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All with the Devious & Underhanded Feats, I need your aid now!


First Post
Vraille Darkfang said:
PS. Crothian, you haven't called some girl's number in the last day or 2 & gotten some hacking, wheezing guy telling you where to stick your phone have you?

That was phlegm? I thought that was what phone sex in the new millennium was!!! :lol:

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Mr. Beef

First Post
A Quick Fix.

If this is a Cellular Phone, then let voice mail handle it. They usually have this setting where you can a computer voice pick up and they play a voice over of you saying your name and they will sooner or later get the point that this is not Amber. If you don't want to be woken up at night you might have to turn off the phone at night and let voice mail handle it. You won't get the important messages until morning, but unless you are in tech support, on medical call or are expecting a call from Asia or Europe I think you can live without it at night.

I was dealing with this sort of thing when I got my first Cellular Phone 6 years ago. I would get calls the first few days that were very intimate and personal for the person who had the number before me. I let voice mail get it and did the whole answer thing and they stopped.

If it is a land line and you don't want to change the number, then get an answering machine (do they still make those?) or pay the extra for voice mail. With voice mail you can filter out the drunks and maybe get something you can record and send to a morning show at your local radio station. You'll still get the important family messages.

If worse comes to worse talk to the guys who call and see if you can get Amber's last name and you can sue her ass. It's the American way. It may be a bit extreme, but it's inconvienced you and she and other people need to learn about fake numbers and how that effects people.

Just my 1/4 pound.

Mr. Beef


First Post
As Mr Beef said, I would try to get more info on her and then track her ass down and pimp slap her. :)

That or as a few other people said, I would tell a nice big lie about her. It'll get back to her eventually. Of course she'll figure out who they heard it from and then you may have to change your number anyways. LOL

Thornir Alekeg

Umm, if she's giving out fake phone numbers to avoid guys, what do you think the odds are she would give them her real last name? If they have that and a phone book or computer they could track her down.


First Post
Thornir Alekeg said:
Umm, if she's giving out fake phone numbers to avoid guys, what do you think the odds are she would give them her real last name? If they have that and a phone book or computer they could track her down.

Or for that matter, her real first name. I know quite a few girls that will give guys a fake first name, knowing they only want to flirt or have a one-night stand. Heck, I know some guys that do that.

I don't think that there's much recourse for you, if you don't want to change your number.

You could consult your local police department, but I'm pretty sure there won't be anything they can do, since they can't find this girl.

If you wanted to be a stalker, and wanted to put in a little effort, I suppose you could try and find patterns with the guys that call. You could find out what bar/club they met her at, what town, a brief description of her, and explain she's given out your number a lot. Perhaps spread the word that you're upset about this, it might get back to her. Also, if she's a regular at a bar, you could call the bar and ask them to talk to her. It's a long shot though. You could also turn over all this information to your local police, so that they might follow up.

Voidrunner's Codex

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