D&D General Alternate Stats for Initiative [+]

Pathfinder 2e uses perception as initiative but sometimes the DM might call for something else. In the examples given, they use stealth when trying to avoid detection, or deception or diplomacy if it is a social encounter. I think that's a pretty cool idea to have a few choices for different situations.

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i wonder about what if each class had their own stat/choice of stat that was used to calculate their iniative bonus, and not always their 'best' stat, like, hey, a wizard needs WIS to properly comprehend the situation before they can start flinging around spells, but a fighter can use STR or DEX which they're good at! maybe a sorcerer needs CON to represent drawing up their internal magic...

I'm a fan of Shadow of the Weird Wizard initiative system.

Monsters go first, PCs go last. Players can spend their reaction at the beginning of the round to "Take the Initiative", letting them go before the monsters.

But, there are a lot of class features that require a reaction; by Taking Initiative, the player is locking themselves out of a lot of abilities.

Characters in heavy armor can't Take the Initiative.

I havent read the thread but why not just let a player choose any Skill they have to make an Initiative check?

A Fighter gets to roll Athletics to show how they're always ready for action, Bard gets to use Insight because they see an opening and take the risk, a Wizard might even use Arcana to notice that theres a disturbance in the force/weave.

My current approach is "popcorn initiative" with each person acting deciding who moves next of those who haven't acted this round. As for who starts, whoever triggers the fight gets a roll with an appropriate stat or even skill, with dexterity being appropriate for quick draws. More common is Intelligence for laying and triggering an ambush, charisma for a "social ambush" (i.e. they know you are there but not that you are about to shank them) and wisdom for defence.

And fair fights are for suckers

In my 5e games, martial characters gain access to mini-feats, like Warlock invocations, that give them a permanent boost. While some are common to all martial classes, some of them are exclusives .

Fighters, Monks and Rangers get access to one that allows them to make a Perception check in the place of initiative. Rogues gain access to one that allows them to make a Stealth check in the place of initiative.

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