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Airwalkrr's Temple of Elemental Evil (IC)


Vicroar creeps down the hallway, being careful to watch his step lest he trip any wires or stumble upon loose rocks and make great noise. Unfortunately, the clanking menagerie behind him more than makes up for his stealth with their heavy strides and banging armor, forty feet back though they make be. Still, it seems to Vicroar that there has been no reaction thus far to their presence; that is, until he pokes his head around the corner. Coiled up on top of a pile of loose rubble is an enormous snake, its head rising up at the sound of intruders. Though it hasn't seen Vicroar, it has certainly noticed the noise, and is uncoiling to investigate.

[sblock=Combat]Surprise round begins. The snake acts on initiative 8+4 (12). The party has initiative 11. Vicroar is the only one aware of the snake so he is the only one who may act in the surprise round. The snake has heard the party, but has not seen Vicroar yet, who is still hiding around the corner.

Vicroar acts 1st in surprise, then the snake.
In the regular round, Vicroar, Mulnock, and Dryneth may act, then the snake. After that we move to circular initiative with the whole party acting followed by the snake (if it is still alive by then).[/sblock]


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Dryneth, walking close behind Dolan with bow at the ready, nods solemnly at Vicroar's warning. "Don't worry if you see an arrow fly over your head, Dolan. It's just me." Dryneth smirks momentarily as he lines the arrow shaft up between the horns on the dwarf's helmet. "By the way, ever think of getting a crossbow mounted to that mass of armor?" He grins as he draws his bow, ready to fire upon the snake as soon as it peeks around the corner.

Since it's still the surprise round, I can't take any action, obviously, so I'm just letting you know I have the bow out.
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Daonil moves next to Dolan and hunkers down, trident at the ready and javelin loose on the hip.

OOC: when I get an action, if the snake isn't here, I'm setting for a charge.


Vicroar gets the jump on the snake and launches an arrow its way, but in his haste, he is unable to take time for proper aim and the arrow sails harmlessly past him. The snake uncoils and begins to give hot pursuit.

[sblock=Combat]Vicroar, Mulnock, and Dryneth can now act.[/sblock]


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Vicroar takes two steps back, and stumbles. His faulty footwork causes him to errantly release his arrow. He catches himself and prevent himself from falling, but has little idea where his arrow went.


10ft step backward, then fire. I figured my 11 didn't hit, which is why I had him stumble some lol. I'm running out of excuses as to why he misses.

1st round attack on snake (1d20+3=11, 2d6=7) [/sblock]


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Now that the snake is in view, Dryneth lets loose his arrow. The bow twangs, and the arrow sails effortlessly to its mark. Unfortunately, Dryneth did not put too much power behind the shot, so the missile did not sink in too deeply into the reptile's flesh. Dryneth curses himself as he readies another arrow from his quiver.

[sblock=Combat OOC]
Dryneth uses a standard action to fire at the snake.

Attack Roll: 1d20+5 = AC 21
Damage: 1d6 = 2 HP



OOC: Just to be clear, since Daonil can't act (it's still the surprise round) then I don't have anything to add. Thought I'd mention that in case we were waiting on me.

Voidrunner's Codex

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