goes for the inn! To the inn then...." and he keeps speaking as he walks down to the inn.


First Post
As the party left the woman's farmhouse, Drynethael turns to his companions. "Is it just me, or does this village seem a bit too well off, considering Hommlet's history? Judging by the buildings we've seen so far along the road, it would seem there are more prosperous families living here than not. Surely not all of this can be attributed to good harvests?" Drynethael pauses, brushing a hand through his blonde hair. "I don't know, I mean, it just seems odd to me that the town has recovered so well considering their troubles with the Temple. What do the rest of you think? And I'm afraid my knowledge of theology leaves something to be desired. What did she mean by the 'old religion', Aredal?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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