In d20 modern, each class got a bonus to initiative based on class that went up as they levelled. In 5e it would be the equivalent of proficiency but proficiency is equal across all PCs at each level. Obviously, Fast Heroes, had the highest bonus.
I also like the idea of taking several aspects of a character to make an initiative stat. You'd have a formula, like armour class, to generate your initiative score. I'm not sure how you would do this but some options for the formula could be:
Proficiency: but you have to use a skill slot in order to add your proficiency to Initiative
Perception or important skill: proficiency in a particular, narratively appropriate skill(s) adds +1
Level Tier: +1 tier 1, +2 tier 2 etc..to tier 4
Feat: adds a static bonus
Class feature: some classes might give a bonus.
Any stat over "x" adds +1. I'd default this to 18.
Armour type: heavy -2; medium -1
Size: tiny: +2; small +1; medium+0; Large -1 etc...
I also like the idea of taking several aspects of a character to make an initiative stat. You'd have a formula, like armour class, to generate your initiative score. I'm not sure how you would do this but some options for the formula could be:
Proficiency: but you have to use a skill slot in order to add your proficiency to Initiative
Perception or important skill: proficiency in a particular, narratively appropriate skill(s) adds +1
Level Tier: +1 tier 1, +2 tier 2 etc..to tier 4
Feat: adds a static bonus
Class feature: some classes might give a bonus.
Any stat over "x" adds +1. I'd default this to 18.
Armour type: heavy -2; medium -1
Size: tiny: +2; small +1; medium+0; Large -1 etc...