Almost every fantasy show is trying to be D&D or Game of Thrones


Walking dead-my opinion falls off after season 1/2 and seems to get worse and deviates dramatically away from comic but hold onto a semi strong viewership
I thought the first season of The Walking Dead was pretty solid, with the first episode in particular being particularly fantastic. Seriously, TWD had one of the strongest opening episodes of any series I'd ever seen. The series as a whole is very, very uneven, and I think they were plagued by behind-the-scenes drama including the firing of Frank Darabont as showrunner. Despite having a hit on their hands, AMC became overly concerned about the production cost per episode, so the first half of season 2 was a snorfest, though there were still good episodes. Overall, once Andrew Lincoln decided to leave the show, it as probably time to cancel it.

Speaking of adaptations, I don't always care if a series adheres to the source material. I don't think Men in Black would have fared nearly as well if it cleaved too closely to the comic book version. I had read the Walking Dead comic book, but quit during the Governor storyline as I thought it was a bit too much.

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That's not what I'm saying.

The people I saw in the show in wagons, making a subsistence living, according to the show itself, had creases in their clothes from ironing. They're not sure if they have enough to eat, but on their travels between Burning Man and Coachella, they found a place to get their clothes ironed. Even if we accept that they have an iron and an ironing board somewhere, why are they doing this when they have both physical and food security that are their stated high priorities?

I'm not asking for a miserablist rendering of the world. As you say, that's not the tone of things, but it's pretty clear that there's a high level of "eh, who really cares?" on the production team.

I don’t accept your premise that they looked like they had just put on freshly ironed clothing. It’s seemed like a pretty trivial thing to go gunning for. For the most part the women are wearing thick fabrics. But shirts are rumpled and muddied.


Anyway, you are entitled to your opinion. We just disagree.

Say what you think could have been done better sure, but consider that just because it’s an issue for you doesn’t make the show poor or indeed even bother anyone else. I’ve seen too many reviews from biased, reactionary, or just extremely negative people to take unsupported opinions seriously.
So how does your post in general reconcile with the last few seasons of GoT?


I don't read reviews of shows before they start. If it's a fantasy themed show I'll probably give it a shot. None of the fantasy shows were outright terrible the 3 "bad ones" were a bit of a struggle. Then how I rate them is the number of good episodes.

RoP bit of a choir had 2-3 good episodes.

WoT mediocre start to finish no outstanding episodes.

Willow see WoT.

Witcher mostly good start to finish.

Shadow and Bone good from start to finish no dud episodes.

HotD good from start to finish one outstanding episode one of the best GoT ones.

Ymmv of course.

So yeah I'll use that logic to rate the shows. A bad show I can't or won't finish very few shows are that bad Season 1 of TNG and Voyager pulled it off for me in last year or two.

I'm curious, what's the "very political stance" in God of War?
It's a story about the rejection of generational trauma, and an effort to overcome toxic masculinity. Kratos regularly tells his son to 'close his heart to it' whenever something bad happens to a stranger, and yet Kratos clearly is full of rage at the world, rage that caused him to do things he regrets. When he sees that same rage arising in his son, he grapples with raising the kid, because he doesn't want his son to turn out like him, but he also has internalized that being gruff and forceful and heartless is 'right.'

It's also a story about going to great lengths to try to avert what seems like an inevitable war, against a foe who insists on pursuing that war, and trying to change one's own nature so that you don't fall into a predictable tragedy.

Now, all of that is allegorical, but if I told you I was going to make a video game about a man rejecting toxic masculinity and trying to avoid war by learning forgiveness, trust, and love, somebody would call me a woke hippie snowflake, probably.

The main villain, Odin, is sort of the negative parts of capitalism personified -- he pursues 'knowledge' that is undefined, with no specific goal and no mention of how he might use that 'knowledge' to help anyone but himself, which I read as a stand-in for the pointless pursuit of bigger piles of cash rather than using money as a way to pursue improvements in the world. He also uses overwhelming military force (aka, Thor) to force the other realms to submit to him, and in some places that leads to the crushing of local cultures and environment-destroying exploitation of natural resources that leave the residents dependent on a distorted supply chain which invariably siphons prosperity to Asgard and the Aesir.

You seek forgiveness from a woman you've wronged, and she ends up your most powerful ally. Like, you actively risk your life to try to help her and to make amends. You grow as a person in the course of doing so.

And the game repeatedly argues that taking an action simply because it will hurt someone you see as an enemy is unjustified and will end up coming back to hurt you or those you care about.

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